Standard index 1940-49
1940 ⮞ 1941 ⮞ 1942 ⮞ 1943 ⮞ 1944 ⮞ 1945 ⮞ 1946 ⮞ 1947 ⮞ 1948 ⮞ 1949 ⮞
- Editorial: The I.L.P. Peace Motion
- Editorial: The Russian Invasion of Finland
- Black-Out
- The Gods of The Rising Sun
- Whither America?
- Nazism and Bolshevism: Historical Development Explained
- Party News: Socialists and the War
- Letter: The Socialist Attitude Towards War in General
- When Thieves Fall Out
- This Month’s Quotation: Karl Kautsky
- Conscience and Politics
- A Socialist New-Year Message
- The State and the Socialist Revolution, by J. Martov
- The Slave’s Awakening
- The Balkans and the Black International
- The Coming Struggle for Trade
- The Way to Peace
- How can Hitlerism be destroyed?
- This Month’s Quotation: R. H. Tawney
- “Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens”
- Socialism and Snob Values
- Press Cuttings
- Answers to Correspondents
- A Tribunal Judge Clears the Air
- Obituary: Death of Comrade A. Jacobs
- Price of pamphlets
- Editorial: Democracy and Understanding: Should We Leave Politics To The “Intelligent Minority”?
- Fallacies of Federal Union
- This Month’s Quotation: Marshal Foch
- A Bourgeois on Marxism”
- The Ides of March
- Why Economise?
- Your Gods, O Israel. An Open Letter to the Rank and File of the Labour Party
- The New Czardom
- Press Cuttings
- Party News: Our Propaganda in War Time
- Obituary: Comrade A. S. Collinson
- Obituary: Comrade W. Veal
- Appeal for Donations
- The Importance of Marxism
- Editorial: An Echo from the Crimean War
- This Month’s Quotation: Karl Kautsky
- The Downfall of Dictatorship
- Oil and War
- The Fallacies of Federal Union (continued)
- The Croupiers and the Faro Wheel
- Press Cuttings
- I.L.P. Refuses Debate
- May Day : Bedlam Let Loose
- Whose Idea was the “Graf Spee”?
- This Month’s Quotation: Socialist
- Is it a new I.L.P.?
- Capitalist Federation or International Socialism?
- Thyssen and a Federal Germany
- A Mad World
- The Importance of Marxism—(continued)
- The Labour Party Enters the National Government
- How will the Defence Regulations be used?
- The New Defence Regulations
- This Month’s Quotation: Professor G. D. Herron
- New Phases of the War—What Will Italy Do?
- Lansbury: A Figure of the Past
- The Importance of Marxism—(continued)
- Book Review: Stalin — Three Portraits
- Looking Back and Looking Forward
- The Lie
- The Great Nazi Fraud
- Everything and Everybody
- What We Have Said for Over Twenty Years
- The cancelled debate with Mr. Bradley
- Editorial: The “Socialist Standard” in War-Time
- Italy and the Peasant Problem
- This Month’s Quotation: Richard Rumbold
- The Importance of Marxism—(continued)
- Stupidus and Sapiens
- Socialism’s Invicible Ally. Ever-changing Society
- Terms and Terminological Inexactitudes
- War and Work
- The Civil Service in Imperial Rome
- A quotation from Buckle
- Editorial: Federal Europe or Internationalism
- The Shape of Things to Come—and the Forces That Will Shape Them
- This Month’s Quotation: H. G. Wells
- Karl Marx by Frederick Engels
- How Henry Ford Smashes Trade Unions
- On Leaders
- The Importance of Marxism—(continued)
- Socialism, Dictatorship and Democracy
- The Death of Trotsky
- Editorial: An Offence to Destroy Food—But only in War-Time
- Editorial: Men of Moscow
- The importance of Marxism—(continued)
- Dictatorship and Democracy in the Ancient World
- The Materialist Conception of History
- Notes by the Way: Liberty, no in Equality, Fraternity
- The “Daily Worker” writes about its Former Hero
- This Month’s Quotation: H. G. Wells
- To Readers of the “Socialist Standard”
- Party Speaker fined
- Appeal for donations
- Roumanian Ripples
- Editorial: What They Say About Socialism
- This Month’s Quotation: Henry David Thoreau
- Notes By the Way
- Planning for After the War
- The Capitalist Class To-day
- A Problem in Historical Materialism : by Karl Kautsky
- War: Methods of Offence and Defence
- Dictatorship and Democracy in the Ancient World
- Buckle on War and Religion
- Editorial: Blessings!
