Standard index 1970-79
1970 ⮞ 1971 ⮞ 1972 ⮞ 1973 ⮞ 1974 ⮞ 1975 ⮞ 1976 ⮞ 1977 ⮞ 1978 ⮞ 1979 ⮞
- Book Review: War and people
- Book Review: Enoch Powell exposed
- 50 Years Ago: Socialist Ideas and Empty Phrases
- Do races exist?
- The case for Socialism
- Colour prejudice is just an idea
- Immigration fallacies
- Can you think?
- The issue at Pinkville
- The cause of conflict
- Pamphlet Review: The People’s Democracy: Old nonsense from a new quarter
- Confusion Confounded
- The Socialist Party and the Common Market
- Letter: The Irish Border question
- Party News: Saturdays evenings at No. 52
- Obituary: Comrade R. Milbourne
- South Africa’s “Communists”
- Picking the winner
- Party News: Irish Partition Discussed
- Letter: Socialism and Religion
- Hey, Mr. Speaker: Socialism can work
- The Myth of fair wages
- 50 Years Ago: Government by Labour
- The Labour Government: Are they bunglers?
- The Vicious Circle
- Aspect: Capitalist education
- Book Review: “Uncle Sam is wicked”
- Slaughter in Vietnam
- Aspect: A Question of Class
- Socialism and Planning
- Who are the Democrats?
- Principles of Socialism
- Money for Biafra
- Book Review: Where is Russia going?
- Letter: Without conflict?
- 50 Years Ago: Engels on The Materialist Conception of History
- The mad world of capitalism
- Labour’s run up or run down
- European pollution year
- Brighton Councillor’s allegations: The facts
- Book Reviews: Trade Unions
- Book Review: Not democratic
- Obituary: Comrade Bill Waters
- Book Review: Listen, Anarchist!
- Editorial: Lenin: Just a Russian Revolutionary
- Lenin v. Marx on the State
- Note
- Where to buy the Socialist Standard
- Did Lenin Admit Defeat?
- 50 Years Ago: Freedom of the Press in 1920
- Law & Order or Justice
- GLC Election Manifesto
- France – Here We Are Again
- French “Communists” Support Wages System
- Did Lenin Admit Defeat?
- Inside the Bolshevik Cul-de-sac
- State Capitalism for Russia
- Imperialism and Opportunism
- Lenin and the ‘Socialist Standard’
- Canada to grow no wheat in 1970
- Capitalism and apartheid
- “Anti-apartheid” denounced
- Violence in politics
- Another look at law and order
- Free transport in London
- Left versus Right
- Letters: The Labour theory of value; Beyond wages
- Cows massacred while people need milk
- A socialist view of Austrian politics
- Socialist Activity in New Zealand
- Party news: Tories again win London
- 50 Years Ago: Capitaism’s Dark Hour
- Election Manifesto
- A ride on the merry-go-round
- Socialism or Anti-apartheid?
- More Labour dishonesty
- Historical materialism
- Letters: What about Vietnam?
- Book Review: Revolutionists in London
- Where Orwell went wrong
- Productivity Deals
- Book Review: The Majority Revolution
- Book Review: The limits of protest
- 50 Years Ago: Justice and Social Revolution
- Correction: Socialism and Communism
- Lenin’s What Is To Be Done?
- 50 Years Ago: On Socialism in Russia
- New Engels Translation
- General Election — Comments
- Letter: Unfair to Fascists
- Something is wrong with the world
- Employers know people aren’t lazy
- The Government Training Centres — A key to whose future
- Everything has its price
- Party News: About Ourselves
- Capitalism in China — Whose Side Are We On?
- Letters: An Anarchist Listens
- Debate with “International Socialists”
- About Ourselves
- Obituary: A. S. Wilson
- Election Results
- Robens Admits it Again
- Book Review: ‘The Buckminster Fuller Reader’
- World Administration: A Framework for Socialism?
- World Mineral Resources: Enough to Last
- Food Production: The World Can Feed Us All
- World Poverty and Birth Control: Malthus Was Wrong
- Not Too Many People
- Progress Perverted: The Technology of Abundance
- Capitalism – Waste and Want
- The Social Nature of Modern Production
- Human Needs and World Resources
- Editorial: Labour Party Hypocrites
- Stone walls and iron bars
- Letters: Solidarity; Apartheid
- Book Review: Producing Plenty No Problem
- Book Review: Plenty for Everybody
- 50 Years Ago: What the Strike fever points to
- The Tories and rising prices
- How to combat Fascism
- Automation under Capitalism
- Obituary: Harold Holt
- Book Review: ‘Karl Marx on Colonialism and Modernization’
- Capitalism’s Contradictions
- More on free transport
- Socialism: What it means
- Quote on food production
- Political action for Socialism
- Religion and Society
- Book Review: The same everywhere
- Black Power
- Remember Labour’s record
- The emptiness of self-determination
- Are there too many houses?
- Leters: Violence, State Capitalism, Russian Reolution
- 50 Years Ago: Distribution in Socialist Society
- Book Review: Does Mao provide the Answer?
- Jamaica: The task ahead
- THe Marxist view of Russia
- Book Review: ‘Robert Tressell and The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists’
- Book Review: ‘The Irrational in Politics’
- Book Review: The case for industrial uion
- Production for profit
- Correction: Malthus and overpopulation
- A visit to eastern Europe
- Marxism and Russia
- 50 Years Ago: Class struggle industrial and political
- A Study in Hypocrisy
- Capitalism in Poland
- Putting on the style
- The common ownership of the means of production
- Too much of a good thing
- The War in Vietnam
- Unite for Socialism
- A Question of Incentives
- Cathy — no home to go to
- Pamphlet Review: ‘Marxism and Market Socialism’
- Book Review: ‘The Insurrectionists’
- Book Reviews: ‘Celtic Nationalism’, ‘Scottish Nationalism’, & ‘Wales: A Nation Again!’
- From Marx to Milton Friedman
- Editorial: Does Heath Want a General Strike?
