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  • in reply to: Cost of living crisis #232624

    Well I don’t see it (socialism) happening, although I still think it our duty to promote it for as long as we live.
    It isn’t that everyone doesn’t have the rational tool for it, but I don’t see it being used, because reason isn’t master, and I think the party is naive in its, well, 18th century-like view of the primacy of reason.

    Why are the poorest and most deprived also the most adulatory and reactionary?

    in reply to: Cost of living crisis #232622

    Even if the proles here were told to eat bugs, they’d just do it, and blame it all on Russia.

    in reply to: Cost of living crisis #232607


    in reply to: Cost of living crisis #232604

    Doesn’t the UK get most of its gas from the North Sea instead of Russia? The French workers are not facing the extortionate costs we are. So obviously, the British state wants us to hate “the Russians” rather than our masters here.

    in reply to: Cost of living crisis #232603

    Just watched a report on worldwide civil unrest set to expand in 2023 over cost of living and energy.

    With the world’s capitalists on the brink of world war, might they not trigger it to offset any chance of the workers getting together against them (the capitalists)?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232567

    Why would the Russian army be shelling the Zaporozhye plant if they control it? They would be shelling their own troops.

    in reply to: Cost of living crisis #232507

    Kublai Khan was more generous, by a thousandfold, to his subjects on hard times than any capitalist state is today!
    (See Marco Polo).

    in reply to: Capitalism’s animal holocaust continues. #232403

    Grizzlie bear carcass had over 40 bullet holes.
    Onslaught on grizzlies continues.

    in reply to: Capitalism’s animal holocaust continues. #232396

    Alaska’s endangered beluga whale is about to get a new neighbor. Not a new salmon or seabird friend, but a big, terrifying, metal contraption that brings noise, pollution, and the threat of catastrophic oil spills. This is an oil drilling rig — and all it would take is one accident to ruin the gentle beluga’s habitat.

    The Department of Interior is poised to greenlight new drilling leases, including in Cook Inlet — the endangered beluga’s home. But the DOI has not provided impacted communities enough time to voice their opinion.

    Cook Inlet’s watershed is home to 400,000 people — nearly two-thirds of Alaska’s population. And Alaskan natives depend on clean waters and a healthy environment for their subsistence lifestyle. An oil spill would be devastating to local communities. Even barring such a catastrophe, air and water pollution from fossil fuel drilling endangers everyone, especially children and seniors.

    in reply to: Capitalism’s animal holocaust continues. #232391

    Manatees have been dying at record numbers. Last year was the WORST EVER for manatees at over 1,101 deaths, and this year we’ve already lost another 631 of these beloved marine animals.

    The cruise ship industry is making it even harder for manatees to survive by contributing to the DESTRUCTION of their sensitive habitats and the ELIMINATION of their primary food source, seagrass. What’s more, profit-driven corporations like Carnival Corp. churn up sand and other toxic contaminants that endanger water quality. (Friends of the Earth).

    in reply to: Capitalism’s animal holocaust continues. #232373
    in reply to: Capitalism’s animal holocaust continues. #232372

    In Idaho, hunters can murder an UNLIMITED amount of wolves. Montana has just permitted the use of violent methods like CHOKING wolves with neck snares and MAIMING them with leg traps. And Wyoming allows wolves to be RUN OVER by snowmobiles and even for nursing wolf mothers and pups to be INCINERATED in their dens. Gray wolves cannot survive much longer if these inhumane hunting practices continue.

    in reply to: Capitalism’s animal holocaust continues. #232238

    On the shoulders of the world’s proletariat rests not only the DUTY to save the human race but to save all life on Earth by getting rid of the capitalist system!

    in reply to: Capitalism’s animal holocaust continues. #232237

    Friends of the Earth:

    The news is dire. States like Idaho and Montana are allowing for the brutal hunt of wolves, using cruel methods that are illegal in other states. This could disrupt the already vulnerable wolf population in the states. 

    Idaho has gone so far as to allow private contractors — hired by the state itself — to kill wolves. It even legalized the unlimited slaughter of wolves, subjecting them to chases using hounds, ATV, and snowmobiles — sometimes just to be run over and die in agony.

    in reply to: Capitalism’s animal holocaust continues. #232218

    Grizzly bears are an iconic symbol of North American wilderness once roaming freely across most of the western U.S., from the high plains to the Pacific coast. But now, after much of the native grizzly population has been ELIMINATED, they can only be found in isolated areas, mostly in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.

    Meanwhile, as the few remaining bears struggle to survive, these three states bordering Yellowstone National Park are looking to TEAR DOWN grizzly bear protections — giving ruthless trophy hunters free rein to BRUTALIZE these treasured animals without mercy. If that happens, this threatened species could go completely EXTINCT.

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