Kent and Sussex Branch

December 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Kent and Sussex Branch

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  • #185925

    I’ve worked it out.  1,411 people voted. Of these 59 cast one of their two votes for the Socialist candidate. That’s 4.2%.

    We always do better in local than in general elections but this is better than usual even in local elections and no doubt reflects the electoral and other activity put in in Folkestone over a number of years.  It will also reflect that last time four years ago, when we got 35 votes, TUSC was also standing. This time the weren’t but one of the Labour candidates elected had stood for them in 2014.


    Yes, that’s quite an improvement on what we got in the ward in 2015 and more than for the whole of East Folkestone in 2017.  And on a 28% turnout!

    We weren’t at the count but Andy and Dan are due to be at the town council count tomorrow.


    Here is the result of the seat on Folkestone Town Council we contested. With (I think) the same electorate but different candidates and voters having 3 rather than 2 votes, here is the result.

    The 131 votes, which is 9.4% of the 1397 who voted, is no doubt to be explained by the absence of LibDem or Green candidates compared with the District Council elections.  Nobody else, except for the ex-Ukipper who got elected, for those who are anti-Tory and anti-Labour to vote for, not that we want such votes.

    Bijou Drains

    I think your analysis is a little harsh Adam. I don’t think anyone would claim that 9.4% of voters in Folkestone are committed socialists, but we do also have to recognise the hard work put in by Kent and Sussex branch over the years. The result isn’t just down to the absence of other protest parties.

    The lesson to be learned is that a regular presence on the ballot paper and familiarity with the Party increases the vote substantially. A similar effect was noted in South Tyneside back when NE Branch was active and I’m sure it could be repeated elsewhere.

    Perhaps we also need to use the fact that we have had what is a very good result in a local election, as part of our publicity. If one of the other minor parties had achieved that result they would be ringing up the BBC claiming they had made the long awaited electoral breakthrough.


    I didn’t mean it that way at all. I was contrasting the 131 votes we got in one election with the 59 votes we got in another in the same area and was seeking a reason why some decided to vote for us in one but not the other. I did say in an earlier post that the 59 votes (4.2%) would have been the result of sustained electoral and other activity in the area.

    I know we used to get this sort of result in the North East, with on one occasion us being the only non-Labour candidate in a 6-member ward and that, had there been a particularly unpopular Labour candidate, we could have ended up with our first local councillor, though hardly one elected by in the main consciously socialist voters.

    Bijou Drains

    I think the party has some sort of 115 year old collective worry that somehow an overwhelming Socialist Parliamentary majority is going to be be accidentally elected by  a less than consciously socialist electorate.  Judging by the historical evidence from elections, I would say that’s possibly something we don’t need to worry about too much.

    If by chance one or two councillors got elected, or even one or two MPs, in such circumstances, I’m fairly sure scrutiny of our case would be all over mass media. So perhaps one or two accidentally elected representatives wouldn’t be such a scary thing.

    Bijou Drains

    I suppose it’s the same when you look at the slogan, “vote for the case not the face”. Having looked at the collective phizogs of party members, I’ve got to be honest, and I include myself in this, there’s not a lot of eye candy, is there!


    Please note that the branch will be having a street stall in Canterbury on Saturday, 18 May from 12noon.

    Street Stall (Canterbury from 12noon)



    [The following is posted on behalf of the minute taker]

    Minutes of 89th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on
    Sunday, 14th April, 2019.

    The meeting commenced at 2.20pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)

    Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian.

    1. Election of Chair
    Motion 1. Chesham/Cox “that Fabian be chair” AGREED 4-0-0.

    2. Apologies for absence
    Hannah Dutton

    3. Confirmation of agenda items

    4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting
    Motion 2. Chesham/Fabian “that the minutes be adopted” AGREED 4-0-0.

