A New Year, A New World?

Another year with all its possibilities — gone.

Another year with all its potential — upon us.

This New Year our fellow workers must make a resolution that they cannot break.

 They must resolve that socialism is an immediate issue, to be decided now. 

Socialism offers to the hungry full bellies, to the out of work useful labour, to the over-worked leisure, to the homeless a roof over their heads, to those suffering war, a peaceful society.

 Socialism  demawds a new way of looking at things. Fellow workers, What do you want? Do you love your life of wage slavery? Do you want your children and your children’s children to be born into the same slavery, providing others with luxuries while they toil in poverty and misery? You make the earth fruitful with riches. But these riches belong to those who live off your sweat and bleed you of the product of your labour. Year after year capitalism produces the same problems.  Socialism will end the insecurities and the inequalities which blight your lives from one year to another. 

 For 2023, let us view our plentiful planet as a common heritage. Let’s banish wage slavery, poverty, hunger, war and ignorance.  We do not wish fellow workers a “Happy New Year”—we point them to a new world, world socialism. When they want it,  it is within their grasp. 

The task of the WSM is to continue to promote and advocate the socialist idea at all times without fear or compromise and use all the opportunities that the future may present to us to help the workers’ movement in every way we can.