Stressed Out

February 2025 Forums Comments Stressed Out

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  • #83821

    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Stressed Out.
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!

    duncan lucas

    The last 2 lines gives an answer but tell me Cameron millionaire and his millionaire Cabinet got voted in ,in England  to carry on with neo-conism  and the COMPLETE  privatisation of the NHS to come into line with his bosses in the City and Obommer in the Whitehouse also run by BB. THat being the case  no amount of shouting is going to change this  at present about 34 % or more is now privatised and run for profit  you have another 5 years of this at least . The poor die in waiting rooms /corridors and from lack of food /attention (not the fault of the nursing staff ) . So what are you going to do to change the way England votes in the next 5 years . Scotland now wont take any more lies from Westminster or from Scottish Traitors (oh no !  this word is now banned by the Scorttish (NEW ) Labour Party) -well how about Gordon ""the VOW "" Brown  his lies are left in tatters as Cameron refuses to grant what was even agreed  by the committee  on this BEFORE the Refererendum . Seem ingly Scotland is too "left-wing " to be allowed any say in running Westminster and thats EXACTLY what he put to the English voters –and WON !  I have no problem with English Nationalism -Land of Hope and "glory " and all that  but the same allowance must be applied to Scottish Nationalists except we are also Socialists so dont count in England . We want control over our money /resourses so that it can make the NHS -SCotland FULLY Nationalised / WElfare benefits raised the sick helped not helped to die seemimgly most of the  English people who I know and moved to Scotland agree and voted for the SNP -56 seats out of 59  


    You say "We want control over our money /resourses so that it can make the NHS -SCotland FULLY Nationalised".We in the World Socialist Movement certainly don't, we want a world based on common ownership of resources where money has been got rid of, along with our beloved leaders who constantly lead us up the garden path.And we don't stand for nationalism, we want national boundaries to become obsolete, as they will in a real socialist world.

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