Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign

October 2024 Forums General discussion Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign

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  • #94958
    Hrothgar wrote:
    There is only one truth.  There may be different ways of interpreting or assessing the truth, but the fact remains there is one truth and one truth only.  'Validity' in any perspective depends on its proximity to the truth.  The more objective we approach an incident or problem, the more truthful our analysis or conclusions are likely to be, and thus the more valid.  Objectivity cannot be decoupled from social values, admittedly, but we can achieve a large degree of objectivity using the right methods.

    Please don't rise to this bait here, LBird! But refer him to the other threads we have on this , e.g.:'s see if we can get him off his nasty obsession.

    ALB wrote:
    Hrothgar wrote:
    There is only one truth.  There may be different ways of interpreting or assessing the truth, but the fact remains there is one truth and one truth only.  'Validity' in any perspective depends on its proximity to the truth.  The more objective we approach an incident or problem, the more truthful our analysis or conclusions are likely to be, and thus the more valid.  Objectivity cannot be decoupled from social values, admittedly, but we can achieve a large degree of objectivity using the right methods.

    Please don't rise to this bait here, LBird! But refer him to the other threads we have on this , e.g.:'s see if we can get him off his nasty obsession.

    No, I won't 'rise to the bait', ALB!Honestly, I've got better things to do, like keeping up with that thread, amongst other work.I'll leave Hrothgar to comrades, like you, who have more patience. Might be worth persevering with, y'never know!

    Hrothgar wrote:
    But you're welcome to it, if you want your children and grand-children to mix with Africans and Asians.  Please proceed.  Don't worry, you won't hear any objection from me [though I will be sat somewhere (somewhere very far away, I hope) shaking with laughter]. 

    You're a nasty shit underneath, aren't you? What's laughable about somebody wanting to mix with whoever they choose?

    LBird wrote:
    I'll leave Hrothgar to comrades, like you, who have more patience. Might be worth persevering with, y'never know!
    Hrothgar wrote:
    But you're welcome to it, if you want your children and grand-children to mix with Africans and Asians. Please proceed. Don't worry, you won't hear any objection from me [though I will be sat somewhere (somewhere very far away, I hope) shaking with laughter].
    ALB wrote:
    You're a nasty shit underneath, aren't you?

    LOL!!! Looks like I got you wrong, ALB!Look, it's clear that Hrothgar has 'issues', which is why I've left them to it.You, though, are going to have to display the characteristics of a 'special needs' teacher, if you're going to continue engaging with Hroth. I don't envy your job, ALB!Patience and understanding, comrade.

    ALB wrote:
    "You're a nasty shit underneath, aren't you? "

     It took you this long to realise that? Next it will be apartheid and bantustans , KKK segregation and walled ghettoes, all justified by his "science" . Next eugenics and euthanasia, and then finally on to the gas chambers and genocide for those not deemed racially superior or possess a genetic flaw like Down Syndrome.  Most socio/psychopaths usually display a high level of intelligence, as Hrothgar,  and also the arrogance of superiority, as Hrothgar.  But he did reminded me of something …i shouldn't bother engaging him in debate, i leave it up to those who can cope with banging heads against walls


    We've been here before, fairly recently in fact. sounds suspiciously like Tom Rogers…  


    I followed this thread to see how long it would take Hrothgar to get down to a variant of the old "I wouldn't want my kids playing with…" position – several posts more than I thought, as it turned out. But one thing I have always been able to rely on with racists: in the end, dull predictability. 

    gnome wrote:
    We've been here before, fairly recently in fact. sounds suspiciously like Tom Rogers…  

    Spot on there Gnome, he does sound a lot like Tom Rogers. As I recall TWC dealt very effectively with his pseudo science to which he never replied, just disapeared. I guess he couldn't accept that he may have got it wrong. Sad when people refuse to learn something new. But the ideology of racism is ten a penny unfortunately, so Hrothgar could be just another racist. As dweenlander points out you can always rely on dull predictability with racists.One thing that racists, with their ideology of seperatism, can never explain, is the fact that wherever you go people of different skin colours and cultures always end up, getting it on. If it weren't for this fact, humans would probably not be the successful species we are today. There is no getting away from the power of sex, lets face it we love it, and it does seem to be the case with the old saying, "Love conquers all".

