Alex Woodrow

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  • in reply to: Child abuse and capitalist political parties #102528
    Alex Woodrow

    Capitalism is awful but one thing I wouldn't blame capitalism solely for is child abuse. Unfortunately there will always be child abusers, as well as capitalist paedophiles I am pretty sure there are one or two communist paedophiles out there.  Though I do think child abuse will be reduced in communism, however unfortunately it will never completely go away.

    in reply to: The Capitalist Left #100007
    Alex Woodrow

    True that is Vin. The ones who try for change are eventually successful, even if the change happens after we die we will have influenced that change.

    in reply to: The Capitalist Left #100005
    Alex Woodrow

    Yes fair enough. I will pick my battles. Just have to put up with the trolls, but the annoying thing is they stick in numbers and gang up on individuals. The better thing is we aren't cowards, as we are people on our own. Striking back is probably not the best option lol.

    in reply to: Galloway on Question Time #100001
    Alex Woodrow

    All politicians are as bad as each other end of.

    in reply to: Gender Does NOT Matter!!! #96531
    Alex Woodrow

    Then again people who want to be tough physically are people who i feel really sorry for. Even though none of us like the capitalism system we, the SPGB, have one another, whereas these people who want to toughen up are really isolated.

    in reply to: Gender Does NOT Matter!!! #96530
    Alex Woodrow

    Yeah Ed and ALB there is huge gender problems at the moment in society. Being a male growing up through the school system just shows that. Teenage males trying to act big and hard, talk about nothing but fights, and unfortunately many teenage boys nowadays are dangerous and freedom of speech goes out of the window if you talk to these sorts of people because one word can mean suffering a nasty injury. I am going to be honest, men and women are both oppressed. Just referring to people as men and women is oppressive, we are HUMANS! Then there are these stupid forms that sometimes we have to fill in saying please state gender, race, nationality etc. All a load of rubbish. We are all human, not black, white, male, female, english, immigrant.

    in reply to: Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign #94995
    Alex Woodrow
    dweenlander wrote:
     I would urge you to grow up: red-faced invective is neither big nor clever. Passion is great, but without intellectual engagement you just come across as a little bit of a thug.     

    You trying to say you are better than me?

    in reply to: Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign #94991
    Alex Woodrow

    Listen right dweenlander. You are entitled to your freedom of speech but you are just a complete idiot. Of course Benn is the same as Thatcher, I have given you clear evidence with both shutting down coal mines in the interests of the capitalist class but to the detriment of the working class. You seriously think someone such as Blair is not as bad as Hitler, wow you have a lot to learn. So starting a war in Iraq killing over a million innocent people isn't bad. You are an idiot, shame on you and saying the stuff you have said you have blood on your hands. You are just a bullshit opportunist who supports reformism as it benefits the opportunist scum like yourself. killing over a million people is as bad as killing 11 million people, as killing anyone who is innocent is bad let alone 5 people or 5 million people.  

    in reply to: Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign #94980
    Alex Woodrow


    Alex Woodrow wrote:
    So dweenlander you are a reformist then?
    dweenlander wrote:
    No, just capable of nuance. And if you are going to make the transition from being a socialist purely by instinct to being one by instinct and intellect, it is something you too will have to embrace.I genuinely admire you zeal, but you need to engage your critical faculties. I would suggest that you think about your post and either accept that your remarks were, at best, ill chosen, or explain how you have come to those determinations. 

    I have come to these determinations because Obama is sending troops in Afghanistan which kills innocent people, Obama keeps Guantanamo Bay open, Hitler says he's a socialist Obama says yes we can to equality. Then what happened? Hitler works with multinational corporations such as the coca cola company and siemens for slave labour and gassing inncoent human beings, while in America poverty and inequality stays really high.When Benn was in government vast amounts of mines shut and vast amounts of people were made redundant in all industries, same as when Thatcher was in power.Churchill sends innocent people out to die in war while Blair sends innocent people out to die in war. Before you ask we didn't need to go to world war two, whoever says we do it is wrong because what the UK should have done is become socialist and said to the ordinary German people, the majority of the population that socialism is the alternative to a great depression and to a nazi state. Then since most German people weren't raving nazis democracy would have triumphed, the aboliton of the wages system would have happened and socialism would have been implemented and there would have been peace.

    in reply to: Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign #94974
    Alex Woodrow

    So dweenlander you are a reformist then?

    in reply to: Football Under A Socialist Society #96503
    Alex Woodrow

    Exactly rodshaw mate football should be where people can stand wherever they want and be a commonly owned, lighthearted game with teams playing in parks and recreation grounds.

    in reply to: Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign #94971
    Alex Woodrow

    Everyone here is being hostile to Hrothgar which is fair enough. However this is all right as long as we are just as hostile to global capitalists because they are equally as bad as nationalists. Global capitalists and nationalists have the same message, rule by the rich for the rich and wars which workers have to fight and kill fellow comrades.Remember we are anti-capitalist, Obama is as bad as Hitler, Benn is as bad as Thatcher, Blair is as bad as Churchill. They are all the same!!!

    in reply to: Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign #94947
    Alex Woodrow

    alanjjohnstone I don't like Hrothgar's views but it is freedom of speech and we should try to win over any capitalist to support a world of socialism.

    in reply to: Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign #94945
    Alex Woodrow

    What are your views then. You don't support Hitler do you?If you do support Hitler then you are a state capitalist as Hitler had vast amounts more material wealth then the overwhelming majority of the german population.Sorry I hope this is not an intimidating question, just interested in what exactly your views are.

    in reply to: Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign #94939
    Alex Woodrow

    Hrothgar I don't know you but, like most of the world's population, you are probably a worker. Don't be brainwashed by the Government, the capitalists want to divide us, the working class, so they can prevent us from a democratic revolution. It is not your fault you think the way you do mate, you are conditioned in capitalism to think nationalist views because, in capitalism, there is this myth known as "greed is natural" so this theory says an individual can try to grab as much as they can for themselves so they don't live in poverty. Hrothgar unfortunately at the moment you have this theory in your head, so you feel insecure economically and therefore will do anything you can to grab material wealth to avoid poverty, and you think that is that means nationalism then so bei it.Though things don't have to be like this, because we, as humans, can create an abundance of resources when working together. All we need to do is identify that we are one big family, because we all share bloodlines.Lastly, you may ask how can we create an abundance of resources when working together. It is simple, ther will be no parasitic bosses so workers can keep what they produce.

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