- In the Front Line
- This Month’s Quotation: Frederick the Great
- Reflections in War Time
- Notes By the Way
- Religion, War and Nazism
- Sir Richard Acland in a Muddle
- War: Methods of Offence and Defence (Continued)
- Incentive Under Socialism
- Why Not Socialism? A Question to Mr. Bevin
- Wages and Human Needs
- Important People
- “Forward” and the National Government
- The People’s Convention
- War: Methods of Offence and Defence (continued)
- Notes By the Way
- This Month’s Quotation: Cardinal Newman
- Party News: To All Our Readers
- Freedom of Opinion
- Editorial: The I.L.P. Peace Motion
- The Interesting Case of Sir Richard Acland, M.P.
- This Month’s Quotation: Charlie Chaplin
- Notes By the Way
- No Compromise
- So Much Alike!
- Strange Champions of Socialism
- The Flimsy Basis of Race Prejudice
- Capitalist Rewards and Responsibilities. Is the Worker Free?
- The Mixed Blessing of Big Canadian Wheat Harvests
- Sacrifice and the Influence of Money
- “S.S.” difficulties
- Appeal for the “Socialist Standard”
- Editorial: The Suppression of the ‘Daily Worker’
- Book Review: Marxism and Democracy (Laurat)
- This Month’s Quotation: Wilhelm Liebknecht
- Greatness and Crime
- War: Methods of Offence and Defence
- Notes of the Month
- A Task For 1941
- Party News: Our Difficulty is Your Opportunity
- The Post-War Mirage
- Straws
- This Month’s Quotation: Wilhelm Liebknecht
- More about the People’s Convention
- No Socialism After the War. Reassuring America
- Notes By the Way
- Two Quotations About Marx
- A Financial Expert and Socialism
- War: Methods of Offence and Defence
- “Uproot it !”
- Reviews
- Press Cuttings
- War, Conscription and the Workers
- Special Offer: Back Numbers of “The Socialist Standard”
- Can there be Freedom of the Press?
- Editorial: B.B.C. Boycott of Socialists
- This Month’s Quotation: Socialist
- Pamphlet Review: “Black Record” (Vansittart)
- Industrial Conscription in Russia
- Is Bernard Shaw a Judge of Socialism ?
- The Roots of Capitalism
- Today and Tomorrow
- Did Hitler say that ?
- Plekhanov’s “Anarchism and Socialism”: A Correction
- 12 Page “Socialist Standard”
- A Vision of the Post-War World
- A Message for Irish Workers
- This Month’s Quotation: Karl Marx
- What the Soldier Wants and How to Get it
- Balkan Bubbles
- Notes By the Way
- Socialism—More Than Equality
- Press Cuttings
- Party News: Our Head Office. Bombed !
- Looking Forward. The conflict in Perspective
- Editorial: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hess
- This Month’s Quotation: Gerrard Winstanley
- The Goal of the Class Conscious
- Put Not Your Trust in Commissars
- It Also Happened a Long Time Ago
- The Judgment of Joad
- Notes By the Way
- Tit-bits from the Capitalist Stewpot
- The Overfed and the Under-nourished
- Press Cuttings
- Editorial: Who Will Do the Dirty Work Under Socialism?
- Editorial: No Unemployment After the War
- An Interesting Quotation
- This Month’s Quotation: William Morris
- Tit-Bits from the Capitalist Stewpot
- Notes by the Way: Well-Known Non-Socialist Becomes Ex-Socialist
- Gentlemen All
- What the Labour Party Represents
- An Interesting Quotation
- A Comparison
- War Overtakes Russia
- Editorial: Misrepresentations of Socialism
- Post-War Reconstruction
- This Month’s Quotation: William Morris
- Ye Who Reap Shall Also Sow
- Notes By The Way
- Press Cuttings
- Not According to Plan
- The Impermanence of Reform
- What a Conservative M.P. Thought of the Labour Party and Sir Stafford Cripps
- Tit-Bits from the Press
- Our new Head Office
- Democracy—Fact or Slogan?
- The Peace Settlement : Back to 1815 or on to Socialism?
- This Month’s Quotation: J. F. Bray
- A Glance Backward — and Forward
- Socialism Will Forge Ahead
- Hopes and Fears for Democracy
- Where Are We ?
- Synthetic Socialism
- Where Did They Get Their Wealth ?
- Notes By The Way
- Mr. Pollitt again
- Tit-Bits from the Press
- A Tribute from the I.L.P.
- Think on these things
- Two and two make—?
- Party News: News From The U.S.A.
