duncan lucas

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  • in reply to: Syriza #107389
    duncan lucas

    I also was surprised at the result  yes probably browbeaten into it on the lines of= you have no alternative to save Greece but give it a year or two and see if they still think the same way  after many are driven to crime from hunger or homelessness and the "socialist " state will beat them down just like they have been told to do,cant have the working class getting above their station can we ? So another "great show  " of socialism fails at the last hurdle. Your last sentence is apt -apply the same to Corbyn and see where all his outpourings of "left-wingism " end up ,already he is making capitalist compromises  soon he will echo old "new Labour "  he seems to be swayed too easily and accept opposing political points no leader should change policy like this or they are not a leader of the people.

    in reply to: Syriza #107385
    duncan lucas

    ALB it looks more a case of Syriza "caved in " to WEstern neo-CON demands and will introduce even harsher anti-poor acts . I dont know how they can call themselves "socialist "  -obviously  shame doesnt  appear in their mind-set  only in the ones that resigned and formed another party ,as long as its not a MK 2 version of treacherous     behavour towards the old-sick-poor.

    in reply to: Syriza #107355
    duncan lucas

    Again I have got to agree with Alan this reminds me of the years of negotiation by the US and Iran on removing sanctions every time they get near agreement they shift the goal posts and demand more the underlying agenda being its not in the US,s interests to to be friendly with Iran due to pressure elsewhere keep on forcing more change on Greece  if  this keeps happening and Syriza keeps caving  in it loses all credibility with its own voters  who have already given leave for the government to get a deal that doesnt destroy the poor. Its humiliating and not something I would personally do  you think/act/ in a straight line when it comes to helping those that are  at the bottom end  of society. Where,s the guts -the driving force to do what is right  for the 99 %  ? This is  an interesting World event a lot of principles hang on it -are you the owner of your own country or does the IMF/ECB/World Banksters rule it.?

    in reply to: Syriza #107351
    duncan lucas

    Sadly -not one to think negative usually  I have to agree with  Alan. How can any organisation be it a government or a group of people call itself left-wing /socialist etc  and in the end after a big show for those that voted for solid action against the IMF/ECB etc  cave in in the  latest  statement from the Greek Government and its watered down opposition admendment practically agreeing with what Big Business want -slavery for the poor as Cameron -neo-con is doing to this country . Very sad and disappointed !

    in reply to: Syriza #107340
    duncan lucas

    Comment from Scottish Socialist Party spokesman -Colin Fox -Greece,s Syriza government has stood up to the Troika,s economic terror tactics and won the backing of the Greek people despite them . He is being magnanimous and can see at least that  the people have stood for a principle  so much and no more reductions in OAP,s  increase in the already massive jobs losses effecting the young in particular and bring the people down to the level of beggers . The leader of Greece is using a wise/sly coarse  of action even when 61 % back him (how much has Cameron running the UK ???)  at every step he is saying EU help us so that whenever the EU keeps on saying NO !  it looks bad for the EU as even when Greece holds  an opposite view to the ECB/IMF it is still willing to reach an agreement as long as it doesnt put the poor into graves for lack of food /shelter but the IMF dont want to know -pay up ! they say making them look like a lot of Shylock,s in the eyes of the World . Putin is doing the same in the face of the upmost agression from the US  now on Russia,s borders -via NATO its alter ego pushed constantly to get putin to react so they  can  say -look we were right Putin is agressive its making them mad that Putin isnt responding in kind militarily . Both those positions are "using the head " against obvious agressors. 

    in reply to: Syriza #107334
    duncan lucas

    John dont you realise what you have said to me has already come out of the mouth of Cameron -millionaire as he stood for re-election . party before people policy before people -aims= party principles before people . You  have every right to preach your policies here as this is your website but how can you mentally put aside the suffering in this World and debate the metaphysics of Marxism while 1000,s die daily from the regime you seem to condemn but would rather sit by as more and more the NWO -AKA BB takes over the World ? You mention church I dont belong to any church the bible is a fairy tale made up for the advantage of one race alone who run the IMF it is there to subjugate people into a   passive roll and accept evil and lies . The Greek people have done a great thing they have struck a blow against the IMF/World Banksters etc and you refuse to acknowlege that instead belittle it . That is your right but that wont help the poor  anywhere . Where has all this got your movement ? the 99 % want action now not political platitudes I cant sit and watch  as the poor are made poorer and die.  THats why I am attacked  constantly by our "services "  at least they realise they have more to fear from me saying what I think truthfully and openly to the World on  various websites  and ALL for the cause of the poor ! REmember I am only replying to your post  and should be allowed a reply if I am criticised.

