Racket led Geo. Heath to His Death

Much has been written regarding the murder of Geo. Heath, the private-hire car driver, in the famous “cleft-chin” case. Ernest Bevin pointed out that in the case of the girl Marina Jones, the trouble “started with the dole.”

Now we are told that Heath regularly made £120 a week. He used to “contact parties in the clubs in the West End, and take them out to various road houses in the Maidenhead area. . . . George had a very good business picking up people at Ascot, bringing them to town and taking them back.” (Evening Standard, January 25th.)

This means that Geo. Heath secured about £20 per trip to Ascot or Maidenhead.

This tallies with the report in the People (February 12th) that 300 taxis were chartered on the 11th at £10 a cab for the return journey from London to Windsor for the races. Evidently some people have money to burn in spite of taxes!

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