- Party News: “Two Years”
- Obituary: Eva Torf Judd
- A Few Words on the Atlantic Charter
- This Month’s Quotation: Lewis Henry Morgan
- Will Family Allowances Cure Poverty?
- Mr. Keynes Goes to the Bank of England
- Reconstruction: A Lesson from the Last War
- An Open Letter to the “Elementary” Teacher
- Unity After The War. The Repeal of the Trade Dispites Act
- The S.L.P. and the Formation of the Communist Party of Great Britain, 1920
- From the “Socialist Standard,” Sept. and Oct., 1904
- Tit-Bits from the Press
- Science, Capitalism and the New Order
- News from New Zealand
- This Month’s Quotation: Benjamin Franklin
- “Equal Sacrifice”
- Work of National Importance
- Hew to the Line
- Notes By the Way
- Straws
- Letter: Are Cheap Imports a Concern of the Workers?
- Book Review: Poverty and Food
- From the Socialist Standard, November, 1904
- Obituary: Kitty Gostick
- The Western Socialist
- Copies of pamphlet wanted
- Work for Socialism—Now !
- Must Socialism Wait for the Last Hottentot?
- The Problem of India
- This Month’s Quotation: G. D. Herron
- Post-War Unemployment: An Inconvenient Question in the House of Lords
- Notes By The Way: Should Women Have Equal Pay with Men?
- Communists Support for Conservative Candidates
- Is Capitalism a “Conspiracy”?
- The New Year—A New World?
- Who Are Responsible for Defence Weaknesses?
- Prophecies on the Outcome of the War
- Science and the Future
- The Passing of the Communist Party
- The S.L.P. and Formation of the Communist Party, 1920
- Notes By The Way
- Film Review: A Common Belief
- Answers to Correspondents
- A Vile Game
- From the “Socialist Standard”, December 1904
- Speakers for Trade Union meetings
- Who Are the Revolutionaries?
- Capitalism and Monopoly. Davids who did not slay Goliath
- Trade relations after the war
- Notes By the Way
- Review: The Philosophy of Anarchism (Herbert Read)
- Is the Mind a Myth?
- National Insurance. The Wonderful World of Pensions for All
- A Spotlight on the Searchlight
- Party News: Party Notes
- Our Companion Parties in the Western Hemisphere
- Editorial: Incentives Under Socialism
- Editorial: The Socialist Archbishop
- The Future of Sir Stafford Cripps
- The New, Old Capitalism
- Socialism and Anarchism – Part 1
- Socialism For The Newcomer
- Reality of Equality
- Notes by the Way: The Changes and Chances of War
- Party Notes and News
- Party News: To All Readers
- Are The Workers Better Off During The War?
- Death of an Alberta Comrade
- Fish and Conchies
- The Miners’ Problem
- Editorial: War-Time Restrictions On Publication
- Socialism and Anarchism – Part 2
- Post War Trade. Another Scheme to Save Capitalism
- Two Stories of Synthetic Rubber
- The S.L.P. again
- The S.P.G.B. and electors
- Party Notes and News
- The Socialist Parties of New Zaland and Australia
- Press cuttings
- Political Parties and the Workers
- The Forgotten Man in India
- The Reality Doesm’t Enthuse
- Reform or Revolution
- Party Notes amd News
- Noblesse Oblige
- Population and Social Progress
- The Future of Political Parties
- The Labour Party and Socialism
- Will the Workers Learn?
- Book Review: The Plight of the Merchant Seaman
- Japanese Background
- We Are World Changers
- Human Nature, the Black Market and Socialism
- The Labour Party and Socialism (concluded)
- If We Are To Survive
- The Planners of Capitalism
- More new leaders for old
- James Brindley and the Duke of Bridgewater
- The S.L.P. Still prefers to say nothing
- A Challenge to Mr. Bevin on Post-War Reconstruction
- Editorial: The Churches versus Socialism
- What Means This Strife?
- If We Are To Survive (concluded)
- The Death Penalty in Soviet Russia
- Quote: Great Men
- Here and Now: Gone—But Not Forgotten
- War, Peace and Profits
- Catholic Social Principles at Work
- Birth Control and Unemployment
- Notes By the Way
- Production Solely For Use
- Troubles of the Post-War World
- Obituaries: Jim Peterson and Cde Hollingshead
- Clippings
- “Austerity” at the Kremlin
- On Labour Leadership
- Winter classes at Head Office
- National Independence
- The Worker and his Work
- Book Review: “The Spoil of Europe”
- Another Idol Gone
- Is Disunity Hindering Socialist Propaganda?
