Labour MPs revolt against Corbyn

October 2024 Forums General discussion Labour MPs revolt against Corbyn

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    Just how different would this be to what we already have in the Events and Announcements for non-SPGB stuff?

    Bijou Drains

    My idea was that it would be that it would be about possible activities, not announcements about other parties stuff. So more focussed on."here's some stuff going on, would anyone like to get involved"With the announcements section, it tends to be about what others are doing not us. I think it is very sad that we do not have a section on the forum specifically outlining what we are doing in terms of activities, offering the chance for others to get involved. Just think it would be helpful to highlight the positive stuff!!from a personal point of view, I travel all over the country with work (I'm sure other comrades have a similar work pattersn) it would be good to know that if I'm in Liverpool for instance there is a Corbyn rally I could go to and see if anyone else wants to go.

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    I think it is very sad that we do not have a section on the forum specifically outlining what we are doing in terms of activities, offering the chance for others to get involved.

    I think you're missing this:

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    My idea was that it would be that it would be about possible activities, not announcements about other parties stuff. So more focussed on.[…]With the announcements section, it tends to be about what others are doing not us.

    Know exactly what you mean.  I had a conversation about this at Summer School with a couple of fellow-comrades.  One of them said to me:

    Why is it that some members appear more enthusiatic about publicising and even attending our opponents meetings than they do our own?

     'Intelligence' gathering perhaps?    Bwahahahaha.

    Bijou Drains
    DJP wrote:
    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    I think it is very sad that we do not have a section on the forum specifically outlining what we are doing in terms of activities, offering the chance for others to get involved.

    I think you're missing this:

    No I'm not missing that at all. I might not have explained properly, basically I was talking about an area on the forum where those of us who were interested in what might be called traditional SPGB activity, i.e.. attending opponents meetings, organising literature sales, perhaps a bit of outdoor speaking, going to organised events, going to Student Union debates, attending hustings, etc. could come together pool idea, information and coordinate their activity. For instance I'm often in different locations in the UK midweek and if any local members fancied doing a literature sale at n SWP event in that locality, then information could possibly be shared and a party presence organised.I know certain members have the view that all we need to do is maintain a presence physically and on the internet and that capitalism will do the rest, and I'm happy of them, however some think that activity of the type described above is he way forward and I think an area as described would be of great assistance in this.i can't really see why any member would object, if it doesn't work, what harm has been done, if it does terrific. It seems to me a bit like the video issue, some members seem to always look for a reason not to do something, rather than a reason to do it.


    [/quote]i can't really see why any member would object, if it doesn't work, what harm has been done, if it does terrific. It seems to me a bit like the video issue, some members seem to always look for a reason not to do something, rather than a reason to do it.[/quote]I agree, it's much better than discussing how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, only to find out that angels don't exist…or do they?


    Well there is this forum World Socialist Movement section, the meetup you can even discuss SPGB activity here is also the yahoo mailing lists, facebook, twitter? etc. ….I don't think there is a shortage of places to discuss arranging activity between local members and supporters.

    Bijou Drains
    jondwhite wrote:
    Well there is this forum World Socialist Movement section, the meetup you can even discuss SPGB activity here is also the yahoo mailing lists, facebook, twitter? etc. ….I don't think there is a shortage of places to discuss arranging activity between local members and supporters.

    All of those places are there and that's fine, however by common acknowledgement the forum is by far the most easily accessible site we have, it is has by far the most traffic, To be honest the post I made about this has created more response than the meet up page has had in months!The forum is the only area for discussion linked to the party's main website and it is by far the most visible discussion area we have. If you did a cost benefit analysis, what would be the cost of having another section on the forum, practically negligible, what would be the benefit? A more visible presence for party activity for members and visitors, with the possible benefit that it might stimulate more party activity. What is the possible risk? A little area of the forum that no one goes to, there are three of them at the bottom of the forum already and it doesn't seem to cause much difficulty.As to the suggestion that has been made previously that the calendar area carries out this function, have you ever tried having a discussion with a calendar?I struggle to understand the current in the party that continually objects to new ideas, especially when those new ideas don't impinge upon the way that others in the party carry out their activity.


    I wouldn't object to your proposal but I don't see what's new? What's to stop a post in 'General Discussion' or 'World Socialist Movement' or 'Events and Announcements' calling for SPGB activity locally somewhere? Isn't every post in 'Events' an implicit invitation for SPGB members to attend? Or should it be a more explicit invitation?


    Couple of interesting articles on Corbyn's supporters. Are they mainly hard-left Trots looking for an entryist opportunity or a genuine grassroots movement involving ordinary voters/workers?

    There are simply not enough delusional Leninists in Britain to make up the entirety of Corbyn’s support

    I think that's manifestly right.

    ALB wrote:
    There are simply not enough delusional Leninists in Britain to make up the entirety of Corbyn’s support

    I think that's manifestly right.

    John Harris seems to be concerned about Trot entryists.


    Of course there are Trots in the Labour Party. Entryism is now back on the agenda for most of the groups. They are parasites who need a host. Not sure they'll get anywhere though. But let's hope Taaffe is allowed back and his so-called "Socialist Party" disappears.Not a bad article, actually. I liked this bit:

    The practice of Trotskyist politics has long been built around the idea of the “transitional demand”, a rather cynical manoeuvre whereby you encourage people to agitate for this or that – a hugely increased minimum wage, perhaps, or the end of all immigration controls – knowing full well it is unattainable within the current order of things, but that when the impossibility becomes apparent, the workers will belatedly wake up. In other words, the herd gets whipped up into a frenzy about something you know it won’t get, while you smugly sit things out, hoping that if everything aligns correctly, another crack will appear in the great bourgeois edifice.

    Spot on.

    Bijou Drains

    Interesting link between the SPGB and the fall of Militant in Liverpool, the District Auditor who brought the whole fiasco of Militant Liverpool down, was the Brother of a current member of the SPGB and the Uncle of another.He is often reported to have been called Tim or Timothy McMahon, in fact he was Thomas Irving McMahon and was given the nickname Tim from his initials, I know that because he was my Uncle Tommy. Strangely the press never picked up on the fact that his sister, my mother, who was at that time still in the Labour Party, was a councillor in on North Tyneside Council at the time, which was similarly refusing to set a rate.Thankfully she took her son's advice, turned her back on reformism and became a Socialist!


    The Court of Appeal has ruled that the NEC can exclude new members from voting for the leader 

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