    ALB wrote:
    Hrothgar wrote:
    But you're welcome to it, if you want your children and grand-children to mix with Africans and Asians.  Please proceed.  Don't worry, you won't hear any objection from me [though I will be sat somewhere (somewhere very far away, I hope) shaking with laughter]. 

    You're a nasty shit underneath, aren't you? What's laughable about somebody wanting to mix with whoever they choose?

    Insults are of course the highest form of argument.  I suggest you continue with the ad hominen tactics.  It suits you, and it helps others of a more objective frame of mind understand the depth of your understanding.What I'm getting at with the above comment is that I realise and understand the white European race is finished.  The way forward isn't 'cattle trucks' and 'gas chambers' and it never was, and I would never condone such atrocities.  The answer is the formation of autonomous communities.People are welcome to mix with whoever they choose.  That's not laughable, but that's not what I'm talking about.

    LBird wrote:
    LBird wrote:
    I'll leave Hrothgar to comrades, like you, who have more patience. Might be worth persevering with, y'never know!
    Hrothgar wrote:
    But you're welcome to it, if you want your children and grand-children to mix with Africans and Asians. Please proceed. Don't worry, you won't hear any objection from me [though I will be sat somewhere (somewhere very far away, I hope) shaking with laughter].
    ALB wrote:
    You're a nasty shit underneath, aren't you?

    LOL!!! Looks like I got you wrong, ALB!Look, it's clear that Hrothgar has 'issues', which is why I've left them to it.You, though, are going to have to display the characteristics of a 'special needs' teacher, if you're going to continue engaging with Hroth. I don't envy your job, ALB!Patience and understanding, comrade.

    Notice the quick slippage into ad hominen for want of any meaningful response or rebuttal.Notice also the nasty reference to disabilities and the belief that this is humorous.What are you underneath?

    gnome wrote:
    We've been here before, fairly recently in fact. sounds suspiciously like Tom Rogers…  

    Who?  I don't know anyone by that name, but having reviewed the thread you've linked to, it looks to me like he was running rings round you and you had to resort to insulting him, as you do here with me.

    Hrothgar wrote:
    Notice the quick slippage into ad hominen for want of any meaningful response or rebuttal.Notice also the nasty reference to disabilities and the belief that this is humorous.What are you underneath?

    Black! Just like you.It's not a 'skin colour', after all, is it, my confused friend!

    Hrothgar wrote:
    having reviewed the thread you've linked to, it looks to me like he was running rings round you

    If you think he ran rings about us, I challenge you do to the same test we asked him to do but which he ran away from:

    Ed wrote:
    `Hi Tom would you be willing to try out this quick game it's designed to help people see the ridiculousness of race.Downloadable version (better) version

    Let us know how you got on.

    Alex Woodrow

    Everyone here is being hostile to Hrothgar which is fair enough. However this is all right as long as we are just as hostile to global capitalists because they are equally as bad as nationalists. Global capitalists and nationalists have the same message, rule by the rich for the rich and wars which workers have to fight and kill fellow comrades.Remember we are anti-capitalist, Obama is as bad as Hitler, Benn is as bad as Thatcher, Blair is as bad as Churchill. They are all the same!!!



    Hrothgar wrote:
    But you're welcome to it, if you want your children and grand-children to mix with Africans and Asians.  Please proceed. Don't worry, you won't hear any objection from me [though I will be sat somewhere (somewhere very far away, I hope) shaking with laughter]. 

    I think you owe this site an explanation as to what is so funny about people of different skin colour choosing to mix it up sexually. All the genetic science in the world does not support the ideology of racism, I'm sure most genetic scientists would be appalled that their their work is used to justify segregation. As I mentioned on the other thread, my partners best friend married a British guy of Afro-Caribbean descent, and they have a child. Is that funny? Is their wonderful son a biological corruption, to be laughed at?As it stands now Hrothgar, you come across as a racial supremacist. That may not be the actual truth, I'm hopeful you are not, but the above quote of yours is a very crude departure from your use of science to justify segregation and is essentially the heart of the matter with racial supremacists. Socially driven fear and dislike of others who outwardly appear different.As to the idea that Tom Rogers rang rings around us on a previous thread, he failed to answer the invitation to do the test that Ed provided and TWC unraveled his science very effectively, so effectively he failed to reply.I do not have the energy at the moment to get bogged down with a debate that will ultimately just go back and forth, with nothing to be gained by anyone, but I do think we may get somewhere if you could explain your above comment and maybe try the test: let us know your result.

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