    in reply to: Syriza #107328
    duncan lucas

    So you are not "left-wing "  Hmmm right  and you also dont believe in a group gathering together for the sake of helping the poor ?  So you must be right-wing ? . Its all very well coming out and saying this or that but onl;y actions count  the people of Greece have taken decisive action  and not an hour or two later you are dissing it ? So much for the will of the majority . The one %  of  the World rule the West so that would be fair ? right ? They are taking left-wing action you are talking  who is achieving    the most  positive help for the poor ? No one is saying it will be easy  and suffering is in store but like other countries that defied the IMF -AKA -US big business /World Banksters  you can recover from it . Since when is Argentine paying the US debt vultures who bough Argenytine debt and now want billions back  has Argentine said -okay ? nope .If you yourself are not taking actions to help the poor how can you critise others  who will actually help the  poor rather than political stances  that people will not accept?? its time for action World wide befor BB starts WW3  by attacking Russia. You are either on the side of right and truthfulness  that    the EU/UK US know nothing about  or you are on the side of the people you say are hurting the   poor you cant have it both ways . So good luck Greece against the uncaring rich even though you dont seem "pure " in some p[eoples eyes . I am ALWAYS for the poor -sick-old and no fixed political viewpoint will  change that  because I believe in the poor first and politics second .

    in reply to: Syriza #107326
    duncan lucas

    Just this minute  got an email from -Left Unity confirming as of 20.20 GMT  5-7-2015 Greece has voted =OXI  .I am sure the posters here will debate the pro,s and cons of this in great detail  but at least Left Unity and I are happy about it they are "giving the finger " to -"austerity " -AKA Depression  for the poor. Plenty more to talk about I think ?

    in reply to: Syriza #107322
    duncan lucas

    In the end ,as far as the satrap EU (of the US ) is concerned its down to Obommer -aka-BB (Big Business ) allows Greece to leave or for that matter NATO (US base ) . At the moment he has Merkel,s arm twisted up her back to force her make concessions  so that the US (BB) can stop Russian ""inteference " in this area of the World and as you know every area of the World is their property ,even China with US "spiking " the whole World . I do  admire  Greeces shrewd use of pitting one against the other ,even though a lot is theory in respect of Russia at this moment. But Greece have already been offered BRIC membership and their Banks help from Russia so Russia isnt in as poor a situation as the Western propaganda makes out . You have only to see beyong the lies /smokescreen of BBC/CNN/FOX etc. to see the truth ,  

    in reply to: Syriza #107317
    duncan lucas

    Couldnt agree more  ALB think less "nationalist "and more socialist  as that is what motivates Scots and they voted "en masse " that way. Even if you dont like the name go by the actions not just the  words . Even socialist parties in other European countries acknowlege this fact.

    in reply to: Syriza #107308
    duncan lucas

    I hope and pray that ,at last a blow will be struck against  the IMF/EUCB  etc etc that has made the  poor poorer while millionaires become billionaires that the Greek people tell World Big Business -enough!  no more will I lie down and die  for you . Like several other countries who did the same and have recovered  Greece can do it . I am sure Putin will help as he has said ,if the Greek government ask for help he will help WITHOUT all the sickening people killing policies of Big Business . Yes there will be a trade but not at the expense of the poor . This is the last thing Obommer wants Greece aligned with Russia as the pipeline could go through Greece to Serbia etc. and Russia will help with any protection against nasty moves against the country with "color " Revolutions bought and paid for by the US. 

    in reply to: Stressed Out #112073
    duncan lucas

    The last 2 lines gives an answer but tell me Cameron millionaire and his millionaire Cabinet got voted in ,in England  to carry on with neo-conism  and the COMPLETE  privatisation of the NHS to come into line with his bosses in the City and Obommer in the Whitehouse also run by BB. THat being the case  no amount of shouting is going to change this  at present about 34 % or more is now privatised and run for profit  you have another 5 years of this at least . The poor die in waiting rooms /corridors and from lack of food /attention (not the fault of the nursing staff ) . So what are you going to do to change the way England votes in the next 5 years . Scotland now wont take any more lies from Westminster or from Scottish Traitors (oh no !  this word is now banned by the Scorttish (NEW ) Labour Party) -well how about Gordon ""the VOW "" Brown  his lies are left in tatters as Cameron refuses to grant what was even agreed  by the committee  on this BEFORE the Refererendum . Seem ingly Scotland is too "left-wing " to be allowed any say in running Westminster and thats EXACTLY what he put to the English voters –and WON !  I have no problem with English Nationalism -Land of Hope and "glory " and all that  but the same allowance must be applied to Scottish Nationalists except we are also Socialists so dont count in England . We want control over our money /resourses so that it can make the NHS -SCotland FULLY Nationalised / WElfare benefits raised the sick helped not helped to die seemimgly most of the  English people who I know and moved to Scotland agree and voted for the SNP -56 seats out of 59  

