Iran tensions

October 2024 Forums General discussion Iran tensions

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  • #186061

    And those are the anti globalists that the Americans elected ?


    Trump sends aircraft carrier and strike force to threaten Iran

    It looks like the Anti-globalists goverment of the USA is trying to get into war with Iran, nobody can hold the bull by the horns. What has happened with the US nationalists that we have in this forum ? it looks like our analysis were totally correct since the very beginning. The SPGB have been on the right target for more than 100 years in regard to the world affairs. Donald Trump is just another administrator of the US capitalist state like all the others before him.


    3 dark and disturbing reasons why Trump could win again

    Dark and disturbing reasons why Trump could win again


    Am I the only one who considers the attacks on the oil tankers were not by Iran but a false flag op?

    And America’s latest scare-mongering is dismissed by a British general on the ground



    That is the Gulf of Tonkin #2, or others. . The USA has entered into a war several times due to the sinking or damages created to maritime and war  ships from their own and others countries, and looking for one man like head hunters  they have always killed thousands of humans beings, or it has been used as a pretext for a war. I do not doubt that this incident with UAE tankers it  is  just another false flag


    The mysterious “sabotage” of Saudi oil tankers


    If socialism is on the rise in the USA, where is the anti-war movement ? Socialists do not support wars, but the so called socialists leaders of the DemocraticParty  are marching behind the drums of wars against Iran, and they are supporting bourgeois nationalism, and the DSA has not published any statement against the possibility of another war in the Middle East.


    Am I the only one who considers the attacks on the oil tankers were not by Iran but a false flag op?


    Some peoples should learn how to move their maritime ship in reverse, or to do a better job when they want to create a false claim. How Iran is going to damage a tanker in the middle of a crisis which can provoke a war against them ? It sounds like Bill Laden hitting the twin towers to give a motive to the US to start a war in the Middle East


    US removes its non-essential staff out of Iraq, another ominous sign even though like the UK, the Iraq government also says they have no evidence of any threat to those occupational forces.

    It could all still be US sabre rattling but we do know, accidents and incidents can happen in such face-offs, whether intended or unintended.

    We also have others with their own agendas…the Saudis and the Israelis, both proved to be unreliable sources of intel.

    This is a more a potential conflict than an invasion of Venezuela and it will trigger off a regional war from Lebanon to the Gulf. Its economic ramifications will result in a global recession.



    An article by the informed Juan Cole which should ensure that any sane strategist would not contemplate going to war against Iran….but with Bolton we face an irrational politician.


    America’s lap-dog disassociates itself with its own general

    “Britain agrees with the United States that Iran poses a heightened threat and will work closely with its ally, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said on Thursday.”

    He could easily have said ” Britain agrees with Iran that the United States poses a heightened threat”

    I found this Guardian article biased to blaming the crisis on Iran and accepting the US is responding rather than the opposite…USA turning the screws and Iran responding.


    It is not the same thing to invade Grenada and Panama than to invade Iran, Venezuela or North Korea

    J Surman

    An interesting one on sanctions – US sanctions of course – with which all are supposed to comply. I agree with Putin’s statement in the final paragraph which states (words to the effect) that whatever the outcome Iran will be the culprit.


    India is doing the same thing with Venezuela. Their tankers are carrying oil from Venezuela defying the USA sanctions

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