- The Plight of the Merchant Seaman
- The Death Penalty in Soviet Russia
- “Austerity at the Kremin” : an explanation
- Twenty Years On !
- The Ugly Reality of Indian Nationalism
- China takes up the White Man’s Burden
- Can the Scramble for Markets be Ended?
- A Labour Leader Who Misreads the Signs of the Times
- A Christian Party
- Are We “Proud” of our class?
- The Unemployed are Tough
- Soviet Socialism
- Obituary: H. E. Hutchins
- Some Socialist points on the Beveridge Report
- Anticipating Beveridge
- Did you listen to Smuts?
- Can Labour govern?
- Are Socialists Dreamers?
- War and Health
- The Reward of Honest Industry
- Book Reviews: New Publications
- Socialist Capitalists and Capitalist-Minded Workers
- Good News for Shareholders
- This Means You !
- Editorial: What The Labour Party Proposes After The War
- Good Advice
- Suffer Little Children
- Notes By The Way: Should Coal Miners be Abolished?
- Work for Socialism (A Thought for the New Year)
- The Barbary Coast
- Rocky Foundations of the New World
- Inequality in Russia
- The Communists and Beveridge
- Editorial: Who Pays For Wars?
- 1943—The War and the Workers
- The March From Rome – Part 1
- An Irish Problem in English Agriculture
- The Post-War World
- Progress and Reaction
- Is There a “Managerial” Revolution?
- Editorial: The Doctrine of the Half-Loaf
- “Workers’ Revolutionary League” Please Note
- Party News: The “Daily Worker” and the S.P.G.B.
- New Light on the “New” World
- By The Way: Beveridge on Want—and Adventure
- An Employer’s View of the Beveridge Plan
- Socialism, What It Is Not—What It Is
- Socialism, Pacifism and Politics
- The March From Rome – Part 2
- Where Reformism Fails
- Editorial: The Communists, the Labour Party, and Parliament
- Pocket History of the British Working Class
- Accumulation of wealth in Russia
- Why Lord Nuffield looks after the workers
- Letter: Socialists and Reforms
- Outdoor Propaganda: May
- No Unemployment After The War?
- The Growth of State Power
- Shall Capitalism Continue?
- The Workers’ Outlook
- Editorial: On Keeping Things Dark
- Money in Diamonds
- Fairy Tales of the Future
- The Camera Cannot Lie
- Titbits From The I.L.P. Stewpot
- Contemptible Communist Propaganda Methods
- By The Way
- Fireside Reflections
- The Devil is Convalescing
- Inquest on the I.L.P.
- An Old Comrade Passes
- Same Old Shaw
- Film Review: The Happiest Man In The World
- Who Rules Britain?
- Is Russia Socialist?
- Inglorious End of the Comintern
- Left-wing illusions
- Capitalism Cramps the Clipper
- Unity: A misdirected fable
- The rewards of absistence
- Empire and Poverty
- Trade Unions in Wartime—and After
- Beveridge deals with the Birth Rate
- Is Russia Socialist (Concluded)
- Looking Forward
- Unity or Disunity?
- Homes for Heroes-Deferred
- Babies on the Assembly Line
- Capitalist “Socialism”–The Great Swindle of the Age
- The Rise and Fall of Mussolini
- The Fallacies of Joad
- Capitalism and the Socialist
- Bank for World Trade
- Work – the Only Hope
- Labour Leader’s Misconception About Socialism
- A Communist View of The S.P.G.B.
- The Origin and Growth of Nazism pt.1
- The Future Belongs To The Workers
- The Post Office Workers and the Trade Disputes Act
- Party News: We Prepare For Action
- Leadership
- Poverty
- A Bishop on Birth Control
- The Origin and Growth of Nazism pt.2
- Review—”Our Towns—A Close-up”
- Book Review: Duff and David
- Workers’ Houses in the Next Ten Years
- Rifts in the Atlantic Charter
- Money and Socialism
- The Origin and Growth of Nazism pt.3
- With or Without Comment
- The Coal Crisis, Conscription and the Future
- Editorial: The ‘Paid Agitator’ Again
- Now That We Are All Capitalists: A Satirical Survey
- Religion and Reaction in Russia
- A Critic of Marx’s Economic Theories
- With and Without Comment
- The Black Hole of Calcutta
- War and the International Outlook
- A Critic of Marx’s Economic Theories—concluded
- Socialism—or Barbarism
- The Rank and File
- Mr. Priestley does not understand
- This Interesting World
- Whose Idea was the Magnetic Mine ?