- Going to the dogs
- Concern for causes
- To workers from Ireland
- Enclosing the sea bed
- 50 Years Ago: What a Labour government would do
- Letters: More on Mosley; No Demos
- Book Review: Marx’s Capital
- The Industrial Relations Bill: Tories attack workers
- Book Review: Using the sea
- Party News: The Socialist Party and War
- A Socialist on Religion
- Cowardly weapons
- Book Review: Irish Republicanism
- Book Review: ‘Russell Remembered’
- 50 Years Ago: Bombers To Extend British Influence
- Party News: New pamphlet: The Socialist Party and War
- Politics
- Tory hypocrisy
- After nationalisation
- What causes war
- A correct account of Marxism
- Motives of militarism
- World at work
- Book Review: Divided Ireland
- Obituary: Albert Young
- Increasing Misery
- Shadow of a Gunman: The Irish Republican Army
- Editorial: Let’s have free access
- Notice
- Northern Ireland 1970 – What price civil rights
- Decimalisation
- Obituary: Stanley Killingbeck
- The Role of Money
- World at Work: Slaughter of South American Indians for Oil
- At home . . . and Abroad
- Enoch Powell on Inflation
- 50 Years Ago: 50 Years Ago: H. G. Wells as Historian
- Book Review: ‘Where Marx Went Wrong’
- Obituary: Tom King
- Relative Wages
- 50 Years Ago: More production, more unemployment
- A Bang or a whimper
- World at Work: R.R. Joins B.R.
- Law and what?
- Party News: Meetings on South Africa and Womens Liberation
- Paris 1871
- Coming up for Orwell
- Obituary: Rudolf Frank
- Karl Marx and the Paris Commune
- Marxism in Chile?
- Book Review: War resisters
- 50 Years Ago: On Being Constructive
- The Post Office strike
- False friends and industrial relations
- Is Housing a Right?
- The Permissive Society
- Was Dutschke subversive?
- High Wages and Low Profits
- Book Review: ‘Conscience and Politics’
- Book Review: ‘Qui Gouverne à Moscou?’
- The Rate of Profit
- Up in Arms
- Population and Pollution
- Swedish Socialist journal
- Robert Owen – Utopian Socialist
- Editorial: Another Anti-Strike Bill
- A long way to the town hall
- Stormont follies
- 50 Years Ago: “Black Friday”
- At Home and Abroad . . .
- Book Review: About Robert Owen
- Book Review: The origins of socialist theory
- Latin America 1: Economy and Investment
- Conference Discusses Reforms
- Labour Time Vouchers
- John Davies tells all
- Socialists to stand in London Borough elections
- The same old story
- Corrections
- Ecology: The first decade
- BP’s profits and the pipeline
- Foulness: A pretence that all is well
- Marx and Keynes on Unemployment
- The Monday Club Tories
- Latin America: 2 Tomorrow’s prospects
- Book Review: Chicago aftermath
- Book Review: Gospel According to St. Eldridge
- Book Review: Economi Nonsense
- Review
- London Borough Election Results
- What About the Common Market: A Socialist Guide
- The End of Bangla Desh
- Review: At Home and Abroad
- Can Banks Create Credit?
- The educated working class
- Free transport or free access?
- The Labour Party
- Pamphlets Review: The Back-To-Work Service
- Film Review: The McMasters
- 50 Years Ago: What makes Socialists?
- Book Review: How Green Was My Peregrine
- The twin tigers of Bengal
- What is obscenity
- Revolt on the Clyde
- Left, Right – Strange Bedfellows
- All Coppers are Workers
- Northern Ireland’s World of Violence
- “Too Much Food” again
- News
- Engels: The Man and His Work – Part One
- Book Review: ‘The English and Immigration’
- 50 Years Ago: The Problem of Unemployed Women
- Northern Ireland After Internment
- The trade war hots up
- Ted’s all at sea but does it matter?
- For New Readers: What We Are Not
- The Death of Khrushchev
- Review
- Engels: The Man and His Work – Part Two
- Workers Councils
- Book Review: Squaring the Circle
- 50 Years Ago: The Problem of Unemployment
- The Right to be Lazy
- The End of “Full Employment”?
- Malicious damage
- Aspect: Marx’s Critique of Political Economy
- Review November 1971
- Now they say there’s too much electricity
- To Join or Not to Join? That’s not the question
- What We Stand For
- Don’t be fooled by words
- Letters: The UCS “Take Over”
- Book Review: ‘The Future of Work and Leisure’
- Book Review: Suez Intrigue
- Book Review: Communal Housing
- Moneyless or Not
- 50 Years Ago: Futile Appeals For Disarmament
- Tories Again Steal Labour’s Clothes
- Northern Ireland: The Gentle Art of Interrogation
- Doing the splits
- Report on Clydeside
- The Slump Deepens
- Warning — This System is Dangerous
- Review December 1971
- Book Review: Non-Revolutionary Unionism
- Book Review: ‘Rich Against Poor’
- 50 Years Ago: Russia’s New Economic Policy
- Pakistani Punch-Up
- Background to the conflict
- Review January 1972
- Open Letter to Jimmy Reid, Communist shop steward, Upper Clyde Shipbuilders
- Education and Sex
- The futility of violence
- Book Reviews: ‘On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation’, & ‘An Essay on The Principles of Population’
- Book Review: ‘Ireland Her Own’
- Book Reviews: From a Russian Prison Camp
- Book Review: Trotsky On Lenin
- Book Review: The Conspiracy Trial
- Marxist Ideas in Britain
- 50 Years Ago: ‘Adopting’ the Unemployed
- The Miners’Strike
- Review
- Why must the rent go up?
- A good time coming?
- Stalin Turns Left
- The fair rent system
- Student Unions
- Letter: Women’s freedom
- Book review: Civilization?
- 50 Years Ago: The Growing Unemployment
- Editorial: The Thirteen Derry Dead
- The Miners’ last stand
- Book Review: What is class?
- Reform Becomes Revolution
- Raising of the school leaving age
- A Tenth of Marx’s ‘Grundrisse’
- Capitalism Causes Pollution
- Review: March 1972
- 50 Years Ago: The Attack on Engineers’ Wages
- How to feed the hungry
- BookReview: The Oppressed Sex
- Excuses, Excuses
- Obituaries: Harold Barlow & Claud Godfrey
- Materialism Vindicated
- The Worker’s Weekend
- The Pendulum Swings Back
- From Orange Law to Whitelaw
- Social Work: The Stretcher Bearers
- Unemployment in Russia
- Review April 1972
- Conference Report
- Book Reviews: ‘The Concept of Nature in Marx’, & ‘Alienation – Marx’s Conception of Man in Capitalist Society’
- Death of a Publisher
- Our Opinion Of Marx
- Return to Labour
- The things they say
- 50 Years Ago: Class War in West Virginia
- Book Review: ‘Hayter of the Bourgeoisie’
- The Thoughts of Professor Marcuse
- Left Extremism – Capitalist Con-trick
- Erich Fromm and Free Access
- Is Mankind doomed?
- Agriculture: Profits versus Plenty
- Of Wars Hunts & Elections
- Review June 1972
- Book Review: Inquest on the last Labour government
- Book Review: What Marx thought
- Wot no leader
- Bismarck’s Communist Heirs
- Does Capitalism Work?
- An office worker’s view
- Limits of T.U. Action
- Bernadette Devlin quote
- Apologies
- 50 Years Ago: Action for Socialism
- Party News: A Big Thank You!
