Mao’s China? Ask a leper.

July 2024 Forums General discussion Mao’s China? Ask a leper.

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    “In June 1966 all teaching stopped in Chinese schools. Instead, pupils had to gaze at a portrait of Mao every day.”

    Came across this. Confirms the impression of Maoism as a mass religious cult. How anyone can fall for that BS is hard to fathom….

    “More than 1 million schools and China’s 43 universities at the time were made to stop classes in 1966, soon after Nie’s poster. Schools reopened only in 1969, and colleges in 1970. A total of 107 million school students and 534,000 college students were impacted, according to Julia Kwong, professor of sociology at the University of Manitoba in Canada and author of the book Cultural Revolution in China’s Schools, May 1966–April 1969. Then, as now, China had the world’s largest education system.

    “The Cultural Revolution has to be one of the biggest disruptions to education in the modern world … anywhere,” says Albert Park, professor of economics, social science and public policy at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.”


    And books were burning all over China. This had been going on since the 50s. Children took their parents books to be burned. Libraries were destroyed. Apart from Marxist classics, every book had to mention Mao adoringly on every page in order to be spared.

    China’s written heritage was almost completely obliterated. Professor Kang, who now teaches at Yale, and who spent his life from boyhood in Mao’s prisons for being a book lover, spent his childhood immersed in his grandmother’s hidden library. In 1966 this collection was also discovered and consigned to the flames.

    Another cultish practice:
    Red Guards stood at street corners with scissors, to pounce on both men and women whose hair wasn’t short and “communist” enough.


    Pupils were allowed to kill their teachers without police interference.


    The problem is that millions of peoples believe that china is a communist society due to the false propaganda made by both sides of the conflict, and it is very difficult to remove that conception form the minds of most of them,

    We are living in a time when most peoples do not ready books, do not attend a library, or do not buy any books, and most book store are going into bankruptcy and libraries are being closed.

    It is easier now to read the works of Marx and Engels because they are digital, and to read Lenin, Stalin, or Mao it is just a wasting of times and their conceptions are wrong, and most peoples do not know that Lenin was not a communist, but it takes time and research to understand, we need an ‘ideological’ exorcism


    “How anyone can fall for that BS is hard to fathom….”

    Mao’s stormtroopers were exceedingly young, with most even of them going along with their peers through fear. Children had to beat teachers they loved and respected, or be themselves beaten. China became a nation of actors for outside observers. Everyone had to smile, or be beaten; even those who were starving. Far from the image of mass enthusiasm projected, there were peasant uprisings, workers’ strikes in the cities, defacements of Mao’s portrait and calls for him to be arrested and punished.

    Mao launched the Terror precisely because, from 1958 to 1961, the CPC had squeezed him out, knowing he was insane. Over thirty million had died as a result of his Stalinist agrarian policies, which did not work for China. Liu Shao-ch’i and Teng Hsiao-p’ing reversed Mao’s policies and Peking Daily ignored his articles. He had lost credibility. So he launched the “Cultural Revolution” to inflame the young and rid himself of the more realist members who had sidelined him. With his wife and the Terrorist K’ang Sheng, he regained control by violence of media outlets and destroyed his rivals, regaining the absolute control he craved.


    This is not to deny that the realists in the CPC were state-capitalist Leninist cronies, but that they saw Mao was a liability to the object of developing capitalism in China.

    Starving, dying workers can’t produce surplus value.


    Mao ordered all the able-bodied men, women and children to go out and clap their hands to frighten the sparrows (who had been denounced as capitalist-roaders). His idea was that the birds would all die of exhaustion as they fluttered in terror from clapping Chinaman to clapping Chinaman. This shows Mao as being stupid as well as cruel. How could he be sure the birds would die of exhaustion before their tormentors? He would have looked a prize chump if he had been left with a billion dead Chinamen and some tired, resentful sparrows to rule over.
    On the other hand, to his credit, Mao did allow working people to smoke wherever they liked, even in the most trying circumstances, such as when, for one reason or another, they found themselves up before the firing squad.


    He was himself a chain smoker.

    Tea houses were closed and the elderly workers who relied on them as a relief from their wretched daily lives driven away. Chess was forbidden too. The Chinese tea house was a very ancient tradition and was the centre of social life. They were not reopened until the 1980s.

    Loudspeakers plagued people all day long, and at night, blaring on every street corner.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Thomas_More.
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