twitter account

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement twitter account

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  • #116260

    Oh, well, could always try again, and maybe work with the IC to set up a branch twitter account?

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    Oh, well, could always try again, and maybe work with the IC to set up a branch twitter account?

     Lol I like your sense of humour, YMS They wont speak to us

    Bijou Drains

    This is the difficulty, YMS, Vin did exactly as you suggest and despite informing the IC of his actions, the IC appear to have reported that an unknown operator was using the account that Vin set up. It appears from what I have seen that the IC did not inform the EC that they were made aware prior to the report to the EC that Cde Marratty was operating the account on behalf of the NERB.. I cannot say that this is definitely the case, however I am concerned that a committee of the SPGB may not have fully reported a situation to the EC and I also think it is important not to lose sight of the fact that this whole affair appears to have had the effect of shutting down a Twitter site that was putting out information about the socialist case and reaching non Socialists, which is what we are supposed to be about.Personally I do not care about past animosity, (I really couldn't give a damn about who called who what and when, etc. and I think there is a case for self reflection and a degree of maturity) I do care about putting forward, in whatever way we can, the Socialist case, and this is what Comrade Marratty appears to have been doing very cheaply and effectively. I cannot for the life of me understand why any member of the SPGB would object to this. I am however concerned that there appears a tendency to over control individual members' actions to the point where it is counterproductive YFSTim

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    For those of you who dabble in English:

    My Evil Self wrote:
    It seems…

     Anyway, seem to substantiate that seeming.

     That is your problem not mine. If you are incapable of understing plain english……. 


    So I am warned 3 times for nothing but YMS can be insulting and denegratining and mod does nothing. Well , I can tack the shite so why cant others. if only Mod could understand plain English.  NB Nothing I have said in this post is any different from what anyone else has said to me – I am defending mysself -NO? But I will be referred to as abusive. Well Hock dickedi shit. And 'hell' and 'jesus' 'christ' and all those other words that upset the revolutionary socialist on this site   


    Received this from Mod when I complained of a post The post which is seemingly causing you offense does not in my opinion require any action. Which means I can be insulted but I can insult no one. Is it not time to open up mod control to democratic control?No more private messages in a socialist partyand no more suspensions for those who suggest it

    Vin wrote:
    So I am warned 3 times for nothing but YMS can be insulting and denegratining and mod does nothing. Well , I can tack the shite so why cant others. if only Mod could understand plain English.  NB Nothing I have said in this post is any different from what anyone else has said to me – I am defending mysself -NO? But I will be referred to as abusive. Well Hock dickedi shit. And 'hell' and 'jesus' 'christ' and all those other words that upset the revolutionary socialist on this site   

    Suspension:7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.14. Rule enforcement is the responsibility of the moderators, not of the contributors. If you believe a post or private message violates a rule, report it to the moderators. Do not take it upon yourself to chastise others for perceived violations of the rules. 15. Queries or appeals relating to particular moderation decisions should be sent directly to the moderators by private message. Do not post such messages to the forum. You must continue to abide by the moderators’ decisions pending the outcome of your appeal. Despite have a 3rd and final warning, plus a PM from myself this user has continued to breach the rules. This user is suspended for an indefinite period.

    northern light

    Young Master Smeet, there is/was no need to write to the IC asking how to start up a branch twitter account. We already have one, managed by our branch secretary. Two branch members were due to be elected to hold the password and monitor the account, but recent events have distracted branch activity, somewhat Of course you already knew that the branch had a twitter account. You took part in the conversation on Spintcom. You even posted,"Grand and there you go, a win for democracy and co-operation." Then Matt moved the goal posts and frustrated Vin.As far as your second suggestion is concerned, the NERB already have a social media co-ordinator. It is comrade Maratty. He was appointed, Internet and Social Media Officer at our July 2015 meeting.

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    This is the difficulty, YMS, Vin did exactly as you suggest and despite informing the IC of his actions, the IC appear to have reported that an unknown operator was using the account that Vin set up.

    I think the way forward may be for the branch to write to the IC, asking their advice on how to start up a branch twitter account.  Whatver confusion has occurred could be avoided in that way (and maybe the IC could designate one member as a social media co-ordinator, so we all have a named individual to contact?).

    northern light wrote:
    Young Master Smeet, there is/was no need to write to the IC asking how to start up a branch twitter account. We already have one, managed by our branch secretary. Two branch members were due to be elected to hold the password and monitor the account, but recent events have distracted branch activity, somewhatOf course you already knew that the branch had a twitter account. You took part in the conversation on Spintcom. You even posted,"Grand and there you go, a win for democracy and co-operation." Then Matt moved the goal posts and frustrated Vin.As far as your second suggestion is concerned, the NERB already have a social media co-ordinator. It is comrade Maratty. He was appointed, Internet and Social Media Officer at our July 2015 meeting.

    There is clearly some problem of liaison between the branch and the IC, and askign the IC what they want from branches in terms of a social media set-up would not hurt, and may clarify matters.I suggested the IC get a scial media co-ordination role, not NERB.

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    There is clearly some problem of liaison between the branch and the IC
    northern light wrote:
    Then Matt moved the goal posts

    Then part of that problem woudl seem to be the reading of personal comments made by *individuals* as dictats from some monolithic centralised comand.

    northern light

    Hi YMS,  I misunderstood the second part of your post, but, no problem I can go with that.(paste and copy does not work for me, so frustrating)

    "There is clearly some problem of liason between the branch and the IC, and asking the IC what they want from branches in terms of a social media set-up would not hurt, and may clarify matters." [unquote]I agree with you YMS, there should be more liason between the IC and members/branches. It would be a simple matter for the IC to email all branches, warning of any pitfalls and reminding members that they(the IC) are always at hand to give a helping hand.DJP, I have no axe to grind with either you, or any other member of the IC. I come to this Forum to learn, to perhaps be taught by Socialists,better equipped than I. I hope this blessed Forum is a well used stopping off place for people on the path to socialism.However, words like dictats —- monolithic and centralised command are indicative of stalinism. That's punching below the belt.
    northern light wrote:
    However, words like dictats —- monolithic and centralised command are indicative of stalinism. That's punching below the belt.

    If you read the above as an insult directed at you, I apologise . That was not my intention. 

    Bijou Drains
    DJP wrote:
    northern light wrote:
    However, words like dictats —- monolithic and centralised command are indicative of stalinism. That's punching below the belt.

    If you read the above as an insult directed at you, I apologise . That was not my intention. 

     Hi DJPThis is not an attempt at sarcasm, but a genuine enquirer. What did you mean by your comments?


    Hi Tim. In short, if someone makes a comment in a personal capacity it should be understood as an opinion, not as an order from high command.

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