Alex Woodrow

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  • in reply to: Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign #94938
    Alex Woodrow

    When will workers rise up and realise they have no nationality and they are part of one world.

    in reply to: Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign #94912
    Alex Woodrow

    Labour/Tory/LibDem/UKIP/BNP/Respect/Green are all the same. All capitalist parties who use racism as a tool to divide workers. 

    in reply to: European election 2014 #95349
    Alex Woodrow

    1% would be an achievement because it would show that 1% of voters have seen through the lies of the corporate controlled media.

    in reply to: European election 2014 #95348
    Alex Woodrow

    It will be difficult to break through with around 10% of the vote but we can give it a try.

    in reply to: European election 2014 #95346
    Alex Woodrow

    Guess if no candidate was in the Berkshire area of the South East Region and if the SPGB needed a candidate then if you wanted you could put my name down on the list because I turn 18 next February and therefore correct me if I am wrong but think I will be old enough to stand. Though if we got elected in proportional representation with 10% of the vote and had one MEP in the South East Region then I wouldn't take this role don't worry, I am not sure but if you stood as a candidate ALB and the party broke through with 10% of the vote then you would be the SPGB MEP, please correct me though if I am wrong here.

    in reply to: European election 2014 #95344
    Alex Woodrow

    Unfortunately the state capitalist No2EU stood in the South East last European election and could well do again this coming European election, however if they do then we need to work very hard in convincing ordinary members of the public who are fed up with the status quo that No2EU are just the same as everyone else and how we are the only real alternative. The main thing here is about educating people what exactly is capitalism and what is socialism, the most simple way being capitalism is a money system and socialism is a moneyless system and we are the only ones wanting revolution as we are the only party wanting a moneyless system free of bureaucracy, banks, central government and hence we are the only part who embraces democracy.

    in reply to: European election 2014 #95343
    Alex Woodrow

    If we did stand in the South East region then if the part has any leaflets they can forward some onto me and I know a cheap printing shop in Wokingham that could print hundreds, maybe thousands at an affordable price and I can distribute several hundred if not several thousand leaflets door to door in Wokingham. As well as possibly getting one or two posters up around town and I would hand out leaflets in the town centre in the run up to the European election speaking to the public telling them what socialism is and how it's not what they hear from the corporate controlled media. Thought this would just be some stuff I would do, as if we stood in the South East region a lot of work would be done.Finally could I ask, if we stood in the South East, how many candidates need to stand in the region and do these candidates need to be evenly distributed across different parts of the region to represent everyone across the region?

    in reply to: European election 2014 #95341
    Alex Woodrow

    Yeah was just wondering whether the SPGB were standing in the South East because even though areas in the south east like Wokingham are unfortunately not strong areas for the SPGB I would be willing to hand out leaflets in Wokingham as I know several people locally who are fed up with the current system and want a change and a few votes in obscure areas can only be a benefit.

    in reply to: European election 2014 #95340
    Alex Woodrow

    if the SPGB were standing in London next year in either Local elections or European elections then i would be willing to come out to London for a day or two to help with door to door leafletting where it is needed.

    Alex Woodrow

    Lets get it clear everybody. I support localism however what the people want goes, and having socialism by where people move around and people co-operate worldwide is fine, at the end of the day it is up to the people.I didn't mean to be rude, you are all my comrades, however I just didn't understand why people were saying how, earlier on in this forum, Russia in 1917 couldn't go straight from capitalism to socialism. Though anyway I don't mean to sound stupid but is socialism a society that's completely leaderless or a society with delegates? I am confused?Finally, I just want to say that having a world all so close to each other is fine, as long as when people travel around it is done in the most environmentally friendly way possible, and on top of this everyone cares for one another because, in a very open world, people need to care for one another because otherwise there can be an increase in issues such as hate. Hope I am making sense here. 

    Alex Woodrow

    There are alternatives to copper you know, as we can use other materials such as aluminium wire, tinsel wire etc. So there are ways around this. You are right that global doesn't necessarily mean hierarchical while local doesn't necessarily mean egalitarian as there are exceptions, however this is the general rule. 

    Alex Woodrow

    alanjjohnstone I understand what you are saying and, coming from an anarchist, your idea of delegates would be all right as long as the democratically elected delegates purely worked in the interests of the people. I do have my doubts though with the SPGB, and if they were to be democratically elected as delegates whether they would serve the people or lie their way into power and be like the Soviet Union, since party sympathisers on this forum have openly defended the Soviet Union and how Russia in 1917 couldn't go straight from capitalism to socialism. I guess trust here is the most important thing, and I personally think that, if the SPGB are a party for democratic socialism, then they would have at least ninety nine percent of their members supporting the revolution of tomorrow rather than going on about the Soviet Union and saying how they couldn't go straight from capitalism to socialism in 1917.I also saw the Kropotkin quotes, and I do agree with what he is saying. It is all right to elect delegates as long as they stick by their promises.I guess the main factors here are trust and implementation. Less talk, more action.

    Alex Woodrow

    I have read these pamphlets and understand where you are coming from.It is just what really annoys me mainly about the SPGB is not actually having a world that co-operates, as that is fine if that is what the people want, same as how it is fine to have localism if that is what the people want.What is really getting on my nerves is this whole idea of certain material conditions meaning that there apparently couldn't be a transformation from capitalism to socialism. People on this forum have openly defended the Soviet Union, saying how it wasn't possible to go straight from capitalism to socialism in 1917, and I just looked at ways around those sorts of scenarios, seeing localism as the best solution.

    Alex Woodrow

    So give me specific examples of raw materials which you can't find in a certain area which people need so that they can live.

    Alex Woodrow

    You really are a capitalist alanjjohnstone aren't you. Saying local communities can't stand on their own two feet. Using central bodies as a means of using materialism brainwashing the masses saying "you must have this" and "you must have that."I must admit at first I thought the SPGB were for the people, though now I am thinking that the group is possibly a sell out.

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