- Our Message For 1944
- An Economist Misses Her Marx
- Working-Class Wives
- Notes By The Way: Acton by-election
- Shaw on Beveridge
- The Beveridge Plan
- Editorial: Postscript on Mosley
- That Word “Unity”
- Swan Song of the Communists
- A danger light on the horizon
- The Docker’s Problems
- Soviet Millionaires
- More nonsense on Marx (review of “To the Finland Station”)
- A modern fairy tale: Palace in Blunderland
- A new way to cure strikes
- The Lady with the Lamp
- Fabian Fallacies, or the Sorrows of Bernard Shaw
- Russia’s Transition
- Marx’s Economic Theories
- The Art of Insurrection by the B.B.C.
- Why Bother About the Burma Road?
- Provincial Organisers’ Fund
- Storm over Shipping
- Editorial: Where Common Wealth Stands
- Miners and Leaders
- Compromise leads to catastrophe
- Review: “The Transition From War to Peace” (Pigou)
- Malthus to Hitler—or Marx
- World Trade Plans
- The Beveridge Plan—for Saving Capitalism
- May Day reflections
- The new anti-strike Order
- Turmoil in the Coalfield
- The international basis of Socialism
- When the war drums throb no longer
- Socialism and Crime
- “Daily Worker” Unity Conference
- Quotes
- Houses off the Conveyor Belt
- A Plea for Sanity in a Mad World
- Socialism & the Agitation for Freedom of Speech & Organisation
- The Scottish Workers’ Congress: Curious Stuff from Glasgow
- Death and Disablement in the Mines
- Concerning “A National Health Service”
- Tory Reform—The Old, Old Story
- The Scented Spray of Capitalist Propaganda
- Nationalisation, Socialism and Unemployment
- Forty Years—Lest We Forget
- Co-operators decline a debate
- No Half-Way House to Socialism
- No Socialism in Saskatchewan
- British rule and Indian misery
- Sir John Anderson is very unhappy
- The Irish General Election
- The cause of crime
- By the Way
- “Good Homes to Live in”—if you can afford them
- Party News: An Urgent Appeal
- The Economic Foundations of Ill-Health
- Editorial: Unholy Deadlock in Soviet Russia
- Will there be a third World-War?
- The Trade Union Movement must face the issue
- The Enemies in our Midst
- Control: Remote or Direct?
- A Scotch Broth of Peculiar Composition
- By the Way
- Russia’s Capitalist Progress
- Obituaries: G. Nyberg & Jack Butler
- Divide and Rule
- Editorial: The Evolution of Sir Stafford Cripps, The “Revolutionary”
- The Workers and Education
- Pollitt Forgets the Past
- North Africa, Italy and Capitalism
- By the Way
- From the Cradle to the Grave
- ‘Philanthropy’ An Asset to the Capitalist
- Death of Another Old Comrade
- Obituary: Comrade Jack Butler
- Confessions of a Labour Leader
- A Word From William Morris
- The Coming Slump: Does the Gold Standard Matter?
- Armies of Liberation
- Capitalist Progress Leaves the Worker behind
- The Weakness of the Trotskyists
- By the Way
- On a holiday
- Is Increased Production the Solution?
- Trade Union Congress re-affirms its Belief in Capitalism
- Political Ideas and Class Interests: A Glance at Argentina
- What should Women do to be Free?
- “Something Worse Than War”
- Why Some Employers Favour a Forty-Hour Week
- Party News: Common Wealth will not Debate
- Book Review: ‘The Day is Coming’
- A Change in the Catholic Attitude to Russia?
- “Irish Freedom” declines our advertisements
- Editorial: Bad Advice From A Trade Union Leader
- Letter: The Cause of Crime
- By The Way
- Lights Up
- The Future of China
- Book Review: ‘The Poverty of the People in Australia’
- Editorial: Tory-Labour Agreement On Capitalism
- War and Civil War — Who Are the Friends of Democracy?
- Wartime Reflections
- Book Review: Socialism and World Unity
- The Finest Flower of Capitalist Culture
- Superstition Still Taints Education
- Letter: Socialism and Constitutional Action
- A New Year — Forty Years Later
- The Future Is Yours To Mould
- Those Who Fish in Troubled Waters
- What to do with the World’s Frontiers?
- A Study in Social Importance
- By the Way
- Pamphlet Review: Old Fallacies Re-Furbished: Is Socialist Propaganda Futile?
- Benny
- Death of A. Kohn
- Welsh Workers See Storms Ahead
- Looking Back and Looking Forward
- Do We Need a Bigger Population?
