duncan lucas

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  • duncan lucas

    You only have to look at the difference in the treatment to the poor in Russia and compare it with the US. Neo-cons dont believe in social services  just look at the attitude of "judge Judy " -no job work picking up cans -one job and cant pay ? then get 2 jobs -cant use your arm ? then use the other and get a job etc she speaks for the US far right attitude . Are you saying Putin doesnt provide social services or the the babushkas arent treated with respect or that the poor dont get free medical treatment ? Try crawling into a US hospital and say -" I need help " first question- can you pay for it  ?? if not herded off to that underfunded hospital in  less good parts of the town . Just look at this country on its way to hell for the poor and its only talk -talk -talk .Food banks everywhere more than ever were in the 30,s Depression and this Depression now lasting longer than the 30,s one.Economic crisis  WHO caused it ??? World Banksters -IMF  who own them and where do they live Who owns the US and UK ? -we want our profit we dont care if 1000,s die of starvation but DONT do as Iceland did -we never got our profit from them . I cant comprehend that all you want to do is talk semantics of political points  I dont give a damn about any politics unless it effects the poor  and 99 % and if it does I am prepared to die for the fight against injustice -inhumanity – and pure evil bloody minded  distain for those not rich but poor. Action is required not words.

    duncan lucas

    I see where you are coming from  Alan and you make good points. The problem is the war coming up wil be a major World War and we will all be physically effected even now Territorial army recruits are being given training and advice on a nuke war and their depots are more ""livelier " . Ukraine might have been what you said a "client state" of Russia but the poor got their oap,s cheap (subsidised by Russia )  and the poor elected their President . That was ripped from them by Nazi,s who made the oligraths even more richer by even worse graft and corruption . Take a real look at Putin,s Russia and you will see social services thriving -cheap gas/electric the old treated with respect . Compare that with the US -neo-con rules the poor  = workshy -layabouts -etc cut their benefits give it to billionaires as usual Cameron millionaire copies the US what do you see in the 90 % UK media programmes  showing those  living on benefits   as—workshy-layabouts – A survey was carried out in Glasgow where there are poor dying younger than Palestinians it was found about 2 % represented the view of the Tories/New Labour  the rest were genuinely unable to get jobs due to bad education -bad home life -no money to make them see a vision of live is worth living. No I am on Putin,s side He is the "fly in the  ointment " to the WEstern -NWO/Neo-con dream conquer him and the BRICS fail and the US big business will bring HEll to thev working class sweat  shops returning -2 jobs to survive "work em to they collapse " back to Victorian times so much for trade union achievements over 100 years ground into the dust. No sympathy -no help -no goodness -only evil .  

    duncan lucas

    In life you are born and cry on feeling pain . Throughout your life you continue to feel pain by accidents fights or verbal pain by nasty comments to you . People are not nice they get jealous of you  attack you and steal from you . THats life its reality not  a conjecture of the ideals of man .I always deal in reality your government lies-lies and lies again but even when they are caught wil their hand in the till you still beleive them and not people like Snowdon that is total brainwashing . I go by what the government of the UK and US  actually do -by their actions -never by their words as they wouldnt know the truth if they tripped over it in the road . I just cannot understand when the UK/US are trying to start WW3 with  Russia  and when this country wil be flattened when the Russian Bear hits back that the 99 % are being kept in the dark even when HMG says they are exercising the RAF over North England in case of war with Russia  nobody is told the truth of  what actually happens to your body . THose near it are vapourised those further away die in agony over weeks or months .Putin is "evil " etc pure bull— its the west that is the aggressor   -false flag Iraq=1.5 MILLION civilians killed  several 1000 gi,s thats a fact ! No other country in the last 50 years has invaded more countries-killed more people  than the US  they allow torture -indefinate detention etc all against International law . Ukraine was bought-paid for -by the US -my words NO American officials   words  NATO is now on Russia,s border again against a drawn  up and signed International Treaty . Where is the cry of  US/UK war planes near Russia,s border ??? nil comment . This is a War because of the US $$$ being not worth the paper it is printed on  including Government bonds .They must make war or the US sinks down to reality thar printing money doesnt work in the long run they want   Russian resources  same as they have dione for 50 years -step 1= We dont like your politics -you are our enemy -step 2= sanctions-step 3 you are a rogue nation causing ""instability "" in the World -Hypocrites !! -step 4 Invade -steal their resources -and mopve on to the next country that the US says -we will bring democracy and ""freedom "" to you (after killing 100,s of 1000,s of civilians and diont forget our weapons factories  need to try out   the new weapons on civilians like phosphorus bombs that strip the flesh off you   .Many people round this World agree with me and if you cannot see reality then there is no hope here for the poor -sick-old  as Cameron millionaire  privatises the NHS  and the US ""Trade Treaty "" with the EU means a US takeover by big business and no going back to protect social services . No bread then let the poor eat cake !

