Queen is dead

September 2024 Forums General discussion Queen is dead

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  • #233454

    Prepare yourself for the next big jamboree – Coronation Day.

    Don’t forget to buy your souvenir mug and tea towel.

    Another public holiday day off for many.


    Some more stats about enthusiasm for royalty among the young. Spoiler: They aren’t that enthusiastic.




    This is the Documentary auld Lizzie banned for repeat broadcast. It’s like a bizarre freak show inside a gigantic opulent Zoo. At one point her maj brings up the idea of a new dress design that might better suit a clanking priceless necklace she holds in her hands. She asks one of her slaves… “have I actually worn this necklace before?” “No not that one” comes the fawning reply.
    For a little light relief here’s the only true horror film ever made. Broadcast only twice in the 80s it’s worth watching again. Btw this website offers thousands of current movies and TV shows. All free!


    Two sides of the same coin. Disgusting power, luxury and privilege coupled with miserable agonising extinction. Enjoy!

    P. S Ignore these left Falangists who’ve somehow found this forum. Instead of actually learning something here they continue to do what others of their glorious Cadre have done in the past. I. E waste their breath. They’ll have a hard time convincing party members to shut up shop and join the barricades. Fuckin amateurs.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Ozymandias.

    We’ve also got the coronation to endure.


    Fuck tell me about it. But at least it’ll be a bargain basement affair according to Charles III. Maybe not Poundland exactly but a “stripped down” spectacular befitting the modern Monarchy. CUNTS!


    Excuse my French!


    https://en.internationalism.org/content/17249/capitalist-propaganda-service-national-unity-workers-have-no-country. Left Communists on the death of the queen

    Feudal remnants in the service of capitalism

    When the British bourgeoisie came to power during the English revolution, King Charles 1st, representative and defender of the absolute monarchy, was beheaded in 1649 by the revolutionary parliamentarians. But the ascendant British bourgeoisie subsequently realised that its rule could not be maintained and stabilised through a completely new state machine. The monarchy had to be brought back, along with the long established diplomatic, political and military experience of the aristocracy, but this time limited constitutionally and subservient to bourgeois parliament.

    If the bourgeois state rules in the interests of the capitalist ruling class, it nevertheless has to appear as the representative of the whole population, and to pretend that it has always been there since the dawn of time, rather than, as in reality, coming to power relatively recently through a violent revolution. The state must therefore appear as elevated above the interests of the rival classes, in order to prevent society tearing itself apart. The exploiters and war-mongers must not appear as such to the exploited and butchered but ultimately as a family, as flesh and blood, with human feelings, just like you and me[1]. This is where the preservation of feudal institutions, like the monarchy, have had their importance because in capitalist society, where “callous cash payment” rules, wage slavery can be assuaged by the illusion that even they, the exploited, are part of a national family.


    Denmark’s Queen Margrethe, Europe’s only reigning queen and the continent’s longest serving monarch, has stripped four of her eight grandchildren of their titles, the palace announced.

    The official reason was to allow the four children of her youngest son, Prince Joachim, to live more normal lives, and follows similar moves by other royal families in Europe to slim down their monarchies.



    Former member Steve Coleman’s take on this:


    Not bad if you excuse the academic ear language.

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