Syria and Chemical weapons

October 2024 Forums General discussion Syria and Chemical weapons

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    And workers continue supporting criminals and killers and increasing their popularity  Al Capone should have been elected as a president 


    One question has now been answered – what chemical was used

    "Incontrovertible" test results show sarin gas or a similar substance was used in the chemical weapons attack in Syria earlier this month, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) says.

    Now the matter of what is settled it is now the questions who and why?

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    One question has now been answered – what chemical was used

    "Incontrovertible" test results show sarin gas or a similar substance was used in the chemical weapons attack in Syria earlier this month, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) says.

    Now the matter of what is settled it is now the questions who and why?

    Now that the investigation has identified the chemical as sarin the finger must pointing at Assad. As for the why is that relevant in a war situation?


    Hmm..not so sure…i forget the other question…how?If we take this item of information into context of other news reports…The French foreign minister saying that they will be able to prove for sure it was Assad – in a few days timeIsraeli unidentified intelligence sources claiming that Assad has up to 3 tons of chemical weapons that went undiscovered or undeclared when they surrendered their stockpiles in 2013…I begin to wonder why these reports are necessary right at this time. I recall decades ago a CIA describing you don't study the content of leaks — but their timing to learn the secretsThese "diplomatic" revelations are not accidental coincidence but added pressure….for what purpose?I'm so f**king cynical and sceptical…i would not believe a politician to tell me it's daylight outside at noon


    The former and current UN weapons inspectors Hans Blix, Scott Ritter and Jerry Smith, as well as former CIA counterterrorism official Philip Giraldi, had all questioned the official narrative of what happened on April 4. Lexis finds these results for UK national newspapers:‘Blix’ and ‘Syria’ = 0 hits‘Ritter’ and ‘Syria’ = 0 hits‘Jerry Smith’ and Syria = 1 hit‘Giraldi’ and ‘Syria’ = 0 hits.It is remarkable that, even after the deceptions of Iraq and Libya, journalists are so unwilling to report credible evidence challenging the US government’s version of events. This is made even more shocking by the fact that Trump has not, of course, been treated with the respect and deference usually reserved for US presidents. Rather, he has been subjected to a barrage of relentless and damning criticism. And yet, in response to his illegal bombing of a foreign country, the press has not only dropped its usual criticism, but showered Trump with praise while suppressing reasoned criticism.

    moderator1 wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    One question has now been answered – what chemical was used

    "Incontrovertible" test results show sarin gas or a similar substance was used in the chemical weapons attack in Syria earlier this month, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) says.

    Now the matter of what is settled it is now the questions who and why?

    Now that the investigation has identified the chemical as sarin the finger must pointing at Assad. As for the why is that relevant in a war situation?

     According to RT at any rate the evidence shows that it could not have been Sarin. With Sarin the victims' pupils are supposed to dilate whereas in this instance the pupils of the victims appear to have contracted. A further point is that Sarin is supposed to be an odourless gas, yet people in the vicinity reported a smell of some sort Personally, though one can never be absolutely sure, I think that, on balance, the weight of evidence points to this being a false flag operation – particularly since Assad had nothing to gain by such a chemical attack and a lot to lose as we have seen


    Who can trust the intelligence sector when their prime purpose is to deceive.The French, hardly a neutral party, but with much the same credibility as RT, claim they have analysed the sarin. really i don't think it is really worthwhile to get bogged down on this. I'm guilty as the next of making this a dinner-table topic.We don't know anything about the attack apart from what various sources who are in conflict tell us. And we are guessing about who is to blame.But we do know and this is not in dispute, and it where you and are entirely in agreement – we are being deliberately misinformed about the war by a media that is being directed by government spin. Aleppo v Mosul. The  White Helmets etc etc.That was my point of my post…those reknown experts who are taking a line contrary to the government position are being ignored…an exact replay of the past when the media swore they would never ever do again, cross our hopes and hope to die, promise on our mothers lives….but yet…once again, who is holding them to account..Fake news always was there, always will be there, will never go awayBut as the SOYMB blog has been concentrating upon the difference in coverage about Syria/Iraq and Yemen. Not even RT cares much about that war, much less the BBC who places it low down on their priority. An insignificant voice but there nevertheless.


    I would have expected the UK meia to have highlighted this interview with Assad…but ignoring it demonstrates that the media are reluctant to provide full information."I hope we don't see any direct conflict between these superpowers, because this is where things are going to be out of control for the rest of the world," Assad said in the interview,


    Not sure if this was the latest thread but OPCW stands by its report and challenges the expertise of its critics

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