Il nostro movimento è per il socialismo rivoluzionario, marxista. Ma se venisse meno la fondatezza della critica economica di Marx al principio di funzionamento del capitalismo, verrebbe forse meno la fondatezza delle ragioni della nostra lotta? No, per almeno tre motivi. 1. La teoria del valore-lavoro non è completamente stravolta, ha ancora una funzione per la lotta […]
Read MoreAfrica’s Potential Bread Basket ‘It is people who make the world: the bush has wounds and scars.’ – a Malawian proverb Global food security is one of the most serious concerns of our time. The global food system is at the root of many environmental and health crises. Humans have made the African savanna their […]
Read MoreEn nuestra egoísta sociedad actual, cualquier conversación sobre una sociedad basada en la solidaridad encontrará poco más que un gesto desdeñoso. “No me digas -¡otra colecta más para unos pobres diablos! Ya estoy harto de estas colectas, ya no creo en ellas”. Por tanto, cuando los socialistas tratan de explicar que una sociedad basada en […]
Read MoreIn January 2015 there was dancing in the streets of Athens as a left-wing anti-austerity party, Syriza, a ‘coalition of the radical left’, made up of various left and Green groups, Eurocommunists and some Trotskyists, had just won the Greek elections. There was rejoicing too amongst like-minded people outside Greece. The fightback against austerity was […]
Read MoreTwo bumper harvests in Brazil have flooded the international market with so much coffee that the price farmers can get has plummeted to below $1 a pound (BBC News, 11 July). Since coffee is a cash crop that farmers sell instead of growing food they could actually eat, when the price hits the floor farmers […]
Read MoreThis is your capitalist brain on drugs Drug firm Pfizer has discovered that its own arthritis treatment drug Enbrel also seems to cut the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by up to 64 percent (New Scientist, 15 June, p7). Great, you might think. Over to Pfizer to start cranking out Enbrel by the container load. Oh […]
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