SPEW and elections

February 2025 Forums General discussion SPEW and elections

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    Last November TUSC decided that it was not going to contest any more election for the time being. This was because since the death of Bob Crow the RMT union was no longer prepared to support this. The SPEW representatives said that they would contest elections “under a different banner”. It remains to be seen if they will, though they have announced that they will be standing a candidate for mayor of Leicester in the elections in May.

    They also contested a council by-election in Southampton yesterday caused by the resignation of a breakaway Labour councillor sympathetic to TUSC. Their candidate finished 4th of 8 candidates behind Labour, Tory and Lib Dems with 368 votes (14%).

    Their “different banner” was not SPEW but “Socialist Alternative”, the name they are registered with at the Electoral Commission which refused to register them as the “Socialist Party” because we were already registered.

    We will be contesting the May local elections, in Folkestone. More details later.


    This group are on my Twitter account page as suggestions to follow.

    I was going to follow and tell them about this great news. Legally,  we are registered as the Socialist Party with the Electoral Commission.

    I just thought to report them instead. See what Twitter do?

    I have informed Twitter about this group. I used the Party Email address.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by james19.

    Twitter have contacted us but we will need to know exactly what you said to them if you can email this to head office.


    Hi I’ve just seen your reply. I have now just sent you an email.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by james19.

    Here is Twitter’s reply. It is what we expected:

    Hello,  We’ve investigated the reported account and have determined that it is not in violation of Twitter’s impersonation policy. In order for an account to be in violation of the policy, it must portray another person or business in a misleading or deceptive manner. Read the full policy here: https://support.twitter.com/articles/18366 Thank you for your report, and please note that any documents you may have uploaded will be deleted. Twitter Support


    Thanks for this.

    I have been told that the account is  dominant.

    No loss, we got in before Militant, with the Electoral Commission, thankfully.

    If Militant, or whatever banner they call themselves stand candidates at Election time, they cannot use the Party name, Socialist Party.




    Their website does say Socialist Party England and Wales and (Formerly Militant).


    A Guardian-reader noted this in their paper a few days ago about which political parties claimed furlough:

    “The British National party may no longer have any councillors but it claimed up to £10,000. A spokesperson for the party, led by Adam Walker, said its employees “should not be discriminated against because some people may hold different political views than their employer”.
    Very few other political parties made claims but they include Brexit Party Ltd, which is owned by Nigel Farage, and the Socialist party. Each claimed up to £10,000.”

    So Trotskyist professional revolutionaries are now paid by the capitalist state.



    I have been told that the account is dominant.

    Dormant* Late night posting?



    So Trotskyist professional revolutionaries are now paid by the capitalist state.



    Just seen the list of candidates nominated for the Lambeth & Southwark costituency for the Greater London Assembly elections on 6 May and they are back to standing against the Labour Party — as TUSC. Not surprising, I suppose, now that Labour has reverted to type, but illustrative of Trotskyists opportunism. I imagine, in fact, that they would have welcomed the defenestration of Corbyn and Labour going back to what it was as this means they should be able to pick up a few recruits. It will be inteesting to see if they do manage to attract a number of disillusioned Labour voters. T


    Just seen this.

    Laurence Fox sued for libel over ‘paedophile’ comments


    During Black History Month, Sainsbury’s ran a campaign saying that it did not tolerate racism.

    Laurence Fox and the snowflakes called for a boycott of Sainsbury’s.

    What was funny is the poster saying: Sainsbury’s”
    Now with racist free shopping

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by james19.

    Laurence Fox is standing for Mayor of London. So is Piers Corbyn. So there’s s at least one ex-Trotskyist candidate though he was in the IMG rather than the Militant Tendency which later spawned SPEW.


    I don’t think we have ever done as badly as TUSC here:


    In fact most of their results were in the same league as us.

    I wonder how long they will keep this up.


    Is there any advantage in following the Official Loonies with multi candidates? I can’t see any, myself.

    As for the TUSC, the number of candidates they stood does suggest they have a substantial membership and have built an infrastructure that does indicate that if they are in the same league they seem much higher up in it than ourselves.

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