- Obituary: J. E. Roe
- Obituary: J. Flower
- Jesus Christ!
- 50 Years Ago: The Way Out For Irish Workers
- Merely a Town Rising
- Party News: For Socialism
- Review: July 1972
- The Irish Capitalist Republic
- The Aristocrats
- The Floating Pound
- Book Review: ‘Technological Eating’
- Mind in a Cul-de-Sac: Laing
- Majority Understanding V. Direct Action
- Make-Believe Revolutionaries: Two Case-Histories of Direct Action
- The Five Jailed Dockers
- Background to Northern Ireland: “A Protestant Government”
- The establishment of Socialism
- Dishonest Tactics
- Planners’ roulette
- China: Next in Lin?
- Letter: Rents: To Pay or Not To Pay?
- Pamphlet Review: Is Socialism Left?
- This Capitalist World
- Sixty Years Ago
- Labour’s programme for capitalism
- The ABC of Inflation
- Does Class still Count?
- The I.L.P. as the ‘Open’ Party
- The Cynicism of Capitalism: 1: Come and exploit our Africans
- The Cynicism of Capitalism: 2: Partners Wanted
- Review September 72
- Massacre of Fruit
- Some Definitions
- Book Review: The Bolsheviks and Workers’ Control
- 50 Years Ago: The Way of Peace
- Censorship and Freedom: the Longford Report
- The Presidential Election: “As Long As It’s Black”
- Stalin’s Successors & Censorship
- Trade Unions in China
- Book Review: ‘Critique of Marcuse’
- The Prison Riots
- Vietnam-again?
- The Freeze and after
- Anti-Affluence: the Debt-Ridden Society
- Marx and Engels on Ireland
- An Open Letter to Dave Douglass
- Work As You Please (“It Would Never Work”)
- Lenin and the State
- Correspondence: More about Rents
- Corrrespondence: The Belgian “Socialist” Party
- Book Review: Black History (Red and Black by Eugene D. Genovese)
- Book Reviews: ‘Socialism and the Great War’, & ”Marx before Marxism’ (McLellan)
- Book Review: Russia’s Rich Men (The End of Inequality? by David Lane)</;i>
- 50 Years Ago: Christmas shopping
- Cartoon: Jack finds out about capitalism
- Are you anti-social?
- Fair Shares or Free Access
- What We Say About The Angry Brigade Trial
- Russia: An Underground Document
- Revolting business
- Eire constitution changed
- Preventing Abundance
- 50 Years Ago: Is It Work We Want?
- Encouraging election news from New Zealand
- Britain Enters The Common Market
- The Enemy on the Left!
- Book Review: ‘From Marx to Hegel’
- Book Review: ‘Rosa Luxemburg Selected Political Writings’
- Northern Ireland: Unite for Socialism!
- Is Religion Any Different Today?
- Unemployment – Fact and Myth
- Man and the Sea. Resources for Society’s Future
- More Censorship
- The Economics of War
- He gave us Hell! [Harry Truman]
- Is Parliament a Sham?
- The Enemy on the Left! – ‘Tribune’
- Book Reviews: ‘The Rise of the Irish Trade Unions 1729-1970’ & ‘A History of the Irish Working Class’
- Book Reviews: ‘The French Communist Party Versus the Students’ & ‘British Capitalism, Workers and the Profits Squeeze’
- Socialist Jailed in Sweden – ‘Times’ Uninterested
- Party News: To Our Readers
- 50 Years Ago: Scarce houses and high rents</.lI>
- Book Review: Dissatisfied Customer
- What can a capitalist do?
- Crisis and Revolution
- Letter: The Labour Party and Ourselves
- 50 Years Ago: This Age of Discontent
- Party News: We Fight G.L.C. Elections
- Party News: To Our Readers
- Short story: . . A Much More Private Letter
- An Open Letter to ‘Workers’ Fight’ .
- ‘Le Programme Commun’: The General Election this month in France
- Twenty Years Since Stalin
- The Poison of Nationalism
- Russia ‘State Capitalist’ – Another Voice
- On the Eve of the Referendum in Northern Ireland – Workers Have a Choice!
- The Enemy on the Left! – ‘New Statesman’
- The Enemy on the Left! – Jean-Paul Sartre
- The Economics of Unemployment
- The Semantics of State Capitalism
- 50 Years Ago: On Eliminating The Unfit
- Human Nature: Man’s Hope
- “Huffing and Puffing”
- Letters: The Harsh Realities of School
- Party News: Greater London Council Elections: The Socialist Programme
- London’s Ring-Roads: How to Solve the Traffic Problem
- Book Review: ‘Democracy at Gunpoint – The Greek Front’
- The President and The People: Looking Back on Lyndon Johnson
- ‘The Good Old Days’ – Glasgow in the Nineteenth Century
- Black Liberation – George Jackson and Political Violence
- Where Women’s Liberation fails
- Out of Step . . . What Is ‘Normality’ In Capitalism?
- The Meaning of Freedom
- The Sexual Politics of Wilhelm Reich
- Strikes — and General Strikes
- Lonelyhearts: A Parody of Living
- The Enemy on the Left! – Liberation Movements
- Censors at odds
- Book Review: ‘The Utopian Vision of Charles Fourier’
- Party News: Beyond the Grants Campaign
- 50 Years Ago: On Leadership
- Eysenck at LSE: Socialist Defends Free Speech
- Love, Ideas and Historical Materialism — and a different view of Professor Eysenck
- Generating an Energy Crisis
- Capitalists, Tremble! More Nonsense From the “Workers’ Press”
- Mental Health — a brief Critique by a Mental Health Worker
- The disappearing peasant: Agriculture in EEC
- How to End Property Speculation
- “Communism” Trades With Capitalism
- Are you a Wage Slave?
- The Enemy on the Left! – ‘Encounter’
- The Socialist Party in brief
- Astonishing Attack by Judge: Protest Action Planned
- Letter: The May Day circus
- Book Review: The Cologne Communist Trial (Marx)
- Book Review: The Streets of London
- GLC Election Campaign Results
- Socialist French-language journal
- The price of the Socialist Standard
- 50 Years Ago: Do you like your work?
- “Gone are the days” – TU Leader in Distress
- Obituary: Bob Rose
- The Problem of Production & Distribution
- Sorry !
- The Class Struggle, Reforms & the Unions
- 50 Years Ago: Co-operation — a Hopeless Experiment
- The Basic Principles of Socialism
- Socialism Means… World-Wide
- Socialism Means… We are Opposed to War
- Socialism Means… Russia Was Never Socialist
- Socialism Means… An End to Racist Nonsense
- Reformism: A Waste of Precious Time
- What Socialism Means
- Floating To Nowhere: The Currency Chaos
- The Myth of Scotland’s Oil
- Low Life in High Places: The Political Scandals
- A Wet Old Season: Kicking against the Education System
- “Dictatorship of the Proletariat”: what did Marx mean?
