Our London Assembly Election Campaign

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Our London Assembly Election Campaign

  • This topic has 86 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 3 months ago by ALB.
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    Elections for the Mayor of London and the Greater London Assembly take place on Thursday 2 May. The Greater London Assembly is composed of 25 members, 11 elected by a party list system and 14 from geographical constituencies. The Socialist Party is contesting 2 of these constituencies — Barnet & Camden in North London and Lambeth & Southwark in South London.

    This will give some 870,000 electors the chance to indicate whether they want to replace capitalism with socialism, the profit system with a system where goods and services are provided directly to satisfy people’s needs on the basis of the common ownership and democratic control of the means of living.

    Those in the other constituencies, and for the election of the Mayor and the party list members, can indicate this by casting a write-in vote for socialism by writing “Socialism” across their ballot paper.

    Nominations open today and will close on 27 March.

    The campaign will take place in April and will consist of street stalls, leafletting door-to-door and at tube and overground stations, contacting the local media, and attending hustings and opponents’ meetings.


    The nomination papers of our candidate in Lambeth & Southwark were handed yesterday and were accepted.

    Those for our candidate in Barnet & Camden will be handed in tomorrow.

    Nominations close on 27 March so we won’t know who are opponents are till after then.


    The nomination papers for our candidate in Barnet & Camden were handed in this afternoon at Barnet Council Offices in Colindale and were accepted.

    So we’re off. The full list of our opponents will be published on 2 April.

    We have contested elections, national and local, many times in parts of Camden but the only previous chance that voters in Barnet in North-West London bordering on Hertfordshire had to vote Socialist was in 2009 when we contested all-London in the European Parliament elections that year (and got 4,050 votes).


    One of our opponents in Barnet & Camden:



    Nominations closed yesterday but those standing in the two constituencies we are contesting — Barnet & Camden and Lambeth & Southwark — have not yet been officially announced.

    We will have at least 5 opponents: the gang of five (Labour, Tory, Liberal, ReformUK and Greens) who are standing everywhere). The first four standing for capitalism more or less as it is and the Greens for going back to the smaller scale capitalism of yesteryear.

    Yesterday also, our 15,000 election leaflets were delivered to Head Office. Distribution will start next week after Easter.


    Ol’Raj Forehead. The opinion he has of himself. It’s not low is it. Wish I had an innovative mindset. Don’t know what it is but I want one.


    There will be 15 all-London lists standing:

    Animal Welfare Party
    Britain First
    Christian People’s Alliance
    Communist Party of Britain
    Heritage Party
    Labour Party
    Liberal Democrats
    Reform UK – London Deserves Better
    Rejoin EU
    Social Democratic Party
    The Green Party
    FOX Laurence
    LONDON Farah

    Socialists will have no problem not voting for any of that lotc and writing “SOCIALISM” across that ballot paper.

    Notable that there is no TUSC list and that the non-Labour left’s standard-bearer is the Communist Party of Britain (the Morning Stsr mob). Did they do a deal, with TUSC only standing in the geographical constituency section (in 4 of them)?


    There are 13 candidates for Mayor, just as useless as for the party lists. So another ballot paper to write “SOCIALUSM” across (voters in London will get 3 ballot papers — 1 for the mayor, 1 for the list and 1 for the constituency).

    Femy AMIN (Animal Welfare Party – People, Animals, Environment)
    Count BINFACE (Count Binface for Mayor of London)
    Rob BLACKIE (Liberal Democrat)
    Natalie Denise CAMPBELL (Independent)
    Howard COX (ReformUK – London Deserves Better)
    Amy GALLAGHER (Social Democratic Party)
    Zoë GARBETT (The Green Party)
    Tarun GHULATI (Independent)
    Susan Mary HALL (The Conservative Party Candidate)
    Sadiq KHAN (Labour Party)
    Andreas Christoffi MICHLI (Independent)
    Brian Benedict ROSE (London Real Party – Transform London)
    Nick SCANLON (Britain First – No To Immigration)

    I see “Count Binface” is stabbing. The deposit to stand is £10,000. So he’s got a bob or two — to burn as he will lose it. Perhaps he is a real count. He’s a real something anyway.



    I don’t know if folks missed the Saga of Laurence Fox being rejected as a Mayoral candidate because of ineligible signatures on the nomination form (handed in at the last minute, so not meant to be accepted?).


    For the record. Dont know about the others though.


    The first couple of thousand leaflets have been distributed in different parts of both constituencies. We thought we might be starting too early but in at least one area the Labour Party had been distributing theirs.


    Here is the link to the electronic version of the leaflet we are distributing:



    About 160 leaflets delivered door to door in Finchley Central, I’ve got some more spots lined up. A small start… I suspect, on average, only 1 of those leaflets will get read, let’s see if the QR lights up.

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