    duncan lucas

    I actually felt a bit emotional  at those defending me against being called a "nutter " I was not expecting anyone to defend me in that issue I must rethink  that there is balance here. My whole attempt is not to slag off the SPoGB  but to somehow  move you into action even if it is to disagree with me . You can only go by what life has done to you and your reaction to it .I learned early in life that words are all very well if its to do with a legal response to a situation in  life (ie-get a laywer) but more was  achieved by me when I took a physical   response to a situation causing me trouble . That  has achieved quicker results . I know you dont agree with Left-Unity but ,for the life of me , I just cant understand why you could not say= Well we dont agree with your politics but  on a grander scale we do have things in common  and that the end justifies the means ie- you all want to help the poor/sick/old of which I am in agreement 100 % . I get emails from organisations who know that that is my object as nothing is secret on the web to help them by signing petitions etc in many worthwhile causes my whole mind is centered round thev poor 24/7 and I get very angry with our and the US,s neo-con policies,thats just me I cant  help it  and yes I upset our government for putting the blame where it rightly belongs and therefore they try to shut me up by physical means of attack . That doesnt put me off because in my mind is one straight road for me to travel I dont deviate because I know what I do helps others and will help them till the day I die. 

    duncan lucas

    Well well ! the true nature comes out -agree with me -or else !  We are back to primary school playground comments or the type of statement put   forward  by government propaganda services to denigrate the worth of any statement  put out to counter government lies. Exactly like the US neo-cons lying 24/7 about Russia and Putin. via VOA-Fox ""news ""-CNN  the BBC etc 10000s of intellectuals Worldwide agree with me. Even US citizens .You say its ideas that count not actions ???  ideas are ZERO if not put into Practice ,no wonder   the 99 % dont vote for you and never will . I repeat  you are the same as a university debating society talk and no action . You refuse  to face the reality of   very low votes UK wide ,not even Scotland sees you as a alternative to the Tories as they vote for the SNP which compared to new labour is far to the left. IT implements socialist policies  not just waffle about them . In the late 50,s to approx 1965 my cousin and  I had communication receivers we both listened to VOR -aka Radio Moscow as well as communist satellite states -why ?? to get an alternative view of the World , In the 70,s when I joined BT (while still government controled ) my cousin tried to join as well he was knocked back -why ? because unlike me he wrote letters to them these were intercepted . My cousin went on to be a college lecturer  so it wasnt lack of ability I just kept my  mouth shut . You dont even realise you have been brought up to believe government propaganda even though it is total lies . This is easily shown by the actions (not ideas ) of the US/ UK/Israel they since the 1950,s   have started war after war killing millions of World citizens -false flag after false flag but that is okay with you but Putin is "aggressive " a warmongerer" whereas in reality its the West that is on Russia,s door  via NATO  every flight of Russian planes is blown up whereas Nato flying round Russia,s border is "okay " with you . I am on the side of the 99 % and an audience -Worldwide -agree with me and others on our website -more and more members join because we tell the TRUTH! unlike liar Obommer and Cameron millionaire thats why we are attacked  to stop the TRUTH being told . Come on John justify Obommer,s/Cameron,s and Nutteryahu,s ACTIONS in this World   to me. ???

