twitter account

February 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement twitter account

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  • #116230
    Vin wrote:
    No you were not. The records are there. Telling me not to raise 'internal' matters in public. It was the reason given by the EC for refusing my re entry into the party. It was why I left the party in the first place, but by all means re write history

    The evidence of fifteen years of Spintcom files tells a different story (which I continued reading whilst outside the party), as do the files for the old WSM forum, whatever incident you're referring to, any interested enquirer will see that we have always been discussing internal p[arty matters on piblicly viewable forums.


    I was under the impression that internal disagreements and squabbles have always been a part of the colourful fabric of the SPGB?

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    I was under the impression that internal disagreements and squabbles have always been a part of the colourful fabric of the SPGB?

    Disagreement is a good and healthy thing, it should be encouraged.What is not good is verbal abuse, especially in online communication. Comrades and members of the public should be able to post on our fora without being subjected to verbal assaults. Verbally attacking members online not only makes the party look bad, but has a deleterious effect on party morale and is detrimental to the party in general.

    DJP wrote:
    What is not good is verbal abuse, especially in online communication. 

     Verbal abuse? And where is that?Revolutionaries?Lol, lol Bunch of sissies more like.  

    DJP wrote:
     Verbally attacking members online not only makes the party look bad, but has a deleterious effect on party morale and is detrimental to the party in general.

    Blocking party members arbitrarily and without warning  is action detrimental to the interests of the party. and makes the SWP look ultra democratic The present Internet Committee is ebarrassing the party and this is why I am blocked and accused of abusive behaviour. For pointing out the obvious


    Reminder: 7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.


    Thanks for the confirmation of my assertion Mod1 (member of the Internet Committee) 


    To get back on topic as I am leaving the party I have closed twitter account @world_socialism as per Iinternet Committee and EC instructionsI dont think there will be any problems if anyon else wishes to take over it. I got nearly 400 follower in the first couple of weeks so I think there could well be an opportunity for the party using the emphasis WORLD SOCIALISM. PM me if anyone wants the password to reactivate it

    Vin wrote:
    Thanks for the confirmation of my assertion Mod1 (member of the Internet Committee) 

    1st Warning: 7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.


    Hope you are keeping well Brian, do you fancy taking over the twitter account @world_socialism? Wouldbe very constructive work for the party, old bean 


    VinI am sorry but I think you are mistaken in your view that the EC instructed you to take down this Twittter account. It is true that the Internet Committee raised the matter with the EC, as it was not clear who was running the Twitter account and for any visitor, whether this was or was not the 'official' SPGB or WSM Twitter site.What the EC actually decided is shown below. As it happened, before the Internet Committee had got round to carrying out the EC request, the introduction to the Twitter account had been amended and it is now clear that it is a Branch site, which of course resolves the matter (as will be evident when the minutes of this months EC appear).Just risking going "off-topic", I am sorry you feel the need to resign from the Party. Assuming you do not reconsider, its a shame at a time when your Branch had such a good turn-out for its last meeting, got a ex-member to rejoin, and has nominated a second person to serve on a Party sub-committee. Extract of minutes, February 2016 EC meeting:"Email from Internet Committee regarding a Twitter account (@world_socialism).MOTION 14: The EC authorises the Internet Committee to contact the owner of the accountand request that they specify that the account is not officially endorsed by the party"Regards


    Sorry sent duplicate of last message – now deleted – please ignore this.


    Robert, thank you for your friendy encouragement and explanation  and it is much appreciated. I have no issue with the EC. The IC have probably misinformed the EC . The said twitter account always stated that it was tweeting from the North East  section World socialist movement. The EC resolution reminded me that it is officially endorced by a Branch of the SPGB so I  stated that and was expecting the IC to shut it down for the inclusion of  'official'As you know the IC held an account back from me and the branch but I opened one regardless. I think there are sour grapesfraternally vin 


    Vin, I don't think the IC mislead the EC on this matter at all. It was actually brought to my attention by another member before I saw the report to the EC, and I looked at the Twitter site using a link I was sent by email and it wasn't obvious to me who was running it.Anyway its resolved now.YFS


    The Internet Committee knew . So why did they misrepresent  to the EC that they didnt? Not very honest of them. World_Socialism twitter account     vin singer <>3 Febto spgb.internet, Stephen, eileen.colborn, jbdavison70, Giuseppe, Steve, tim     To the Internet Committee How do you like NERB's new twitter account? Started using it at the weekend. If you have any objections, you are free to take it up with your branches, EC or Conference  Yours Vin Maratty NERB Secretary/Social Media Officer NB forgot to include link in previous email  Obviously they took it up with the EC but lied to you I would be grateful if you could mention this at the next eC meeting comradely

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