Gun Law

July 2024 Forums General discussion Gun Law

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  • #86053

    It makes me wonder about the capacity of people to go beyond personal interests.

    Trump and the NRA and the Right, in general, suggesting the solution to mass shootings in schools in the US is to arm the teachers with guns. 

    What a crazy fucked-up world we live in.

     We had the one-off  Dunblane school shooting and legislation was brought in to restrict weapons. Even air-rifles (what in America are called BB guns) are banned in Scotland.


    We have received the following email at Head Office from someone in the US:

    Dear SPGB,

    I was wondering if any of you can recommend some essays or longform articles
    putting forward a socialist case against gun ownership? Dispiritingly, more
    and more comrades over in the United States, particularly anarchists, have
    gone over to the side of the gun lobby. They have convinced themselves that
    they can 'better oppose the State' with firearms, apparently forgetting that
    whenever the workers in the U.S. have attempted to assert themselves through
    the barrel of a gun, the State has always been the victor in such
    altercations. The Battle of Blair Mountain is the prototypical example
    offered by more historically minded American comrades. There, the State
    bloodily suppressed the armed rising, with the greater losss of life being on
    the side of the proletariat. Following the insurrection, the State and
    Capital went on functioning exactly as before. Meanwhile, commemorative
    plaques are placed on Blair Mountain, wreaths are laid, historical societies
    reenact the battle, and no one cares to learn from the mistakes of the past.

    Can anyone help?

    Rusty Pigfumbler

    The more guns the better. Once socialists have control of the state machine they will be used to ensure there is no violent counter-revolution.


    What was the Battle of Blair Mountain?

    Keymaster'm surprised at you, ALB, for not knowing how to google a wiki


    I once talked with a member (well ex-member now) and he made the point that the American ruling class was so confident of its hegemony that they were happy to let the populace have the right to bear arms….unless you were a Black Panther, that is.The only nations that do have mass ownership of weapons  are those with militias. I hear if a Swiss militia member uses his issued weapon in a crime, the punishment is very severe, so criminals go across the border and get an illegal weaponAs the person said, many on the Left have adopted the right to bear arms, too i never known a rifleman to prevail against a tank or out-shoot artillery or bring down a jet bomber with his AR-15 As our blog has reported  the militarisation of the American police that would make many paramilitary police forces seem under-armed.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:'m surprised at you, ALB, for not knowing how to google a wiki

    I'm quite sure he did know and also about the Battle of Blair Mountain but asked for the benefit of others who may not.  In fact the film Matewan, which was shown at Head Office a few years back, was based on this bloody event.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I once talked with a member (well ex-member now) and he made the point that the American ruling class was so confident of its hegemony that they were happy to let the populace have the right to bear arms….unless you were a Black Panther, that is.The only nations that do have mass ownership of weapons  are those with militias. I hear if a Swiss militia member uses his issued weapon in a crime, the punishment is very severe, so criminals go across the border and get an illegal weaponAs the person said, many on the Left have adopted the right to bear arms, too i never known a rifleman to prevail against a tank or out-shoot artillery or bring down a jet bomber with his AR-15 As our blog has reported  the militarisation of the American police that would make many paramilitary police forces seem under-armed.

    The Second Amendment was not enacted for the blacks and the Indians. Blacks and Indian were not allowed to have guns


    I seem to recall the (EC?) response to Jacombs support for the Spanish Civil War, was that democracy cannot be established by lethal force.


    Are you sure that wasn't a reference to Jacomb's support for the Second World War? Which would make the argument not so much about establishing political democracy as about how, once established, it could or should be defended.


    An interesting interview with someone on the Left advocating armed sef-defence in America and the futility of gun control

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