Obituary: J. Flower
The death occurred recently of Comrade J. Flower, of Hackney Branch. He had been a member for very many years, and it would be difficult to find a more devoted and loyal one. He seldom missed a Branch meeting, and his contributions to discussions were marked by quiet good humour and invariable kindliness. His socialist activity was related to another great enthusiasm, for Esperanto: he believed that an international language would be invaluable to socialists both in crossing national barriers now and in communication in the socialist future.
Comrade Sammy Highams of Hackney Branch writes: “Known him for over thirty years. Although he was not robust, in poor health, suffering from asthma, for about ten or twelve years he has been treasurer of the Hackney Branch. In the last two years of his life, when he should not in the winter, he came to the Branch, shaky but full of enthusiasm. When he went on holidays with the W.T.A. he would take a few dozen Socialist Standards and sell them. He was unassuming, quiet in his manner, and gave every penny he could to the Branch.”
His presence will be sadly missed in the socialist movement, and our sympathy goes to his widow.