- The Workers’ Internationals
- New Leagues for Old
- By the Way
- The Bogey Man
- Is this the last war?
- Editorial: America Land of Millionaires and Poverty
- Party News: Glasgow Branch decides to contest election
- Trade Unions in the Post War Picture
- How Socialism “works”
- By The Way: Juries are Wiser To-day
- The cause of crime
- The ‘Friends’ of Scottish Workers
- Racket led Geo. Heath to his death
- Herrenvolk in South Africa
- May-Day — The Workers Must Choose
- The passing of a capitalist “Great Man”
- Full Employment
- The I.L.P.—A Study in Political Futility
- They’d like us all to be social ostriches
- Vegetarianism, Capitalism and Socialism
- By The Way
- The S.P.G.B. and Leaders
- Our Annual Conference
- Victory and then what?
- The Misreporters of the Capitalist Press
- A Glance at San Francisco
- Atrocities—Cynical Ruling Class Attitude
- The “Victory” Election & Our Parliamentary Campaign
- So You Want To Be A Capitalist?
- Further Meanderings of G. B. Shaw
- The Dennis O’Neill Case
- The Facts about Working Class Savings
- Our Election Manifesto
- Editorial: This Phoney Election
- Figures and Facts
- 100 Years of Reforms
- By the Way
- The Yellow Peril
- How They Dealt with the Election Paper Ration
- Parliamentary Fund
- A Shadow Falls Across the Capitalist World
- Editorial: A World That Changes But Remains The Same
- Our Election Manifesto and Leaflets
- Only Socialism Will Abolish War
- Socialism and the Housing Problem
- Capitalism Cannot Cure Unemployment
- War and Humanity
- More Mechanisation
- By The Way: Atrocities
- North Paddington Election
- Britain’s Third Labour Government
- Editorial: Questions to Mr. Shinwell
- Notes On The Election
- Prblems Facing the Labour Government. The Menace of Unemployment
- Our Indian Sisters
- Letter: Is Socialist Propaganda futile?
- The Labour Party and Strikes
- Heartbreak House. The swindle of Nationalisation
- The Labour Party Programme: Let Us Face the Future
- Hiroshima and After!
- A Journey through Dreamland
- “King of the Castle”
- What is a Realistic Attitude for the Working Class?
- The plundering of Haiti
- A call to bolster capitalism: Cripps appeals to the workers
- Editorial: The Present State of the Trade Union Movement
- By the Way
- Trade Union dissensions in Eire
- A new social revolution
- Austerity and Exports
- Letter: The simple life under Socialism
- “Democracy” in the Russian Army
- Editorial: Some Facts About The Dock Strike
- Which Exploiting Regime—U.S.A. or U.S.S.R.?
- Party News: Donations To Party Funds
- Letter: The Change Over From Capitalism To Socialism
- Party News: Glasgow Branch Municipal Election Fund
- The Foreigners in Our Midst
- Religion, Ethics or Socialism
- Socialism and the Labour Party
- Fine Words
- Doctors are Wage Slaves
- The Demand for “Workers” Control
- Full Employment? Another Labour Party Fallacy
- Editorial: The Nationalisation of Cables and Wireless
- The trouble in dockland. By a Dock Worker
- The ‘Transition Period’
- The compensation of Bank of England stockholders
- Answers to a correspondent (Critique of Gotha Programme)
- The nationalisation of mining royalties
- Work directions to stay
- “Socialism” for the City
- The crime wave
- Obituaries: F. Kraske & Betty King
- Is Stalin a Fabian? A Priority Claim by Bernard Shaw
- Other Days—Other Ways
- Censored News From Russia
- By The Way: The “Jolly Old Empire”
- Book Review: Slaves of the Farm U.S.A.
- The Workers’ Internationals
- The Withering Away of the State – From Marx to Stalin
- Editorial: The Labour Government’s Prisons and Detention Barracks
- Party News: Erith Labour Party declines debate
- Letter: Is there a clear line of demarcation between Working Class and Capitalist Class?
- Is the gap between rich and poor narrowing?
- Party News: Camberwell Branch
- A Food Shortage in War and Peace
- Letter: Marx and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
- Wage Labour and Surplus Value
- Where Do They Go From Here?
- May Day—After The Shambles
- Editorial: The Friends of the Trade Unionist
- How to Stop War: Mr. Churchill’s Suggestions Examined
- The Role of the Church in Strikes
- “An Enemy of Society”
- Workers’ Control ? ?
