The Starmer Labour government

February 2025 Forums General discussion The Starmer Labour government

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  • #253078

    Thread to chronicle the failure and anti-working class actions of the newly-elected Labour government.


    Just seen the election communication of the Labour candidate (now MP) for Newport West and Islwyn. It consists entirely of a letter from Starmer in which he promises:

    ”a Britain rebuilt by Labour so the British economy works for working people.”

    That’s physically impossible of course but, if he wants to be judged by trying to do it, fair enough.


    I see Streeting has already began the persecution of the sick and unemployed – quick out of the blocks for the honour of Labour tu*d of the week.


    Could the new Labour government be lucky and the economy grow while they happen to be in office? It’s a possibility but, if it does, they will of course claim credit for it.

    From today’s Times:

    “May’s 0.4 per cent monthly GDP expansion may have had little to with Labour’s policy launches on planning and public investment, announced this week, but the numbers underscore the party’s good fortune in inheriting an economy in the midst of a growth upswing.”


    Two comments on the new government’s proposedNational Wealth Fund under which the government will put up a quarter of the cost of a green infrastructure project provided private capital puts up the rest.

    “This is going to sink or swim based on its return generation. If it loses money it’ll be in trouble. It’s absolutely critical that it makes money” (an inside “source” quoted by the Times, 15 July).

    “Labour has made a virtue of ‘derisking’ private sector investment. The danger is a state that will end up underwriting corporate profits while nationalising losses in the rush to fix a longstanding gap by throwing money at private finance” (Mehreen Khan, Times Economics Editor, 16 July).

    Bijou Drains

    7 Labour MPs lose the whip for voting against the continuation of the two children limit on welfare payments. It hasn’t taken long for move from the new Attlee to the new Ramsey MacDonald.

    Will there be a left wing rump to feel brave enough to split from Labour?

    Interesting that “fire brand” MP Ian Lavery, (who put his best left face at the Durham Miners’ Gala) and Kate Osborne (who did the same at the Jarrow Rebel Town Festival) are not amongst the seven.


    Yes , interesting to note that the new Party of Business government’s kneejerk reaction to a “hole” in the capitalist state’s finances caused by the previous government’s “overspending” is to cut not only some benefits but even some infrastructure projects.

    A sign of what they will do (have to do) when their own plan to artificially boost growth fails and another hole appears.


    Starmer. What a hypocrite

    (IN case people here don’t have access to X – Twitter – what the script accompanying the video of the Starmer interview says is as follows:

    “Keir Starmer talked before the election – he was worried about pensioners who struggle to afford to put the heating on – even WITH the winter fuel allowance!

    Yesterday, the allowance was removed from millions of pensioners who earn basic £220 per week.”

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by robbo203.

    To be fair to Steamer, most of the ancientry I know, soon as they get their Wintry Fuel Payment, are off down the whisky ‘n’ wine aisle in Morrisons. Some of them can’t half put it away. Go their bucket with the best of ’em.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by chelmsford.

    Interest rates down to 5% thus diminishing the chances of the premium bonds coming up.
    Prize results on-line tomorrow. Rarely win.
    We take for granted that the draw is honest, the administrators incorruptible, and that there is not even a faint whiff of a fiddle.
    But have you ever met anyone or even heard of anyone who has won a prize any bigger than £1,000?
    Wouldn’t it be nice to know for sure that larger prize winners do in fact exist?


    Six hundred and twenty five leather pounds.
    As Our Lizzie would say – yippeee!


    I see they are saying that Starmer is going to make a speech later this week saying that things are going to get worse. That will be one promise he will keep.

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