Rusty Pigfumbler

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  • in reply to: Gun Law #132126
    Rusty Pigfumbler

    The more guns the better. Once socialists have control of the state machine they will be used to ensure there is no violent counter-revolution.

    in reply to: Pseudonyms, anonymous , sock puppets and trolls #131606
    Rusty Pigfumbler

    So if you disagree with Johnstone over his murderous attitude to unborn babies that makes you a troll? I think I am beginning to understand why you get so many abusive posts.

    in reply to: New pamphlets? #131100
    Rusty Pigfumbler
    robbo203 wrote:
       I think, as I have said before,  we need more in the way of intermediate-type pamphlets with a narrower focus and a more detailed treatment of the subject matter.  General pamphlets on broad themes such as ecology, war, Marxian economics etc  have their place , of course, but they need to be complemented by this more specific and targeted  kind of approach in my view.  

     If by 'intermediate',' narrow' and 'targeted' you mean topical, then this would be going down the wrong road. A pamphlet, say, on the conflict in Syria would quickly become obsolete upon victory for one side or the other. Syria would be forgotten and the pamphlet of little interest. There is an amusing suggestion in message 3. Now, suppose back in the 1960's the Party had produced a pamphlet called 'Wilson'. I suppose today it would have curiosity value, certainly for those who collect these things, but at the time the Party would have wasted its resources. Topicality is for articles in the Socialist Standard and leaflets. Pamphlets set out the broad socialist arguments dealing with the main features and shortcomings of capitalism. In that way they have, if nothing else, a longer shelf-life.

    in reply to: Attack on Abortion Law #132085
    Rusty Pigfumbler

    What is it you've got against babies?

    in reply to: Statisation: a possible flaw in world socialism #131490
    Rusty Pigfumbler
    Vin wrote:
     I only reply to posts that reference me and are usually abusive. ( my emphasis )

    I wonder why?

    in reply to: The Pope #107008
    Rusty Pigfumbler

    You take it for granted that all socialists are, or should be, in favour of abortion.

    in reply to: What Socialists Mean by Poverty #131391
    Rusty Pigfumbler

    ALB didn't say a car was a luxury.

    in reply to: Myth of Overcrowded Britain #131313
    Rusty Pigfumbler

    Anyone who can commit what  amounts to a schoolboy howler ought to have their understanding of, and adherence to the MCH called into question. I've had my doubts about you for a long time.

    in reply to: What Socialists Mean by Poverty #131385
    Rusty Pigfumbler

    Well, I'm out of fags at the moment.

    in reply to: Armed police, Clapham High Street #131505
    Rusty Pigfumbler
    ALB wrote:
     This has happened before when a few years ago a black man was shot by the police in the bar on the other side of Head Office. Every time this incident was mentioned on TV it showed the bar with Head Office next to it. 

    What a pity more black men can't get themselves blown away outside Head Office. Think of all the free publicity!

    in reply to: Myth of Overcrowded Britain #131308
    Rusty Pigfumbler
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
     as you can expect from a member of the SPGB, i am in agreement with certain theories  – the Materialist Conception of History being one of the main ones. 

    This is moot. On the Marxist Animalism thread your beliefs about the writings of Aquinas and their 'influence' earned you  a justified rebuke. 

    in reply to: Armed police, Clapham High Street #131498
    Rusty Pigfumbler

    It's not Vin with a sniper's rifle looking to pick off the EC is it?

    in reply to: Special meeting of the 2017 Executive Committee #131372
    Rusty Pigfumbler

    So.Farewell thenVin.You are something of a crooner.'(I can't get no) Satisfaction''It's All Over Now''The Last Time'.You never sang any of these.Butperhapsyou should start.

    in reply to: Jesus was a communist #128972
    Rusty Pigfumbler

    You are a Catholic, and as such should be expelled from the Party.

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)