- Book review: Uncensored News and Views on Russia
- Letter: Hours of Work in Socialism
- History in the Making
- Party News: May Day Demonstration
- Russia and Democracy
- Professor Laski’s Secret
- Lord Keynes – Economist of Capitalism in Decline
- Famine in India
- Are Scientists Free?
- Editorial: Palestine, the Arabs and the Zionists
- Mr. Brown goes to town
- Contradictions of Capitalism
- Notes by the Way: “You, too, can be a Capitalist”
- A Socialist Message to the Workers of All Lands
- The Power of the Radio
- Party News: Appeal to Overseas Readers
- Book Review: ‘Social Democracy Versus Communism’ [Kautsky]
- Editorial: Trade Unions on the Rocks
- “Rake’s Progress” (Political Version)
- Communist slogans for Capitalism
- Mr. Thurtle misfires
- Muddled Thinking of a Labour Leader
- Conservatives in Conclave
- Obituary: Death of A. E. Jacomb
- Labourism Proposes – Capitalism Disposes
- William Morris and the Socialist movement
- Editorial: The Slippery Slopes of Labourism
- War and Increased Production
- Whose Brains? A Question For Mr. J. R. Clynes
- The Last Hope of Humanity
- Endnotes
- A Labour M.P. Protests
- No Equality Under Capitalism
- North Paddington Gets Another Chance
- Editorial: The American Miners’ Strike
- On The Air! Or In The Air?
- Book Review: Whither Arthur Koestler
- The Wrong Way
- Electoral Activity
- Notes by the Way: Emigrants to Australia
- The Nationalisation of the Railways
- Editorial: Labour Government, Strikes and Arbitration
- Priority Imports
- The Economics of False Teeth
- Personalities or Principles?
- For Use or Profit?
- Laugh With Mr. Morrison
- Old King Coal in His Labour Robes
- The Bleak Afterthoughts of a Labour Critic
- Editorial: The Powers and their Armed Forces
- Socialism and Nationalisation by Paul Lafargue
- Inflation
- Something for Nothing
- Housing in Merry Sweden
- News items about other Labour Governments
- Capitalist View of Workers’ Sport
- May Day rallies
- Mirthless May Day. The Workers and their Future
- Editorial: Workers of All Lands Unite—But not with foreigners
- Notes by the Way
- On the Materialist Conception of Histoy
- The Division of the Spoils
- The Slave’s Awakening
- Poor but Respectable
- Who Will Do the Dirty Work?
- The North Paddington Vote
- The Annual Conference
- Party News Briefs
- Public debate
- Obituary: Death of L. Jones
- Editorial: Conscription—A Contrast in Attitudes
- Work and Want: An Old Farce with New Players
- Cripps on wages—or hope deferred
- Food and Work
- Princesses and Piecans
- Book Review: Another Critic of Marx
- “A Century! Declared”
- Party News: Debate: Baxter backs out
- Party News Briefs
- The Capitalist Ethic: Don’t be a racketeer in a small way
- The Great “Work Harder” Mystery
- Short Story: The All-Mine Osaurs
- Inequality in Soviet Russia
- A Letter from a Glasgow Docker
- Work and Want: An Old Farce with New Players
- Editorial: The Ways of Imperialisms
- Book Review: “The Anatomy of Peace”
- Notes by the Way: Peter Petroff on British State Capitalism
- Party News Briefs
- Dialectical Materialism
- The Labour Party Conference
- Tobacco For The Old ‘Uns
- Editorial: “The State Sweatshop”
- What Comes After The Labour Government?
- Editorial: Two Worlds and What Divides Them
- A Battle Between Labour Leaders
- The Myth of May Day
- Of Memories and Managing Directors
- Book Review: An American Professor Looks at Marx
- What Price Racialism?
- Notes by the Way: Blood and Coal
- Party News Briefs
- Mr. Strachey provides food for thought
- Letters: Jerome K. Jerome
- Why Can’t We All Get Together
- Party News Briefs
- Gradualism and Revolution
- Prophetic Lines Addressed to the Worker From the Labour Government
- The Crisis: The Planners’ Swansong
- Editorial: The Labour Party and Palestine
- “Stand Up To The Yanks”
- Party News Briefs
- Press Cuttings
- A Letter To An Irish Worker
- The Common Wealth Party and State Capitalism
- Time’s Little Joke !
- Blind Leaders
- Short Story: The Donkey Didn’t Complain
- What is a Spiv?
- The Grimethorpe Miners
- A Party No Socialist Would Join
- Party News: Briefs
- Divide and Rule in India
- In the Sweet Bye and Bye
- Party News Briefs
- What does the German Social Democratic Party stand for to-day?