    5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting

    a) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe).
    Cox has asked Max Hess drop off some Standards and election posters to Andi Elliott.

    b) Advertising:
    ‘the .Net’ magazine – Report from Cde. Bruce
    Bruce reports that the Net magazine have responded to her enquiry and that they do not allow advertising from political parties.

    c) Motion to the EC (introductory pamphlet suggestion) “That the E.C. considers producing an introductory party pamphlet based on the Class War introductory pamphlet”.

    d) Motion to the EC (website suggestion) “KSRB recommends that the whiteboard video be moved from its present position on SPGB homepage, to the top of the page.

    e) SPGB Enamel badge quotations (Bruce)
    Bruce passes round samples from Rocket Badge. As their price was lower but they have a high minimum order quantity, it was agreed to ask Badgemaster to quote again based on the same quantity.

    f) Nominations for EC appointed Committees and Officers – Report on
    acceptances received to date.
    Cox reports that Kirk has accepted nomination for Internet Committee.

    g) Wigtown Book Festival 27th Sept. to 6 Oct. 2019 – Report from Cde Bruce.
    Bruce has contacted Glasgow and Edinburgh branches by email and awaits their response.

    h) Kent Miners Festival Monday 26th August 2019 – Report from Cde Cox
    Cox awaits confirmation of pitch booking and agrees to contact KMF to find out the size of the pitch in order to select a gazebo for the event.

    i) Report on Pro-referendum demonstration 23 March
    Fabian and Bruce report that many copies of the identity leaflet where handed out at the demo.

    6. May 2019 Elections: Reports and Correspondence

    a) European Parliamentary Elections
    Cox reports that the election committee has asked KSRB for 5/6 candidates to stand in possible EU elections in May. Branch suggests that the following areas be leafleted in EU election: Brighton Pavilion, Folkestone, Canterbury, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells.
    Proposed Candidates agreed: M. Bruce, D. Chesham, S. Kennedy, N. Kirk, A. Pruden, A.Thomas and S. Wicks. Cox agrees to contact those who have not yet been asked or volunteered. It was suggested making the leaflet more generic (reusable) in case of cancellation: Cox to enquire.

    b) Local Government Elections
    The EC agreed KSRB standing in Folkestone district and town council elections. A.Thomas is the candidate for both. Rob Cox is election agent. 2500 manifesto leaflets are hopefully being distributed before postal votes go out based on text agreed by EC and proposed by Thomas at a cost of £142.57. Cox to get a further 1000 follow-up leaflets printed at £75.

    c) Stall at Folkestone on 20th April
    Bruce, Chesham, Fabian and Thomas to attend. All to meet at 12 noon outside Folkestone Town Hall. Thomas or Hess to bring the follow-up leaflets for handing out on the day.

    7. Annual Party Conference 2019 (Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th April)

    a) Letter from Cde Shodeke
    Cox reads a letter from Shodeke (delegate) explaining that she will be unable to attend conference.

    b) Consideration of Final Agenda items (as circulated).

    4. Lancaster – Item for Discussion – FREE HAND
    6. Kent & Sussex – Motion – FOR — Comrade Kennedy (who is not a delegate) to be asked to open up on this item with the permission of the Conference chair.
    7. West London – (amendment to above) – FREE HAND
    8. Lancaster – Motion – FREE HAND
    9. Manchester – (amendment to above but ruled out of order by Standing Orders)
    10. Manchester – Motion – OPPOSE
    11. Kent & Sussex – (amendment to above) – FOR
    13. West London – Item for Discussion — FREE HAND
    15. West London – Motion – OPPOSE
    16. Lancaster – Motion – FOR
    17. Kent & Sussex – (amendment to above) – FOR
    18. Lancaster – Motion – FOR
    19. Lancaster – Motion – FOR
    20. Lancaster – Motion – FOR
    23. Lancaster – Motion – OPPOSE
    24. West London – (amendment to above) – FOR
    25. Lancaster – (addendum to rule 12) – OPPOSE
    27. Lancaster – Motion – FOR
    29. Manchester – Motion – OPPOSE
    31. Lancaster – Motion – FOR
    32. Kent & Sussex – Item for Discussion – FOR
    40. West London – Item for Discussion – FREE HAND
    43. Lancaster – Item for Discussion – OPPOSE

    8. Other correspondence

    Cox reads out a letter from the Head Office Treasurer reminding members that any donations/contributions above £500 (cash or kind) must be reported to the Treasurer. Cox reads out a letter from D. Humphries detailing the donation of a number of pamphlets and Standard back issues for distribution by KSRB. Cox reads out an email from A. Buick detailing events in the south east that branch members may wish to attend to distribute leaflets. Cox to forward the email to branch members.