    duncan lucas

    Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I expected better even your opposite numbers in politics  are a bit more sincere.

    duncan lucas

    Okay alan I will comment on Chechnia .When Yeltsen took over Russia he let the US/UK rip off Russia ,he was always drunk .At that time all the UK papers were saying what a nice man (as they ripped him off )  a lot of the soviet countries declared their independence from Russia at the same time as Gorby and Yeltsin were in power Still they said as per Maggie =quote -this is  a man we can do business with. But near the end of Yelsin and the beginning of Putin  Chechin Islamist war lords rose up . Now these "nice men " wanted to create a greater republic of Islam under Dudayev etc etc they destroted the republics -health centres -education-social security they started up  drug  factories for profit  sold 90 % of the oil for profit for themselves as this was going on 10,s of 1000,s of refugees fled the country . THey were a hub of financial fraud -counterfeiting bank notes  they remioved custom barriers -tax controls and the country was a safe haven for the worlds  criminals . Not content with that they invaded Dagestan  and robbed trains they also blew up 4 large appartment blocks for families 2 in Moscow 1 in South Russia 1 in Gagestan killing 246 people . They also planted bombs in Moscow  underground killing more  . And if that is not enough -although it was hushed up here , they DECAPITATED  TWO BT ENGINEERS  working there . I should know it happened while I worked for BT . Do you honestly tghink that Putin should put up with that ???? . He saw KOsovo being bombed by NATO-aka the US /UK  so if they can bomb a foreign country should he not be  able to bomb his OWN territory ????? This was okay with the US as it made Russia unstable just as they are trying to do justb now . Now if Mexico said to the US we want back New   Mexico-California -Texas and caused the SAME trouble do you think for 1 millisecond  the US would say okay and let them carryb on so no hypocracy please !! I cant for the life of me understand how you can be so brainwashed by the UK government thats why I said you and the British Nationalist were infiltrated by MI 5 years ago and YES I remember them boasting about it in the UK press.  You tell me to get real but you are living in  unreality permanently .You know you will neverv achieve power here so why not get real and join others who are on the same side of the fence ?? You do know that MI5 etc will help to keep you going as you are no threat to them only people like me get attacked for showing up government lies. TEll me WHEN you are going to get the 99 % behind you instead of just dreaming of a Marxist -Martix ???  ONly action counts nothing else and that should be directed against the  UK government  but you seem dead  scared to criticise the government in strong terms either because of a fear of retaliation or you are working for the government. I do know how the spy  services operate I have spent years watching and listening to what they do. And they would applaud you.

    duncan lucas

    Why cant you just argue the points to me  instead of quoting articles and websites .For every one you can  quote I can quote 2  or more that contradicts yours.  It surprises me you  take the neo-con government line for a socialist group . The World is full of investigative journalists etc who along with Snowdon and others have no problem showing the UK/US governments wouldnt know the truth if they tripped over it in the road . I cant believe you are so "taken in " by lies  from neo-cons . Think back I can remember when the Marxist and Socialist parties were infiltrated by MI5 it was in the UK "news " even went out on marches etc. You seem scared to criticise the government straight to its face or do you not want your PC scrambled or your website  attacked by DDOS attacks and GCHQ  causing you problems . You come across as the "acceptable face " of socialism in the eyes of the government no radicalism -no fire in the belly and NO danger to HM Government. and certainly no help for the poor you think you speak for but inreality dont  . Why do you slag off  the 99 % because they dont vote for you ? .The website I post on has today 40000 hits from Romania a country the US has  in its grasp.and yet we are totally opposed to the US/UK  far right neo-con values. Look in the  future do you see one for socialism in the UK without a revolution of the people which you will never get . Can you not even reach out to other left wing groups because of "principles " principles never swayed the masses only down to earth physical actions by a group of people to show and help the poor.  