    in reply to: Syriza #107305
    duncan lucas

    WEll BigBong -are you really an arnarchist or  a pale copy ?. A real one will already be on the MI5 "hit list "  -his telephone tapped – his house under surveilance -his job in   jeopardy  -cant work for any UK telecommunications companies /banned from aLL government service jobs your name in the newspapers photographed  taking part in UK violent demos the list is endless or are you just a physical /mental  distraction put up by our security services ? Have you been like me (who isnt an arnarchist ) been attacked by GCHQ and taken off line  and MS Windows scrambled -6 times in 3 years  for lesser online actions of political propaganda . What German etc branches are you affilliated too and can you name names ? Any REAL one I have come across doesnt avertise like this  .

    in reply to: Syriza #107289
    duncan lucas

    The points made by Alan Jjohnstone about the position of Greece,s economic viability are viable and Syriza must have read them as well as of now Greece has signed an agreement with Putin to construct  a gas pipeline  through  Greece .This is in the face of EU/US opposition as they want Putin out of europe as anybody who looks at the actions rather than the words can see . This will help Greece,s GDP as Greece will 50 % own it eventually after Russian gas passes throught it . This wil be continuous year to year along with Russian and Greece co-operating in the defence field Putin says a lot of help will come from Russia financially on much better terms than the US owned EU/IMF etc . As of now the EU ultimatum runs out in 2 weeks time . As these new documents have been signed it looks to me that there will be a "Gretix " . This will upset the US who realise Putin can run this pipeline nearer its friend Serbia as Serbia and others will be cut off when gas is stopped running through Ukraine in the end of 2018. It matters not to me how you think about Putin as a Capitalist as his brand of Capitalism isnt far right -neo-con make the poor poorer and the rich richer but in practical terms this will in the end help Greece,s old -sick-poor . HE has rightly taken a stand no more off the OAP of Greece,s Pensions . I agree with Alan that this is a mainstay of the Greek poor you live or die by your income in old-age The question is will the US allow Greece to "go Russian " as we havent been neerer WW3 NOT by Putins "agression " putout by the lying West but by US blatant wars against countries it doesnt like to help Israel and Big Business USA/UK who run both countries 1.5 million killed in Iraq alone (US State Dept figures )  The US has admitted umpteen times it will only accept a Unipolar World  so to save the worthless  $$$ Nato-AKA-the US  it must get Rusia to do something like invade Ukraine or the Baltic countries as the latest outpourings from the US Senate is they are angry and mystified that they cant get Putin to do it even moving Nato up to Russia,s border against ALL the Treaties they signed .Think ! what would happen if Putin did the same on the MExico /US border. WAR !!!   

    in reply to: Syriza #107285
    duncan lucas

    The posts seem to talk of the technical and political merits of  Syriza in their relation to the -World Bank-IMF etc but dont take in the bigger World picture of the implications in relation to the World Take-over by far-right capitalism with only Putin standing in their way . Several years ago some  neo-cons in the US said they were going to bring down the EU by attacking Greece financially by calling in their loans  as they went on to do as they said the EU was competition to the US . They have acheived it also in another way by this new ""trade Treaty "  which is the biggest con on the working class imaginable . Big business making profit that the 99 % of the public cant change by asking their politicians    to do something about  as profit comes before government legislation. IE=the NHS making a profit that goes to big business . With Putin out-thinking the US by stopping South Stream and building Turkish  Stream this again upset the US (the EU doesnt matter as it obeys the US) Putin wants to build a pipeline to the Greek border and with Greece,s approval build a pipeline through Greece from which Greece will  get a handsome   rental  of a billion or so and then onward to Macedonia which the US has started to cause unrest because it doesnt like Putin,s move to reach Serbia and beyond . Their own (EU plans are still "pie in the sky " ) So the US will put pressure on the EU to come to some agreement  with Greece even though they dont like it . But as of now the Greek Government has  knocked back agreeing to the latest offer as it wil reduce pensions for the poor etc. So we have Putin making an offer of Billions to Greece as well as getting it into the Russian led financial help organisation to help it through this period  of depression as to me Austerity is a fine word for Depression . Who will win ? the East or West ? time will tell.

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