    9. Notice of Business (Bruce):

    a) That Cde. Buick’s article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look
    Like?” from October’s Standard be published as a brochure for free
    distribution at literature stall and events etc. Item deferred from March meeting [Item 7a, for “mock up a layout for possible leaflet”]
    It is agreed to remove this item from the agenda until Bruce can find time to re input the draft layouts into her computer following their loss in a windows update.

    b) “The use of a recent piece from the January Standard giving the “Case
    against Capitalism” as a free handout” Item deferred from March meeting [Item 7b].
    See item 9.a)

    10. Forms ‘A’ & ‘F’ and Branch membership transfers

    11. EC minutes: March 2019.

    12. Future propaganda activities

    13. Any other business

    New Item of business (May): Bookshop Sales.


    Collection £8.00
    Standard x2-£3.00

    Adjournment 8pm


    [The following is posted on behalf of the minute taker]

    Minutes of 90th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on
    Sunday, 12th May, 2019.

    The meeting commenced at 2.30pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)

    Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian.

    1. Election of Chair
    Motion 1. Cox/Bruce, “that Chesham be chair” AGREED 4-0-0.

    2. Apologies for absence

    3. Confirmation of agenda items

    4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting
    Motion 2. Chesham/Fabian “that the minutes be adopted” AGREED 4-0-0.

    5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting.

    a) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe)
    Cox has sent a supply of the current Standard to Andi Elliot and has left a message to ascertain if he requires further copies.  Cox awaits Andi’s response.

    b) Motion to the EC (introductory pamphlet suggestion) “That the E.C. considers producing an introductory party pamphlet based on the Class War introductory pamphlet”. Cox has received a request from the Publications Committee for the full copy of the Class War pamphlet and has posted it to Clifford Slapper.

    c) Motion to the EC (website suggestion) “KSRB recommends that the whiteboard video be moved from its present position on SPGB homepage, to the top of the page.”
    Cox to request a copy of the Internet Committee report.

    d) SPGB Enamel badge quotations (Bruce)

    e) Wigtown Book Festival 27th Sept. to 6 Oct. 2019
    It is agreed to attend Wigtown Book Festival on the first weekend, 29/29 September. Bruce to contact Peter Hendrie to confirm dates of attendance.

    f) Kent Miners Festival Monday 26th August 2019 – Report from Cde Cox Deferred

    g) May Day Events in South-East
    Cde. Cox apologises for overlooking the circulation of details.

    6. May 2019 Elections: Reports and Correspondence

    a) European Parliamentary Elections
    Bruce reports that the BBC have contacted her regarding a filmed piece with SPGB to be used as part of a live debate with the main parties to be screened on 19th May and filmed on 14th May. Stephen Harper has agreed to respond to the enquiry and do the filming.  SPGB is again standing in the South East region, which covers the area from Kent to Southampton and up to Milton Keynes and Oxford.  We have a full list of 10 candidates, six of whom are members of KSRB.

    b) Local Government Elections
    Cox passes round the election results from Folkestone.  Party had 9.4% in the town and 4.2% in the district.  Cox suggests that SPGB finds a way to keep in touch with the Folkestone Harbour voters.

    c) Stall Report & other Campaign activities
    Chesham reports that the stall was not particularly successful in terms of passing visitors/sales. Bruce and Thomas handed out many election leaflets on the day. KSRB will hold a literature stall on 18th May in Canterbury with Chesham and Cox in attendance.

    7. Annual Party Conference 2019
    Members discuss and vote.

    8. Bookshop Sales (as discussed at April meeting). okshop in Canterbury with a proposal to sell SPBG books and pamphlets.
    Cox and Chesham agree to approach the second hand bookshop in Canterbury with a proposal to sell SPGB books and pamphlets.  Bruce to approach Baggins bookshop in Rochester. Chesham volunteers to compile a list of possible bookshops in Kent and Sussex that may take SPGB literature.

    9. Forms ‘A’ & ‘F’ and Branch membership transfers
    Dave Smith wishes to transfer to South London Branch.

    10. EC minutes: April 2019.

    11. Future propaganda activities

    12. Items of correspondence and any other business
    Branch discusses attendance of the Lancaster branch residential weekend. 3 members show interest and agree to pursue the matter individually.