- Capitalism or Socialism
- Man — The Creator
- Pot Calls Kettle Black
- So They Say
- Labour’s futile housing reform
- Correspondence: “Democray in Greece”
- Book Review: ‘World Crisis – Essays in Revolutionary Socialism’
- Obituary: Toby Beasley
- 50 Years Ago: The Capital Levy
- Marxian Economics in the Modern World
- Marx on Alienation
- Town and Country: Marxism’s Answer to the Problems
- Men, Ideas and Society
- Marx In His Time
- Marxism’s Relevance to China
- So They Say: Prime Minister of Mirth
- 50 Years Ago: No future for the co-operative movement
- Chile: Myth and Reality
- James Connolly – An Unpublished Letter
- Marx: the Man and his Work – Part 1
- Are the workers cheated?
- Trotskyism, Stalinism: What’s the Difference?
- Marie Stopes, Reformer
- So They Say . . .
- Capitalism — the gambling society!
- A Third-Class Report
- Book Review: ‘Le Mouvemente Communiste’
- Open and Shut
- Obituary: Sam Orner
- 50 Years Ago: Children and Empire
- Violence and Everyday Life
- Day of Remembrance For What?
- A Gold-Filled Irrelevance
- Book Review: Who Needs Money?
- Book Review: Capitalist Ideology
- 50 Years Ago: Out-of-work Graduates
- Not Sociology — SOCIALISM!
- Muddled Ideas about Inflation
- So They Say: Good God, said God
- Whether or not the firing has ceased . . .
- Marx: the Man and his Work – Part 2
- The Significance of Sakharov
- Obituary: Jim Spittle
- Violence and Everyday Life
- ‘Black Flag’: Ignorance & Lies
- Camus: Portrait of a ‘Rebel’
- The Middle East War: A Letter to a Kiev Cousin
- Why War?
- Marx’s Conception of Socialism
- Some Implications of Socialism
- On the Spot at Con-Mech
- Nationalization—a Professor’s Misconceptions
- So they say …
- An Inflation Cat Out of the Bag
- Recent books on trade unions
- Trotskyism rehashed. Review: ‘The Coming British Revolution’
- Leaders and Led
- 50 Years Ago: The Profit-Sharing Snare
- So They Say . . . (1974)
- BDS Election Campaign
- Obituary: Hilda McClatchie
- Where Do We Go From Alienation?
- Subsidizing Food Destruction
- Obituary: Peter McKenzie
- Exploitation
- A Letter to the Liberals
- 50 Years Ago: The Capital Levy Exposed
- Capitalism’s Dilemma
- Socialist Economics: 1 – Commodities
- Book Reviews: ‘William Morris. His Life, Work and Friends’, & ‘Political Writings of William Morris’
- Who Said the Class Struggle Was Dead?
- Do you Live in Poverty?
- A Good Old Family Business
- The Myth of Management
- Obituary: Howard Weaver
- The General Strike of 1926
- Socialist Economics: 2 – Value
- So You Want Inflation to be Stopped?
- Canadian University Left Finds Us Too Working Class!
- Tory and Labourite agree
- Obituary: William Travers
- Who Governs Britain?
- Pamphlet Review: The Futility of I.S.
- Letters: The Basis of Socialism
- Socialist Economics: 3 – Money and Prices
- The Strike Situation
- Must Man Starve?
- Obituary: Harry Waite
- The British Economy: It was all K’s fault . . .
- The Professor and the Dustman
- Letter: William Morris and Parliament
- So They Say: A Decent Idea
- Russia is Capitalist
- About Solzhenitsyn
- Can The Government Stop It?
- 50 Years Ago: “Communists” & the Labour Party
- Labour Government: the Worst of Illusions!
- International Socialists … The Tripe Factory
- Socialist Economics: 4 – Do Machines Produce Surplus Value
- Book Reviews: ‘The Future of the Left – Lincoln and After’, & ‘John Strachey’
- Book Review: TU Politics, Marx and the Labour Party
- Party News: Leaflet Publication
- You Have Got What You Voted For
- 70 Years of the S.P.G.B. and the Socialist Standard
- Party News: Stimulating Party Conference
- Logic, Truth and Politics
- Letters: Ploughing Back?; Labour Vouchers; Work
- What’s Wrong With Education: Bursting of the ‘Comprehensive’ Bubble
- Students against Democracy
- So They Say: A Moral Stand, Not Taken
- What’s Wrong With Education: How Capitalism Learns ’em
- 50 Years Ago: Who are the brain workers?
- Overheard In The Club
- Socialist Economics: 5 – Capital
- Early Election Campaigns
- Showing Up Shaw
- Bishop Who Made Our Pamphlet His Bible
- The Fragmenting Left
- Early Election Campaigns
- The Party In Wartime
- Some Members
- How Much Has British Capitalism Changed?
- On the Platform
- The First and Only Liberationists
- From the first issue of the Socialist Standard
- Seeing through the Russian myth
- A Labour change of tune
- They say it for us
- Decimal coinage
- Capitalism at work
- Nationalism no answer
- Trade abroad
- A worker’s first problem
- Living Wages
- Working-class women
- Speak with forked tongue
- A Socialist tradition
- In the Augean stables
- We said the same in 1939 as in 1914
- Life against lies
- Lenin’s admission
- Labour’s real aim
- Taxes not a working-class issue
- Prices not a new problem
- Good health?
- The profit machine
- Book Review: The Politics of Confrontation
- The Audible Unsung Ally
- Fascism, Violence and the Left
- The French Presidential Election
- So They Say: Yes, Who Does?
- Socialist Economics: 6 – Surplus Value
- Capitalism in Australia
- Our case justified by Keir Hardie
- AUEW Supports Labour, Rejects Socialism
- Ivan Illich, Intellectual
- Party News: A Unique Exhibition
- Why Socialism?
- Letters: ” . . they don’t need Socialism”.
- It’s always warm in a bank
- The way to deal with Fascism
- Short Cut to Nowhere
- The Scene of the Crime (1): ‘The People of the Abyss’
- Greener Grass
- News from Australia
- Law and Society
- Socialist — Not Labour
- NHS On The Rocks
- How many members have you got?
- Education For What?
- Who Will Do The Dirty Work
- Inflation: the Theories and the Facts
- You Have Got What You Voted For
- The War in Cyprus
- Confucius, Lin Piao and the CCP
- Socialist Candidate’s Address
- Book Review: Not Piffle but Propaganda for Capitalism
- China Since 1949: A Survey
- Workers’ Councils: Solution or Delusion?
