Jesus was a communist

January 2025 Forums Events and announcements Jesus was a communist

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    alanjjohnstone wrote:

    Remains of Prince Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha or the “awakened one", who founded Buddhism and is believed to have lived around 566-486 BCE, may have been found

    Now, what would happen if JC's body was discovered in some tomb and no ascension to heaven?

    It is going to be an stampede. They would be forced to close or the bank branches known as churches. In Kashimir they claim that they had the tomb of Jesus. 

    Dave B

    i Discussion of communism in the New York Times  Well if we have decided to drop the baton at least the New York Seems to have picked it up recently? With “all goods should be held in common” and “..private wealth as a form of theft and stored riches as plunder seized from the poor…” WHAT! SundayReview NOV. 4, 2017  ……….. Well into the second century, the pagan satirist Lucian of Samosata reported that Christians viewed possessions with contempt and owned all property communally. And the Christian writers of Lucian’s day largely confirm that picture: Justin Martyr, Tertullian and the anonymous treatise known as the Didache all claim that Christians must own everything in common, renounce private property and give their wealth to the poor. Even Clement of Alexandria, the first significant theologian to argue that the wealthy could be saved if they cultivated “spiritual poverty,” still insisted that ideally all goods should be held in common.As late as the fourth and fifth centuries, bishops and theologians as eminent as Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, Ambrose of Milan, Augustine and Cyril of Alexandria felt free to denounce private wealth as a form of theft and stored riches as plunder seized from the poor. The great John Chrysostom frequently issued pronouncements on wealth and poverty that make Karl Marx and Mikhail Bakunin sound like timid conservatives. According to him, there is but one human estate, belonging to all, and those who keep any more of it for themselves than barest necessity dictates are brigands and apostates from the true Christian enterprise of charity. And he said much of this while installed as Archbishop of Constantinople.  There does seem to be double standards though. When the Washington Post comes up with the following on the Ju/’hoansi of southern Africa with stuff like; Imagine a life in which you would need to work only 12 to 17 hours per week. Your society would be egalitarian, with respect to both gender and social class, and all resources would be shared and not hoarded. With all of your free time, you could devote yourself to leisure, to spending time with family and to creating a strong community. Is this a communist utopia, the subject of the latest financial self-help book or a sustainable reality? In “Affluence Without Abundance: The Disappearing World of the Bushmen,” anthropologist James Suzman asks readers to consider what such a world might be like. And for an answer he presents the example of the Ju/’hoansi of southern Africa, a hunter-gatherer group whose numbers have dwindled radically but that still exists as a living reminder of a lifestyle that all humans embraced until the dawn of agriculture, roughly 12,000 years ago  It seems liker safer ground; like they don’t have religious paraphernalia as well.


    I keep asking myself, how we can make use of this Christian history for our benefit. We have less reluctance to use anthropology of "primitive communism" (a term i have increasing aversion to…what is so primitive about it ) to promote the case for socialism but when we discover communist aspirations within religion , we appear to be hesitant. Not just Christianity but also the Sangha communities in Buddhism and the theologians may direct us to other elements.I wonder if it may be a reason that a few socialists associated with us joined the church, by recognising a similarity?

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I keep asking myself, how we can make use of this Christian history for our benefit. We have less reluctance to use anthropology of "primitive communism" (a term i have increasing aversion to…what is so primitive about it ) to promote the case for socialism but when we discover communist aspirations within religion , we appear to be hesitant. Not just Christianity but also the Sangha communities in Buddhism and the theologians may direct us to other elements.I wonder if it may be a reason that a few socialists associated with us joined the church, by recognising a similarity?

    I think Engels used the expression: Early Christians, and he analyzed the early socialist christians which were called utopian socialists, and Marx took the labour voucher from the Utopian socialists. Marx said it very clear: The critique on capitalism is the critique to religion and the critique to religion is the critique  to capitalism. Are all religious peoples willing to raise critiques against capitalism or viceversa  ? This pamphlet explains very clear our stand on religion and socialism


    What are the core ideas of socialism? Isaac Rab of the WSPUS wrote that the minimum to be a socialist a person simply needs to realise that: 1. Capitalism can no longer be administered or reformed in the interest of the working class or of society. 2. Capitalism is incapable of eliminating poverty, wars, crises, etc. 3. Socialism can solve the social problems confronting society today, since the material conditions are ripe for socialism, save the lack of a socialist majority. Capitalism cannot be reformed or administered in the interest of the working class or of society; Capitalism, as a social system, is in the interest of the ruling class (albeit that capitalism, historically, is an essential stage of social evolution); Socialism is the solution to the social problems and irreconcilable contradictions of capitalism; Socialism cannot be rammed down the workers’ throats against their wishes; The socialist victory is dependant upon the fervor and enthusiasm of the determined, conscious socialist majority; To establish socialism the workers must first gain control of the powers of government through their political organization. It is the recognition that the state is the central organ of power in the hands of the capitalist class. These are the characteristics of a socialist.I am asking myself what are the benefits and what are the disadvantages in proscribing members who hold beliefs that are beyond those Rab categorized. We reach out to all workers and we understand the power of ideologies that dominate our thinking…So we try to convince workers to reject nationalism, patriotism and religion as divisive concepts to hold.But we look to people to accept community and social solidarity.Can sometimes people with religion promote those? Just throwing out there to see where it bounces


    Some may find this lengthy WW article of interest in regards this thread

    Rusty Pigfumbler

    You are a Catholic, and as such should be expelled from the Party.

    You are a Catholic, and as such should be expelled from the Party.
    Rusty Pigfumbler wrote:
    You are a Catholic, and as such should be expelled from the Party.

    It's OK, he's been to confession and made an act of contrition. Could have sworn he was C of E 

    Major McPharter

    If heaven is so good why does the pope drive around in a bulletproof popemobile??

    Major McPharter wrote:
    If heaven is so good why does the pope drive around in a bulletproof popemobile??

    True! And why do religious people  mourn when someone dies. Surely heaven can't be that bad.

    Rusty Pigfumbler wrote:
    You are a Catholic, and as such should be expelled from the Party.

    The so-called Communist Party of Cuba takes membership application from priest of witchcraft, Santeria, voodoo,  Catholics, and Protestants

    Major McPharter wrote:
    If heaven is so good why does the pope drive around in a bulletproof popemobile??

    According to the Bible, death should be a glorification of them, the original Christians was willing to die. The Bible says that Jesus Christ was scared to die and he sweated blood,  and Paul was always claiming his Roman citizenship every time that they tried to kill him. Pastors love money like crazy and some of them own mansions and private aeroplanes, and bodyguards. They eat better than Donald Trump who loves McDonald and Kentucky Fried chicken, they eat in the best restaurant and they love eating lobsters

    Vin wrote:
    Major McPharter wrote:
    If heaven is so good why does the pope drive around in a bulletproof popemobile??

    True! And why do religious people  mourn when someone dies. Surely heaven can't be that bad.

    When they get sick they are rush to the hospital and they use earth medicine and medications. The Pope has the best medical doctors and medical services that exists in Italy and they own thousands of hospitals and clinics around the world.Voodoo practitioners have a better approach to death and life when one of them dies it is a joy to them, and when one of them is born they cry. Haitian carry their dead with music, dance, and happiness


    We do have those American evangelicals who are looking forward to the End Days and the Rapture are Christian Zionists who are willing to escalate the risk of conflict in the Middle East to fulfill their biblical prophecies.So not to be casually dismissed as a butt of jokes.

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