Queen is dead

January 2025 Forums General discussion Queen is dead

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  • #233269

    The Guardian still publishing the occasional article critical of Royal Family


    Mariann Wang, who represented more than a dozen Epstein survivors, said it was “beyond shameful to see Andrew being granted any form of state-sponsored honor or privilege, given his past affiliation with Jeffrey Epstein”.

    Aurore DeCarlo, senior partner at the law firm CA Goldberg, “The media images of Prince Andrew being adored and sympathized with can certainly give the impression that all has been forgiven, despite lasting pain and damage still lying in his wake.


    The notion of the royal family as symbols of duty or sacrifice to the nation is “a lie” and is at the centre of a deeply unequal UK, Clive Lewis, the Norwich South MP and former shadow cabinet minister has argued, breaching Keir Starmer’s order to his party to stay silent before the Queen’s funeral on Monday.



    I find the whole carnival of this feudal relic’s coffin on display quite bizarre, macabre and grotesque. What the hell is it all about? And what does it say about a society that thinks this spectacle is OK, when those people slavishly participating would certainly not do the same to protect their own interests regarding the cost of living crisis, or dare I say, to usher in a totally new kind of society?


    “What the hell is it all about?”

    It’s an exercise in state and national identity building. On the surface quite a successful one it would seem. But, at a guess, I would have thought most of the population isn’t really that bothered.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by DJP.

    “On the surface quite a successful one it would seem quite successful. But, at a guess, I would have thought most of the population isn’t really that bothered.”

    Which is it? If “it’s an exercise in state and national building” then it would appear very successful and contrary to your second assertion, seeing that a large section of the population is engrossed in the whole charade.

    For example:


    Dundee United (formerly Dundee Hibernian) fans show their dissent


    Obviously playing the British “national” anthem was a provocation to supporters of an Irish Catholic football club (as it would be a crowd of socialists) but the reaction is a reminder that opposition to the British monarchy is not necessarily progressive. In this case it was an expression of support for Irish Republicanism, to which socialists are as opposed to as to British monarchism. Still, I suppose it is encouraging that even after a hundred years the British state hasn’t been able to brainwash all its subjects.


    Worth a read, Craig Murray and worth a watch, a spoof video

    Cool Observation of Mass Hysteria

    J Surman

    For what it’s worth here’s comment from an Indian. No doubt the majority of citizens of former colonies would agree with her. Unfortunately I don’t suppose they are getting a voice on mainstream media.



    100 employees at Shaoxing Chuangdong Tour Articles Co. set aside other work and put in 14-hour days starting at 7:30 a.m. making nothing but British-themed flags.

    They turned out at least 500,000 the first week



    Lizzie45: “Which is it?”. Probably a bit of both. Mathematically speaking it’s possible that “a large section of the population is engrossed in the whole charade” while the majority of the population is not that bothered about it.

    Looking at some YouGov surveys it looks like support for the monarchy is falling year on year. It looks like the trend for is starting to head towards the 50/50 level.


    Celtic supporters again express their anti-royalism


    So you can see the other prejudice, here’s the only amusing Ulster Protestant anti-Catholic song:


    An estimated 28 million people in this country alone were glued to their televisions watching the funeral of this elderly nonentity.


    Not forgetting the outpouring of grief following her demise.

    Wall-to-Wall Mourning in Food Bank Britain

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