- The Pilgrims to Peking
- Correction
- The Brick Industry Drops One
- Leftist Hypocrisy about South Africa
- “Don’t blame . . “
- So They Say: The CP Backs Britain
- Eyewitness: A Socialist in China
- We wrote this fifty years ago!
- Party News: Rewarding Election Campaign
- Party News: Successful Rally
- Why Not More Socialists?
- Parliament and Private Armies
- ‘Vote For Them But . . . ‘
- Letters: A Glaring Light
- The Scene of the Crime (2): ‘No Mean City’
- It’s the Poor What Gets the Blame — Official
- Noise, Health and Capitalism
- Socialism Means Free Access
- Letters: Parliament and Dictators
- 50 Years Ago: The Douglas Scheme
- The Mask of Opportunity
- The Observer Guide to Voters
- In Socialism: Who Will Do What?
- 1975: Here We Come
- So They Say: Crystal Ball not Needed
- Whatever Happened to “Full Employment”?
- I. S. Stand For … Confusion
- Film Review: ‘Gold’
- Proceeds to charity
- Confusion about Money and Inflation
- Economics: Do Banks Produce Wealth?
- Politics: Syndicalism & the General Strike
- The Advantages of Religion . . . Or, she was talking to me so I said . . .
- So They Say: Social Con-trick ?
- The Thoughts of two M. A.s
- In The Year ??
- A New Year Message
- The ‘Human Nature’ Bogey
- The Fat of the Land
- A Quiet – Flowing Don
- The Real World Outside
- The Scene of the Crime (3): ‘These Poor Hands’
- Letters: The Middle Class; China
- Book Review: The Impotence of Reform
- Book Review: A Better Red, but Dead (Bukharin)
- 50 Years Ago: Wise Martians?
- Politics: Syndicalism and the General Strike (Part II)
- Letters: The Nazis and the Vote
- So They Say: Corrective Education?
- Who is Mao Tse-Tung?
- 50 Years Ago: The Inefficiency of Capitalism
- Socialism means Equality
- Book Review A German Tragedy
- The Guardian of our Free Press
- Book Review: A German Tragedy
- Book Review: ‘The Iron Heel’
- Cartoon: ‘I Don’t Understand Those Socialists . . . ‘
- The Future of the Family
- The Scene of the Crime (4): ‘Love on the Dole’
- Banks and Credit
- Pamphlet: Essential Reading
- Rubbish about Royalty
- Should the Film Industry be Nationalized?
- Art and Civilization
- Tsar Brezhnev and the Jews
- Poem: ‘The Palace-Builders’
- Scots Nationalism
- The Role of Youth
- Unemployment and the Labour Party
- The End of the Day
- Book Review: Spectacle out of focus
- Book Review: Kicking Out Cant
- Obituaries: Charles Curtis and Eric Boden
- Heroine and Victim
- Poem: Taking The Rostrum
- Book Review: ‘Before and After Stalin’
- Scots Nationalism: Part 2
- Religion and Ourselves
- Yes — but what can I do?
- The Myth of the Middle Class
- Houses and Profits
- Vietnam: Who Has Won?
- The Housing Shortage
- The Everything Shortage
- The Common Market: In or Out – Does it Matter?
- Socialism—A Sane Society
- Malthus, Marx and Socialism
- Pollution State-Capitalist Style
- What A Waste!
- Sir Keith Joseph Meets the SPGB
- Benn’s Road for Capitalism
- Crossman: Diary of a Flop
- The Labour Party and Social Democracy
- “A Still, Small Voice”
- The Communist Course – Humbug!
- The Class Struggle
- Why I Joined The S.P.G.B.
- The Common Market and the Workers
- Varldsocialism
- The Crisis: Capitalism’s Stranglehold on the Labour Government
- Debate: SPGB v. International Socialists
- Are the Workers Lazy?
- No Value Under Socialism!
- The Illusion of National State Capitalism
- Ideas and Understanding
- What are you going doing about it?
- Party News: New SPGB Group at Hampstead
- Obituary: Freddie Arnold
- The Tribune Group: Organized Hypocrisy
- The Social Revolution
- The Prentice Affair
- Soviet Imperialism
- Artists in capitalism
- How many shares have you?
- The Turmoil in Portugal
- Theatre Review: ‘On the Rocks’
- Why I Joined the S.P.G.B.
- 50 Years Ago: The Illusions of Anti-Militarists
- Britain’s Political Crisis
- Violence On The Terraces
- Who Owns the Land Under the Sea?
- Can Science Benefit Mankind?
- A Rival For “The Beano”?
- Ring the bell, Verger
- An Innocent Abroad
- Obituary: Jack Holford
- Book Review: Rude Words
- 50 Years Ago: Revolution and Violence
- Crisis 1975: A Parable
- Why I Joined the SPGB
- Book Review: ‘The Strange Case of Victor Grayson’
- Voice of the People
- Karl Marx and Iceland
- The International Socialists and Parliamentary Action
- Facing the Facts in Russia
- Short Story: End of Report
- 50 Years Ago: Why Socialists Oppose Leadership
- Letters: Is this right needed?
- Surplus and Exports: An explanation
- Poverty Anonymous
- Is Crime Hereditary?
- Obituary: Horace Jarvis
- Book Review: ‘The Monument’
- Italy 1920
- Enoch Powell & War
- The Poverty of Sociology
- Mr. Foot and the Closed Shop
- Crosland: His Kind of “Socialism”
- Letters: Would like to know more
- So They Say: Marching & Chanting
- Debate: Socialism or Reformism?
- Terrorism is Not Revolution!
- Cartoon: The Adventures of Leigh Burr-Parti
- Why I Joined the SPGB
- Russia: Leftists in Dispute
- Division in the I.S.
- Malady and Cure
- 50 Years Ago: Cruelty To Animals — And To Humans
- Unemployment: A Chronic State
- Obituaries: Mark Miller and Sammy Cash
- Cartoon: The Adventures of Leigh Burr-Parti – Leigh Becomes a Recruiting Officer!
- Why I Joined the SPGB
- Mercenaries
- 50 Years Ago: On getting with the workers
- Capitalist “Solutions” to Hypothermia
- Let’s Get Our Terms Right
- New Pamphlet: Socialist Principles Explained
- Cartoon: The Adventures of Leigh Burr-Parti – the Modern Machiavelli
- Bert Ramelson Buries Lenin
- Book Review: The Right to be Lazy
- Socialists in Ireland Battle On
- “The Dictatorship of the Proletariat”
- 50 Years Ago: Socialism and Materialism
- The Socialist Party and Revolution: No Compromise!
