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  • in reply to: New Peter Joseph Film #253104

    By “Integral Parallel Economy Project” does P Joseph just mean Co-Ops? Funnily enough I’d almost forgotten about TZM until I listened to this latest Podcast a couple days ago. I think he would turn must workers off because of his over complex way of explaining things. In fact he did turn workers off because around 2011 it really looked as if Zeitgeist was going somewhere. Then it kind of vanished.

    in reply to: More people choosing a blindfold. #252696

    Propaganda, Nationalism, Conspiracies, AI, Religion, UFOs, Video Games (hundreds of millions of young minds hooked), Porn, Telly, Infotainment etc. How can the Party possibly make itself heard in the midst of never ending deafening distraction behemoth?

    in reply to: More people choosing a blindfold. #252690

    Even if they took the time to read the Leaflet the SPGB would be written off as cranks by 99% of workers. The minute they read the word “Socialism” it’s the kiss of death. Most don’t even know they are living in a social system never mind being able to define Capitalism (or Socialism for that matter). It’s fuckin hopeless.

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by Ozymandias.
    in reply to: The coming world war. #252368


    7th Day Adventists. There are 100 Million Evangelicals in the US. They leave their brains at the door of the Mega Church every Sunday & let their leaders do their thinking for them. These Multi Millionaire “Pastors” seek to hasten WWIII in order to be “Raptured” along with the rest of the faithful when Jesus comes back for Armaggedon. They are increasingly vocal in Congress as well as weilding massive influence in the US Military. Zionist Evangelicals are “Friends” of Israel with the caveat that every single Jew will die unless they convert at day of judgement. This is the reality of where the USA is going. It’s terrifying.

    in reply to: Waiting on the vote results #252016

    <em class=”d4pbbc-italic”>It strikes me as odd that we’re not happy that the Conservatives have got a kicking.

    Could you tell us why the party <em class=”d4pbbc-italic”>should be happy? I’m not a member but even I know there’s very little difference between the Conservatives, Labour and all the other parties seeking to reform capitalism.

    <em class=”d4pbbc-italic”>It strikes me as odd that we’re not happy that the Conservatives have got a kicking.

    Could you tell us why the party <em class=”d4pbbc-italic”>should be happy? I’m not a member but even I know there’s very little difference between the Conservatives, Labour and all the other parties seeking to reform capitalism.

    Capitalist parties like the ones you’ve mentioned do not seek to reform Capitalism but to administrate it. Why should it worry you anyway? Fron what I’ve read from your previous posts it’s like you love Capitalism. Always rubbing it in that the SPGB have failed utterly. You should spit your vitriol instead at the SWP or any other Leftist outfit because their utopian fantasies (Sanitised Capitalism) haven’t been realised either. And never will be.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Ozymandias.
    in reply to: INCEL culture and the Far Right #251799

    What is Capitalism other than a reflection of us? It grew out of us. It is us.

    in reply to: The coming world war. #251642

    You think the Capitalist Class are going to destroy their own playground & the Golden Goose that goes along with it?

    in reply to: A dumbed-down populace. #251550

    Have you noticed how newscasters now double as gameshow hosts? This is the Info-tainment society we now inhabit.

    in reply to: Cost of living crisis #251541

    They don’t know any better love. And neither do you.

    in reply to: A dumbed-down populace. #251538

    For an illustration of how utterly dim & docile the UK “Working Class” are, just watch any episode of “Gogglebox”. When Channel 4 started up in 1982 the Bill of Fare included stuff like Michael Tippett’s The Knot Garden, Sir Peter Hall’s The Oresteia (from the National Theatre) plus the News in Swahili etc…
    Now we’ve got guff like “Naked Attraction” with workers getting their Willie’s & Fannies out for all the world to see. I just wonder if it’s all a concerted effort by the Owning Class to dumb us all down. After all they own & control the global entertainment behemoth.
    With the youth of today it’s actually “Cool” to be stupid. Look at Joey Essex. He’s made millions pretending to daft. The right way. This 50 year campaign of engineering mass stupidity has triumphed because workers are dumber than ever now. They carry a galaxy of information at their fingertips with Mobile tech yet they know even less. Their phones are smarter than they are. It just seems really hopeless and terrifying.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Ozymandias.
    in reply to: Did the SPGB get it wrong? #250851

    Theoretically Capitalism got going around 1820 globally. But as you say Russia & China took longer to move from Semi-Feudalism to Capitalism.

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248103

    We are fuckin doomed…

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248101

    Look at Tim Burchett. His eyes are glazed. All of these Cunts are Coke addicts. Including the reporters. To they extent they don’t realise they are all high and out of their heads. VERY DANGEROUS OGS & MAGOGS.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 4 weeks ago by Ozymandias.
    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248100

    And they are all ADDICTS…

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248099

    Just also check the erratic behaviour of Lauren Boebert. She is also a Cokehead. Look at her. These cunts have their fingers on the trigger.

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