    Bruce reads out a letter form Cde. Shodeke calling for a SOYMB part 2 and also a selected letters and responses publication from the Standard letters page.
    Motion 3. Bruce/Fabian “that Shodeke’s suggestions be forwarded to the EC” CARRIED 3-1-0

    13. Collection
    Collection £8.00
    Standard x2-£3.00

    Adjournment 6.15pm


    [The following is posted on behalf of the minute taker]

    Minutes of 91st meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on
    Sunday, 9th June, 2019.

    The meeting commenced at 2.30pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)

    Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Shannon Kennedy.  Visitor: Cibele Alvarenga

    1. Election of Chair
    Motion 1. Chesham/Fabian, “that Kennedy be chair” AGREED 5-0-0.

    2. Apologies for absence

    3. Confirmation of agenda items

    4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting
    Motion 2. Chesham/Kennedy, “that the minutes be adopted” AGREED 5-0-0.

    5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting

    a) Motion to the EC (website suggestion) “KSRB recommends that the
    whiteboard video be moved from its present position on SPGB homepage, to the top of the page.”
    Reply from Assistant Secretary regarding requested copy of the Internet Committee report.
    The chair read out part of a report from the Internet Committee expressing concerns about the placement of the whiteboard video at the top of the web page and rejecting KSRB’s proposal. Fabian agrees to research whether the video content can be hosted without using YouTube.

    b) SPGB Enamel badge quotations (Bruce)
    Bruce agrees to enquire with Badgemaster as to the availability of a pin fixing rather than a butterfly clutch.
    Motion 3. Chesham/Kennedy, “that the EC be asked to fund the purchase of 250 enamel SPGB logo badges from Badgemaster at a cost of £549.45 for
    resale through head office at a cost of £4.00 including postage and packaging, or £3.00 without” AGREED 5-0-0.

    Members present held an indicative vote on the 4 proposed designs of badge and style G1 (full colour printing on brass badge) was carried with 2 votes against each of the other 3 proposals.

    c) Wigtown Book Festival 27th Sept. to 6 Oct. 2019
    Peter Hendrie of Glasgow Branch has responded to Bruce’s enquiry regarding the involvement/attendance of Glasgow and Edinburgh members and has passed the information on to local members.

    d) Kent Miners Festival Monday 26th August 2019 – Reply from KMF
    regarding pitch size for gazebo.
    Cox has received a reply from KMF to his enquiry regarding the pitch size available for the gazebo and they have stated this to be 3m square. Chesham agrees to ascertain the dimensions of the gazebo stored at head office.

    e) Letter from Cde Shodeke [1st May, passed to EC as agreed]
    The letter has been passed to the EC. Branch awaits their reply.

    6. May 2019 European Parliamentary Elections

    a) Election Results (Region – as circulated – and Districts)
    Chesham reports total votes for SPGB of 3505. Cox gave a breakdown of the votes in our target Districts.

    b) Stall Report, Hustings & other Campaign activities
    Cox reports Canterbury street stall on 11 May sold 6 Standards, took £3.50 in
    donations and sold 3 pamphlets. Cox and Thomas attended the hustings at Kent and Canterbury University where many leaflets where handed out and 1 contact made.

    7. Bookshop Sales (as discussed at April and May meeting)

    a) Approach to second-hand book shop in Canterbury [Cox]

    b) Baggins bookshop [Bruce]

    c) List of radical and other suitable bookshops to approach in K&S region [Chesham]

    8. Forms ‘A’ & ‘F’ and Branch membership transfers
    Dave Smith has transferred to South London branch.

    9. EC minutes: May 2019 (as circulated).

    10. Future propaganda activities
    Stalls: 20th July in Canterbury. Bruce to confirm availability for 29th June.

    11. Any other business

    12. Collection
    Collection £12.11
    Standard x2-£3.00

    Adjournment 6.00pm


    Three comrades ran a stall in Canterbury yesterday for four hours.  Five pamphlets, a book sold and many leaflets and back issues of the Standard given away.  A few good conversations held with a couple of folk enquiring about joining.


    [The following is posted on behalf of the minute taker]

    Minutes of 92nd meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on
    Sunday, 14th July 2019.

    The meeting commenced at 2.40pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor).

    Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian,
    Shannon Kennedy.