- SPGB Manifesto
- Letters: Wages and Prices
- So They Say: A Simple Solution
- An Implement For Digging
- How much longer is the Working Class going to accept this?
- Education and the Working Class
- The Myth of Red Clydeside pt.1
- Obituary: E. Ford
- Cartoon: More from the Career of Leigh Burr-Parti
- A Broken Reid
- 50 Years Ago: Opinions and Interests
- Proletaires—Unissez-Vous!
- The Future is Socialism
- The Strike Weapon
- Obituary: E. C. Kersley
- Cartoon: Leigh Burr-Parti – Whose Side is He On (as if we didn’t know)?
- Gold! Gold! Gold!
- The Welsh Scene
- Not Leaders — Delegates!
- The Myth of Red Clydeside pt.2
- Cartoon: A (Well-deserved) Turn for the Worse for Leigh Burr-Parti
- Bernard Levin and the SPGB
- Obituary: Gilbert McClatchie
- The Class Issue in the American Revolution
- Book Review: Woman’s Place
- 50 Years Ago: How Exploitation In Africa Began
- Condition of Blind Leaders Deteriorating
- Obituary: Eddie Stirling
- Con-Census
- Cartoon: Leigh Burr-Parti – Whom Did You Do in the Second Great War?
- The Future of Unemployment
- The row about overseas students
- No Socialism in Portugal
- The Games
- Come to the aid of the Party!
- Cartoon: Leigh Burr-Parti – ‘We Are Masters Now’
- Book Review: The Truth About Freedom
- Book review: Anarchism in Spain (Gaston Leval)
- Party News: News of Party Activities
- 50 Years Ago: A Liberal-Labour Government?
- 50 Years Ago: Where All The Workers Are Capitalists
- The Productive and the Unproductive Worker
- Obituary: Margaret Morrissey
- Book Review: ‘Housing – An Anarchist Approach’
- Amin, Africa and the World
- Cartoon: Leigh Burr-Parti Makes a Mint of Money
- How I Became a Socialist
- The Financial Times and Inflation
- 50 Years Ago : The Wages Question at the T.U.C.
- For Carter and Ford – Read Capitalism (pt.1)
- No Shortage of Water – Only a Shortage of Greedy People!
- The Passing of Mao
- No Socialism at Labour Party Conference
- The Problem of Racism
- The Nature of the Crisis
- Karl Marx and Enoch Powell
- 50 Years Ago: Futility of Nationalisation
- Party News: Socialist Party On The Air
- For Carter and Ford – Read Capitalism (pt.2)
- Obituary: Harry Gratton
- What Will They Put in Place of Keynes?
- Book Review: The Rake’s Progress
- What is a Capitalist?
- 50 Years Ago: Ford v. Marx
- The BBC: A Clumsy cover-up
- The Regime in China
- The ‘Right to Work’ campaign
- Book Review: ‘Harry Pollitt’
- ConsIStent InconsIStency
- Workers of the world wake up!
- The Cloak and Dagger Brigade
- The Cosy Days are Over
- Letter to Jimmy
- World Food Resources . . . the Myth of Shortage
- The Left: Once More Boring From Within
- Comparisons with the nineteen-thirties
- Abortion in Demand
- Ireland: The World Socialist Party Carries On!
- Short Story: ‘A Dog’s Life’
- Lewis Henry Morgan and the Last 100 Years
- Obituary: Ted Lake
- Book Review: Tussy in her time
- Dispatch from America
- Party News: It can be done!
- Obituary: W. Griffiths
- Marx and the Abolition of the Wages System
- Poem: ‘The Breakthrough’
- Book Review: ‘Jack London: The Man, the Writer, the Rebel’
- Carrying the Platform Ten Thousand Miles
- An Open Letter to Professor Miliband
- What is Dialectical Materialism?
- Queen Capital’s Jubilee
- Why we are in the GLC Elections
- Party News: Northern Propaganda Tour
- Obituary: ‘Rose Weaver’
- Limits to Capitalism
- Rock ‘n’ Roll, The Sex Pistols and Youth
- Poem: ‘Help The Aged’
- Book Review: ‘Marx For Beginners’
- Some aspects of Socialism
- What Socialism Means
- Book review: The Face of Capitalism
- SPGB Meetings
- How we shall get Socialism
- Nationalism—an enemy of the workers
- Wrong Note
- The Roots of Roots
- Lab-Lib: A Rabble
- One swallow doesn’t make a profit
- What the class struggle is and is not
- Russians and their “Rights”
- Capitalism is . .
- The Hospitalization Business
- The Mad Hatter on Inflation
- The Labour Party is Not, and Has Never Been, a Socialist Party
- Book Review: ‘Speakers’ Corner – An Anthology’
- Short Story: Old Mr. Capitalism
- From America: Those “Neutral” Agencies of Capitalism
- History’s Loss?
- The Roots of Violence
- A Look Back
- 50 Years Ago: Is a socialist policy applicable to America?
- Old Mr. Capitalism
- Book Review: ‘The Labour Party and the Working Class’
- A Better Kind of Capitalism
- Grunwick or an exercise in opportunism
- Revolution and reality: Why Left wing organizations are anything but revolutionary
- The dictatorship of the proletariat
- Left road to . . . nowhere
- The Other Policies of the National Front
- How much has Left-wing organization achieved?
- How many Grunwicks to Socialism?
- So They Say: Public Eye
- Socialist Party of Gt. Britain’s statement to the Annan Committee
- [Manufacturing consent]
- Economics and reforms
- The meaning of Socialism
- Theatre Review: State of Revolution
- Book Reviews: ‘Why You Should be a Socialist’
- 50 Years Ago: TU Amalgamation
- Extracts from “Packaging News”, May 1977
- Quote: Kevin Keegan – 90 per cent
- Quote
- Introducing the Socialist Standard
- Lewisham and Free Speech
- Capitalism—the real enemy: The case of Germany
- Socialism—What it is, and how to get it
- The reform fallacy
- “Making it” v World Socialism
- The politicians and the crisis (part 2)
- Education for what?
- Time for a change !
- Which political philosophy?
- The Industrial Reserve Army
- So They Say: Dodging the issue
- Strikes: An Unchanging Pattern
- Poem: ‘Roots’
- 50 Years Ago: Crime and Punishment
- Obituary: Louis Langford
- There’s a good time coming
- The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
- Carrillo spells it out
- Is human nature a barrier to Socialism?
- Are we militant?
- Should the Unions back Labour?
- Marxism or Machiavellianism?
- All in the Mind
- Onward, Christian Soldiers
- Old Fallacies: A Look at the International Communist Current
- What is Revolution?
- Beware of Bernards
- Free speech: official cuts
- Russia: Socialism or State Capitalism?