- Obituary: Prince Vallar
- In Commemoration of the Communist Manifesto
- The Daily Worker and Lenin on Equal Pay
- Stanley Baldwin: Bluff Squire or Shrewd Politician
- The Wallace Case
- Mitres and Miracles
- Money Will Go
- A Socialist’s Reflections on Atomic Energy
- Party News Briefs
- Railway Nationalisation
- Notes by the Way: You Have Heard This One Before
- Party News Briefs
- Socialism or Chaos
- The Labour Government Gets Tough with the Workers
- Socialism or Barbarism
- Editorial:The Railway Strike in Queensland
- Editorial: Foreign Loans and Investments
- Russian Imperialism
- Notes by the Way
- Work, You Workers, Work
- White Papers and Black Records
- Harry Barber and the Fortunate Thieves
- Party News Briefs
- More funds needed
- Our Message for May Day, 1948
- Party News: Annual Conference, 1948
- Party News Briefs
- Love, Marriage and Divorce In Russia
- Letters:The Outlook for Socialism
- Short Story: A Modern Parable
- Mr. Shaw and the Dictators
- The Communists and Palestine
- The Great Radio Drive
- Party News Briefs
- Abolish the expoiting mechanism
- Notes by the Way: Mr. Churchill won’t commit himself
- The Escape to Freedom
- Book Review: ‘Labour Marches On’
- Must There Be A Transition Period?
- Book Review: The World’s Wealth
- Short Story: Holiday Meditation
- Party News Briefs
- Deep in the Heart of Texas
- The Trouble in Berlin
- Debate with Trotskyists: “Is Russia Capitalist?”
- Editorial: The Bitter Fruits of Nationalisation
- The “Unofficial” Strikers
- How Not To Save Democracy
- The Accumulation of Capital
- Party News Briefs
- Just Once A Year
- Editorial: Nationalisation of Iron and Steel
- The National Health Service
- Letter: Capitalism was necessary
- Another Anti-War Committee. Why the S.P.G.B. will not join in
- Notes by the Way
- Bavaria Revisited
- Labour Government Lock-Out
- “. . . And too dear”
- Cheaper food — less wages
- Common ownership of jumble sales
- Party News Briefs
- Quote: A Policeman’s Club
- [“Some make Big Stuff …”]
- Race-Prejudice in Washington D. C.
- Pamphlet Review: ‘The Russian Revolution – Its Origin and Outcome’
- A Letter From Ireland
- Trade Unions and the Next Slump. Are We Backwoodsmen?
- Editorial: May Day in Hyde Park
- Hoo R Ower Dumm Frenz?
- Saints and Sinners
- Housewives: Let Us Face the Future
- The First of The Few
- Debate on the Labour Party
- Socialism – A Communist Definition
- The Nemesis of Labour Government
- Editorial: This Age of Discontent
- Editorial: Private Ownership in Russian Agriculture
- The Class Struggle in India
- Just a few more contradictions
- The Founding of The Socialist Party of Ireland
- The Radio War
- Notes by the Way
- Reported in Hansard
- The Blind Will Yet See
- Short Story: Wadya Know
- Letter: Will Socialism Work?
- Party News Briefs
- Editorial: The Attitude of the London Dockers
- General Election, 1950
- The Dispute at the London Docks
- Death of a Clown
- Book Review: ‘Lost Illusion’
- Workers on the Defensive
- Editorial: A black future for the miners
- The Last Refuge
- Democracy undefended
- Report on the Press
- Notes by the Way
- Problem children
- “Fiesta.” — An essay in futility
- Suffer Little Children
- The Old Order Reigneth Not
- Party news briefs
- Should the workers strike?
- Editorial: The Devaluation of the Labour Party
- Notes by the Way
- As the election approaches
- The National Health Service
- Hunger and plenty
- Communist cakes and ale
- A Tory joins the Communist Party
- Raw Recruits
- Truth will out
- The People You Meet: No. 1 – Gilbert
- Two useful books
- Party news briefs
- Party News: From The Eastern Front
- You too can help
- The purport of war
- Labour Party trouble with the Co-operatives
- Editorial: No socialist theories in the Labour Party
- Pounds, Dollars and Poverty
- The Purpose of Devaluation
- Leadership and Lenin
- The Russian capitalist class
- Notes by the Way
- Too Much of a Good Thing
- In search of a policy
- Story for children—The Three Gardens
- The People You Meet: No. 2 – Punchy
- “More spectres haunting Europe”
- Reported in Hansard
- Book Reviews: Into the Crystal Ball
- Party News Briefs
- The Coal Board and targets