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  • in reply to: Mao’s China? Ask a leper. #236305

    And books were burning all over China. This had been going on since the 50s. Children took their parents books to be burned. Libraries were destroyed. Apart from Marxist classics, every book had to mention Mao adoringly on every page in order to be spared.

    China’s written heritage was almost completely obliterated. Professor Kang, who now teaches at Yale, and who spent his life from boyhood in Mao’s prisons for being a book lover, spent his childhood immersed in his grandmother’s hidden library. In 1966 this collection was also discovered and consigned to the flames.

    Another cultish practice:
    Red Guards stood at street corners with scissors, to pounce on both men and women whose hair wasn’t short and “communist” enough.

    in reply to: Mao’s China? Ask a leper. #236293

    Anti-fascism = fascism.

    Bizarre fact related by Edgar Snow.
    One of Mao’s coterie left China, went to the USA and joined the KKK!
    Snow does not elaborate.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236292

    Movimiento, didn’t Castro revere Trotsky?

    in reply to: China is Capitalist #236291

    The founder of the CPC, Ch’en Tu-hsiu, was purged and died a Trotskyist.

    in reply to: Mao’s China? Ask a leper. #236290

    Chinese CP members were sent to Russia in the 1930s to assist the Stalinist purges by purging those Chinese CP representatives who were residing in the Soviet Union.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236288

    The incidents I have described about Maoism are not from western media, TS, but from CPC state archives, referenced in books.

    Movimiento, these horrors also took place during the “Cultural Revolution”, but were not new. They began when Mao took power over the CPC and the arrival at Yenan in the mid-30s and throughout the 40s, and were applied to the nation as a whole from 1948.

    Moderator, I know these are off thread, but I have needed to reply to points made here. to Movimiento, and TS does not visit the Chinese threads.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Thomas_More.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236247

    Movimiento, those the Maoists called “landlords” in the 1940s and 50s were mostly poor farmers.

    Infants were not exempt. Toddlers were tortured and killed as well as adults. Mao’s maxim was “I don’t care who I harm, but no one will be allowed to harm me.”

    in reply to: Mao’s China? Ask a leper. #236241

    Mao caused road havoc and some deaths when he ordered his most ardent followers to drive on the wrong side of the road.
    “A true Communist must drive on the left side of the road. Driving on the right is counterrevolutionary!”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236236

    True Narcissist just cannot conceive of someone not being for either side. Hence his continuing to address us as pro-western.
    And this is where his Putinism coincides with the conspiraloons. They, too, misperceive things in the same way. They avoid social analysis because they are incapable of it. It isn’t even attainable by their severely restricted radar.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Thomas_More.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236235

    That title applies to every politician under every flag.

    in reply to: China is Capitalist #236230

    At least the fall of the Gang of Four and Mao’s death brought an end to the onslaught of Maoism on China’s people and written heritage.
    Already millions had died as a direct result of Mao’s demented policies, which even his own underlings knew were insane. And any more book burning and destruction would have completely destroyed Chinese antique literature and arts.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236229

    Cuba, by the way, was also an enemy to Stalinists, and a ‘social imperialist’ lackey.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236226

    Also, Mao, Nixon, Pol Pot, and friend Idi Amin, and later Reagan, Thatcher and Teng Hsiao-p’ing must have been an anti-imperialist coalition, as Chou En-lai et al were eager to point out … against ‘social imperialist’ Russia.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Thomas_More.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Thomas_More.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236217

    “Running dog” … Maoist language.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236216

    I used “the loon” in a general sense.

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