- 50 Years Ago: Bugs are Capitalists
- Obituary: Bob Norrie
- Plymouth Gets Socialist Sound
- Book Review: ‘Marx on Money’
- Wages and their abolition
- Wage-labour and capital: The case of Grunwick
- How sweet is charity? (part 1)
- Sixty Inglorious Years
- Poem: ‘Those Twisting Tongues’
- The Descent of Man
- The Baader-Meinhof Terrorists: Majority Understanding or Minority Action?
- How I Became a Socialist
- Capitalism is the Wages System
- He’s telling us
- Obituary: Dick Jacobs
- 50 Years Ago: Fascism and the State
- Strikes: the Socialist Viewpoint
- The Working Class is Us
- Racism and Nationalism, or Socialism?
- How sweet is charity? (part 2)
- So They Say: The Boys on the Bandwagon
- Pioneers and others
- Sociology and Marxism
- From America: Ethics and Conficts
- Is Greed a Barrier to Socialism?
- Politics and homosexual liberation
- Correspondence
- Poem: ‘Billy and Ben’
- Forthcoming Pamphlet: An Urgent Appeal
- 50 Years Ago: Capitalism and Psychology
- Letters: Are Unions Useless?
- Forthcoming Pamphlet: An Urgent Appeal
- Listen ecologist . . .
- Money Will Go
- Now He Tells Us!
- Coming in to the cold
- Seeing Through Jim
- Thomas More and Utopia
- The Socialist Party of Great Britain
- Euroformism
- The Failure of Reforms
- The Questions they ask
- 50 Years Ago: Industrial Peace
- The Socialist Party of Great Britain
- Book Review: ‘The Origins of British Bolshevism’
- The Middle East and Historic Rights
- 50 Years Ago: The policies of the Liberal Party
- Letters: Technology and Socialism
- A Steel Prop for Labour
- The War in Ethiopia
- Election race issue
- Socialism — the politics of reason
- Trade Unions in a trap
- French Election: Will the ‘Left’ Win?
- A Question of Definition (1)
- What Housing Shortage?
- Rosa Luxemburg and the National Question
- Rising prices and the EEC
- Marx and Crises
- The Future is Socialism
- Name and number
- United they stand
- A little bit on the side
- Debate with the Liberal Party – Guildford
- Natural and Supernatural
- Capitalism’s Scapegoats
- Diary of a Capitalist
- 50 Years Ago: The Failure of the Labour Colleges
- Snowbound in Boston
- A Question of Definition (2) Class and Reform
- Letters: Loot and Surplus Value
- Obituary: Sammy Highams
- An Appeal For Funds
- Our May Day message
- The Price of a Life
- Trade unions and the law
- Dimensions of Alienation
- Little Children Suffer
- The French non-revolution
- Obituary: R. B. Gill
- TV Review: The Poverty Trap
- Parliament and Political Power
- From Sweden: What is Marxism?
- A Question of Definition (3) – Revolution
- Russia’s Tolpuddle Martyrs
- They are not all so ignorant (Mandel)
- Film Review: ‘Jonah Who Will Be 25 in the Year 2000’
- Lambeth By-Election Report
- Letter: Half Way House?
- 50 Years Ago: Unemployment in Australia
- Editorial: Socialism YES, reformism NO
- Rock Against Reformism?
- Down Coronation Street
- La Pensionaria
- The world steel crisis
- Ignoramuses of the world, unite!
- Capitalism and Hunger
- Monuments to misery
- ‘Free enterprise’ v. Life
- Make No Mistake About It
- Boffin the night away
- Book Review: Marx, carbuncles and all
- Book Review: A useful introduction to Marx
- A Question of Definition (4) – Socialism/Communism
- The Red Brigade
- Sociology or Socialism?
- Agitprop Bop: Tom Robinson Band
- Winstanley: A 17th Century Utopian Socialist
- Editorial: Socialism — the efficient society
- This Taxation Business
- Human energy and capitalist inefficiency
- Crime — who loses?
- It’s the Poor what gets the blame
- Letter: From America: Carter, credibility, confusion
- The Guardian solves unemployment
- Italy’s political killers
- Your labour — their profits
- Questions old, questions new
- Film Review: ‘Take It Like a Man, Ma’am’
- Book Review: The slump in the nineteen-thirties
- The Chinese working class need profits too!
- 50 Years Ago: What is Capital?
- Editorial: Ten years on
- Czechoslovakia ten years ago
- Russia—dissent under dictatorship
- State capitalism and the Russian dissidents
- Time and Chance
- SALT in the wounds
- Diary of a capitalist
- Against the Left pt.1
- Letter from America: From America: California’s “Boston Tea-Party”
- Thomas More and the abolition of money
- ‘Socialist’ China Questioned
- Obituary: Nancy Kersley
- Party News: To readers from overseas
- 50 Years Ago: Are the Co-operators Socialist?
- Editorial: The Political Road to Socialism
- Cheap lives again
- Right honourable gentlemen
- One step forward, two steps back
- The Questions They Ask . . .
- Violence and the state
- The Anarchist Way
- The Parliamentary Road to Socialism
- Marxism and Democracy
- Against the Left pt.2
- Democracy and the Silicon Chip
- Correspondence: The function of trade unions
- Book Review: ‘Learning to Labour – How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs’
- But what is 5,000 in two million
- Tanks for the memory
- The liberation of Africa
- Editorial: A choice worth the name
- The Power of the Vote
- The myth of trade union power
- Cambodia: the Abolition of Money
- From America: Business Week and the “Marxist Assault”
- What is Capitalism?
- Is Socialism Freedom?
- Comic Book Capitalism
- Against the Left pt.3
- Out of the blue
- TV Review: Watching big brother
- Book Review: ‘Who Owns Scotland’
- Book Review: ‘The House the Left Built’
- Book Review: No royal road
- Theatre Review: Reviewing the audience
- The Soviet opposition
- 50 Years Ago: Scientists and society
- Editorial: A world fit for humans
- In 1918 they called in peace
- Planning the road to nowhere
- The end of human nature
- Race—having it both ways
- What is women’s liberation?