    duncan lucas

     If you believe UK/US government lies that is your privilege  but  millions dont agree with that view ,because facts counteract it. For a party that says it supports socialism you take  the neo-con government view  1+1=2 not 6 . FACT ! 1 since the  Korean War it is the US backed by the UK who has invaded -made war with -killed millions of civilians -tortured them -jailed them against human rights and international law proving the US is  the world terrorist . Because the dollar is worthless as are their bonds the US is trying to take over world  trade -with the help off the UK.  It has only Russia to conquer and it wins and can use Russia,s resources so Putin is  ""bad ""  a ""warmongerer "" etc -who in the last 20/30 years has killed the most people the US -who has started wars to bring hypocrically – ""freedom ""  ""democracy "" etc they cant even  do it in their own country where freedom of expression is removed -the Declaration of Independence subverted -THe CIA can spy on US citizens now -the NSA spys on everybody -EACH day they intercept 5  BILLION  world citizens comunications . THey torture with impunity -the US kills with impunity any world citizen it feels like . But you would rather say -and stamp your feet -I wont ! belive it -so there .Carry one in your  delusions  of reality  but you do realise you achieve no effect on the population of the UK as proved by the low numbers voting  for you  -ah but they are SH–te not my words but your own posters what a way to talk about UK citizens . So carry on as you are, the UK government loves you you are stifling  reality  and helping big business make sure (like the US) that the workers  in the UK have to work two or more jobs just to survive while you go on talking of the metaphysics   of Marxism you are helping big business make life hell for the UK poor . If somebody ridicules    me in a post and its ""okay " then why criticise me for answering back ! Democracy NOT here !

    duncan lucas

    Steve I am one of the few genuine straightforward people  in this World  I hate injustice it actually makes me feel ill There are no sides to me you take me as you found me or not at all . What life has done to me is give me absolute determination and a steely will power I am prepared to die for a cause money cant buy  me and the GCHQ know that.

    duncan lucas

     Thank you Steve -sincerely . Socialist Punk  -When I  first came here I spoke the truth I wasnt against capitalism with a SMALL c but what we have got is rampart neo-Capitalism  where the poor get walked all over and before you condemn me for small c capitalism -name me a country in the World  that impilments ALL your philosophical  viewpoints on socialism or Marxism ??  When I wake up in the morning it is to absolute reality -no rose tinted glasses -completely  down to earth I see the harsh reality of the way the poor are  treated and it makes me VERY angry !!  I am a doer  but now in older age I am stuck bending over a PC and typing posts over the World . One site is now out for 2 days I post on -taken out by big business . I am constantly attacked by the GCHQ if you are like me head to UK website= http://www.priacyinternational and sign up like me to find out if the GCHQ/NSA have been tracking you as of yesterday over 10000 uk citizens have . They are breaching articles 8+10 of the European Convention on Human Rights up to DEcember 2014 -using PRISM /Upstream to watch you -is that also  a conspiracy theory -it was up till Snowdon blew those lies apart  Every day the NSA spy on 5 BILLION users of mobile/ internet /landline etc sorry to say BT is giving it help. I have a lot more info but  I might  cause your website to be attacked 

