What are you going doing about it?
Socialists will happily and eagerly answers question on every aspect of the Socialist case and patiently explain our attitude to an infinite variety of issues However there is one kind of query which makes hackles rise. It is asked by would-be friends in a hurt manner, “Why are you not better known? Why don’t you do this, or even that?”
Our reply is that of course we want the Party to be better known. We want Socialist ideas to spread as rapidly as possible so that this capitalist nightmare may be brought to a speedy end. Unfortunately we are a small political party with a membership of around 700. Members have the usual family and job commitments.
Our efforts include producing and distributing 4,500-5,000 copies of this journal every month; the Standard is sold in shopping centres, at railway stations, at meetings organized by the Party and at opponents’ meetings. The Party, and individual members, write letters to newspapers, national and local, as well as to TV & Radio. Over the years we have made repeated attempts to get a broadcast hearing (see July Socialist Standard). We are denied access to the mass media but make every use of the opportunities which are open to us. This includes the outdoor platform in Hyde Park, at. Tower Hill, The Mound (Edinburgh) etc. During the recent referendum campaign 25,000 leaflets explaining the unique Socialist attitude were distributed. Then there is the day to-day running of the Party . . .
This piece is not intended an an eulogy but is simply to show that our members do not complacently sit about and hope.
On the contrary we are impatient to see the Socialist movement grow and if we could somehow increase the number of hours in a day we would double our own efforts. Those who think we should do more should come and help. It is absurd to stand back and expect the tiny Socialist Party to achieve Socialism for you!
Pat Deutz