- Political Notebook: At The Seaside
- Running commentary
- Diary of a capitalist
- This is our life
- Against the Left pt.4
- Theatre Review: ‘As You Like It’
- The Questions they ask
- Poland December 1970: A Clarification,/a>
- Obituary: Jim Garnham
- Obituary: Maggie Hallard
- Obituary: Ernie McKone
- Obituary: George Edkins
- 50 Years Ago: Do we want a Censor
- Editorial: A question of class
- Running Commentary: Don’t Do As I Do
- Friedman, Keynes and Marx
- Diary of a Capitalist
- Privilege in China
- From America: Those good old “Good as Gold” dollars
- The Whole Loaf
- TV Review: Holocaust as soap opera
- Myths of ‘race’ exposed
- Hard work and piece wages
- Production and class
- 50 Years Ago: That Elusive Property
- Striking a balance
- Political Notebook: Chinese Takeaway
- Book Review: Rhymeating lion tamer (John S. Clarke)
- Theatre Review: ‘The World Turned Upside Down’
- Against the Left pt.5
- Trotsky’s Killer
- Socialism and the Working Class
- Editorial: On Banning the National Front
- Political notebook: Cynically Confounded Confusion
- Lenin’s Legacy (part 1)
- Party News: General Election . .
- Fallen Idols
- More hard labour
- Running Commentary: Golda Meir
- 50 Years Ago: Why Workers Save
- Rolling in Poverty
- Letters: Sectarian Semantics
- Trade Unions—the Birth of a Policy
- Diary of a Capitalist
- The Times Lockout
- The questions they ask
- Letter from Jamaica
- How Capitalism Works (1): What is Economics
- Editorial: Devolution or revolution?
- Labour’s role in Northern Ireland
- The myth of “Great Men”
- Margaret Thatcher is a woman
- Book Review: Mattick Again
- A French CPer on the SPGB
- Political Notebook: Gormley the Scab
- Correspondence: Does Parliament Matter?
- Running Commentary: Capitalism in Cuba
- Does inflation fall from heaven?
- Lenin’s Legacy (part 2)
- Music and History
- Book Review: ‘The Politics of the Judiciary’
- Castro’s Brand of Capitalism
- Marx, People and Society
- How Capitalism Works (2): No Profit, No Production
- 50 Years Ago: The Coming General Election
- Editorial: Action for Socialism
- Media harlots
- The Change of Rulers in Iran
- Lessons of the Spanish Civil War
- Saturday afternoon fix
- Fighting the wrong class war
- Their industrial crisis
- Einstein and Common Sense
- The economics of sport
- Diary of a capitalist
- Political Notebook
- Running commentary
- How Capitalism Works (3): Work and Waste
- Correspondence: Democracy and Socialism
- General Election 79: Islington South & Finsbury
- “… Change the Environment, change the Man, simple”
- Socialism: But isn’t there an energy shortage?
- 50 Years Ago: Capitalism and christianity
- Correction
- Editorial: Socialism means co-operation
- Short Story: Live with it
- Anarchism and Socialism
- Letter: Socialist Enclave
- Book Review: Original approach
- Running Commentary: A Win For The Favourite
- 50 Years Ago: The Obscenity Laws
- Cutler’s Last Stand
- Homeworkers — reserve army of the half-employed
- “There’s no more in the Kitty” (James Callaghan)
- What is to be done?
- Like with like
- Political Notebook: Honour Among Thieves
- Book Review: ‘William Morris The Marxist Dreamer’
- Belfast Diary: Mason’s ‘Marxists’
- Book Review: ‘The Slow Burning Fuse’
- How Capitalism Works (4): Anarchy of Production
- Uforia
- Eurocapitalism or World Socialism?
- 1979 Genera Election Manifesto
- Belfast Diary: An Irish rose which smells
- Beanos with cheesecake
- Socialism and scientific advance
- Rising crime — who’s afraid of the PNC?
- Alright, Jack?
- The stonewaller’s end
- Violent genes
- Airey Neave and the tactics of illusion
- On Getting a Bit of Your Own Back
- Political Notebook
- How Capitalism Works (5): Keynes and Capitalism
- Correspondence
- Obituary: David Boyd
- 50 Years Ago: Unemployment and the General Election
- Editorial: The Need is Socialism
- Changes in the political scene
- 50 Years Ago: After the election
- Small wall of China
- Letter From Europe: Congress of French reformists
- Party News: Information Bank
- Accidental costs
- On the beach
- Political Notebook: Election result: They won—you lost
- Running Commentary: This Is Your Choice
- Pie in the sky
- Livestock liberation
- Back to front
- Party News: Election Report
- The Working Class in Russia
- Film Review: ‘The Deer Hunter’
- Information bank
- Speaker’s Notes
- Editorial – Socialism is vital
- Brave New Tory World?
- Profitable pollution
- Pay now, live later
- 50 Years Ago – Why war?
- Four wheel oil crisis
- West and East
- Diary of a Capitalist
- Letters – Frustrated friend
- Book Review – More Equal Than Others
- Exhibition Review – USSR National Exhibition
- Running Commentary – About hanging
- Correspondence – Mason’s “Marxists”
- Whitewash and be damned
- Political Notebook – Hard work and happy families
- Letter From Europe – Dictatorship of the proletariat
- Life on Earth
- A World Without Money
- Editorial: An orderly society
- Rod of iron
- Picketing and the law
- The Tories and the closed shop
- Open letter to Arthur Scargill
- Running Commentary
- One law for the rich …
- We are not amused
- Political notebook: Jeremy Thorpe, Refugees and Ken Livingstone
- Pass the Salt II
- Her majesty’s justice—lies in action
- Dislodging Somozas
- Letter From Europe: SOS Longwy
- Book Review: ‘Karl Marx’s Theory of History’ G. A. Cohen)
- Book Review: Freedom and speech
- Book Review: ‘Woman On The Edge Of Time’
- 50 Years Ago
- Discovering capitalism
- Russian Revolution: 1. The Road to October
- The chief task of our times
- Retrospect: the Socialist Standard 1904
- No Compromise – 75 years for Socialism
- The Party in Scotland
- 75 Years of the Socialist Standard
- Inflation and the Price of Oil
- Labour under illusions
- Russian Revolution: II. Dictatorship over the Proletariat
- Marx on the Power of Knowledge: the Control of Nature: Socialism
- Contradicting Mao
- Political Notebook
- The Theory of Capitalist Crises
- The Great Crash of 1929
- Not so friendly
- The new technology
- Busy doing nothing
- Russian Revolution: III State Capitalism
- Book Review: ‘Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution Volume 1 – State and Bureaucracy’ (Draper)
- Trotsky the Prophet Debunked
- Editorial: Women and socialism
- Without distinction of sex
- Liberating Wome’s Lib
- Gender Myths
- The family way
- Women in Parliament
- Running Commentary: Capitalism Condemned
- Political Notebook
- Festival of fools
- Stalin and the Rise of the Russian Ruling Class
- Future Society by Joseph Stalin
- Russian Revolution: IV The Fate of the Peasantry
- Islam and Banking
- Capitalism and Democracy
- Capitalism – No
- Blood on Their Hands (Cambodia)
- Short Story: From the horse’s mouth
- Obituary: Harry Clements
- 50 Years Ago: Socialism and Money