    duncan lucas

    robbo-Why do you think the leaders of countries  and the worlds richest people meet yearly under intense protection . They are deciding how the  World shoud  be run -the IMF-Banksters-all the Worlds Leaders if  that isnt NWO I dont know what is ,its staring you in the face . Its now 2 % of the world  who are richer than over 1 BILLION  of the 98 % . THe UK/ US EU is OWNED by big business Camerons cabinet consists now of Millionaires . To pay the IMF-aka World Banksters its the POOR thats paying by reduced wefare benefit while the rich get tax CONCESSIONS -Cameron = these are the movers and shakers of this country therefore they must becvgiven all help from my government .Two years ago in a US TV program -up stepped a wee neo-con (laughing ) The EU is against US interests we will bring it down by demanding repayment (with enoromous  interest ) starting with GREECE  . WE will then take over the EU market once we bring them down so that in the long term we will own and run the EU market -achieving this as of now with the new US/EU Trade ""agreement " -once privatised then no going back -we demand this  -so NHS -fully privatised cant be brought back into public ownership. WE have ZERO control over ANY government you put in ,every time the public believe politicians lies  and vote them in they immediately  refuse to do what they say they will do -they LIE !  Obommer says Putin is an "agressor" -what country from 1950 onwards has invaded country after country stealing millions of their resources killing millions of civilians -the US but you refuse to blame them because they say =we uphold  """freedom """ and ""democracy "" -yes bringing the freedom to die from the US arms industry -keeps the shareholders happy . If you cant see that then its the blind leading the blind -WORDS mean NOTHING  its ACTIONS that count ! 

    duncan lucas

    It is obvious that  "reason " to you is the neo-con government line which was was lies from the beginning and is lies now. BY believing big business lies you condemn yourselves to be a part of that government  and a willing suplicant to its will -how the mighty have fallen !! in the space of 40 or 50 years socialism has gone from a cutting edge radical group beloved by the working classes to a version of the paid posters who inhabit websites like Russia Today as that is the next "take-out target if they cant win an argument by logic and reason they resort  to childlike comments just to try to bring down a Russian website like they did to Press TV  . I didnt realise the schools in the UK over 50 years now pedal a government line and have brainwashed  so much of the public . You are the "safe " version of socialism  ,the government accepted and approved  version so much so I would not be suprised if  some GCHQ  part timers (paid )  post here. I remember several years ago when the NSA thought I was a US citizen I got an application form over the web to become a "propagandist " against  the "evil " Russia . On visiting the application site I fell at the first post I was not a US citizen but many joined as they have been thrown out of their homes in the US by the Banksters and had a family to support  along with the Soldiers  of the Jerusalem POst (not my quote but theirs ) who defend the atrociaties of the IDF against the Palestinians (have look on the web of the baby with the rear of its head blown off  by a IDF sniper or a wee boy  whose body skin is completly  removed by a phospherous bomb thats reality ! not -hear no evil-see no evil -speak no evil  head in the sand tactics   . I understand that and dont mind opposition as long as it  doesnt go down the road of -well I have run  out of answers so I will just slag him off -so there ! 

    duncan lucas

    THank you fot your satorial comments  I thought going by  John,s  posts of a higher  intellect  into the Zen of Marxism that all the  posters were the same high intellect level. I am not disapointed  because I understand  as  Stuart  has in a sense pointed out  by mentioning the Matrix (said in jest )  that even though you think of yourselves as  pioneers " in Socialism  and therefore radical you are no such thing and swallow the government line -hook -line and sinker because in reality you are scared stiff to oppose the government as you have your morgage-family-work to think about  and (quite rightly ) they  come first . So you are not really sincere in being radical but only play a kids game at it . You leave the real radicals to lose their jobs -and be constantly harrassed by the Government via GCHQ  and jailed as happens in the US . It is you that live in a fairy land of  non-reality and that is why the  SP of GB will never attract the 99 % and you know it but wont admit it  living in dreamland permanently  maybe you think you are being brave posting here but HEr Majesties Government    is laughing its head off  at you -WHY ?? -because you present NO Danger to them but just a talking shop while real radicals like me and others are consrtantly attacked  for our point of view . Your website isnt attacked nor are your members so really you are bedroom anarchists no better than a bedroom hacker while the "big boys " deal with reality . Stay in your self imposed  dreamworld and leave real politics to adults. 

    in reply to: Syriza #107266
    duncan lucas

    I tried posting on your blog about conspiracy theories  but was blocked  ,anybody willing to debate it ??

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