    1. Election of Chair
    Motion 1. Chesham/Kennedy, “that Cox be chair” AGREED 5-0-0.

    2. Apologies for absence
    Ewan Martin

    3. Confirmation of agenda items

    4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting
    Motion 2. Chesham/Kennedy, “that the circulated minutes be adopted, subject to removing reference to Cde Chesham from item 7a” AGREED 5-0-0.

    5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting
    a) Motion to the EC (website suggestion) “KSRB recommends that the
    whiteboard video be moved from its present position on SPGB homepage, to the top of the page”
    Research whether the video content can be hosted without using YouTube (Fabian).
    Fabian passes round copies of his report on video hosting, members discuss. Fabian agrees to prepare a presentation for a proposed landing page containing the party video and using the heading style to match the fascia sign at H.O. and other media, to be shown at Summer School. It is agreed that the new landing page should contain the introductory video and have the heading to match the fascia sign.
    Motion 3. Chesham/Fabian, “In response to the Internet Committee report to the EC of 1 April 2019, this Branch has some definite proposals to improve the Party website and would like the opportunity to make a presentation of these proposals to the EC in September” AGREED 5-0-0.

    b) SPGB Enamel badge quotations
    Bruce has contacted Badgemaster regarding the order for 250 logo badges and confirms that the brooch pin option will cost an extra £25.00 (Cox to advise EC). Bruce agrees to send off the approved artwork proof, request a proforma invoice and forward to the treasurer.

    c) Kent Miners Festival Monday 26th August 2019 – Report regarding
    availability of suitable sized and equipped gazebo.
    Chesham reports that the gazebo at H.O. is 3m sq. and is suitable for the pitch at KMF.
    Chesham agrees to purchase stronger pegs to ensure the gazebo will be stable. Cox passes round info, on printed flags. Concern was raised by Chesham as to the efficiency of a flag should it remain in a flaccid state due to lack of wind on the day.
    Kennedy proposed a small banner style flag with a rigid fitting across the top. Chesham agrees to look into costing and availability.

    d) Letter from Cde Shodeke, passed to the EC
    Cde. Shodeke’s suggestion of a second volume of SOYMB and a book of letters to the Socialist Standard has been declined by the E.C.

    6. Autumn Delegate Meeting (19th-20th October) – Notice of deadline for
    submission of Discussion Items (Friday 6th September)
    Deadline for items of discussion is August Branch meeting.

    7. Bookshop Sales (deferred from June meeting)

    a) Approach to second-hand book shop in Canterbury
    Cox to visit this month

    b) Baggins bookshop [Bruce]

    c) List of radical and other suitable bookshops to approach in K&S region [Chesham]
    Chesham passes round a list of possible bookshops to approach and volunteers to contact them and to compile a catalogue to send out. Bruce offers to help produce the catalogue.

    8. Forms ‘A’ & ‘F’ and Branch membership transfers
    Cox reports the EC allocation of a new member to KSRB, Ewan Martin.

    9. EC minutes: June 2019
    Motion 4. Bruce/Cox “nominate Carla Dee to the ad hoc committee to encourage female membership of SPGB”  AGREED 5-0-0.
    Motion 5. Bruce/Kennedy “nominate Jacqueline Shodeke to aforementioned ad hoc committee” AGREED 5-0-0.

    10. Future propaganda activities

    a) Stalls
    Bruce, Chesham and Cox to attend on 20th July in Canterbury. Chesham proposes a further Canterbury stall for August – Saturday 17th. Bruce agrees to attend.

    b) Follow-up to Local Election campaign – as discussed at May meeting
    Cox suggests a biannual newsletter for circulation in the Folkestone area and that the Branch prepares to contest Folkestone at the next General Election.
    Motion 6. Chesham/Cox, “In order to keep up the momentum and support generated in the Folkestone area by the EU and local election activity, a twice annual newsletter be considered for circulation in Folkestone by local members. Consultation with local members to take place regarding participation in the content and distribution of a newsletter and availability to contest Folkestone at the next General Election” AGREED 5-0-0

    11. Any other business

    12. Collection
    Collection £14.80
    Standard x2-£3.00

    Adjournment 7.15pm


    Page 1 of 4
    Minutes of 101st meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch
    Sunday, 12th April, 2020.
    The meeting commenced at 2.13pm on SPGB server, Discord.
    Present: Mandy Bruce, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian.
    AGENDA – Part One: Business
    1. Election of Chair.
    Motion 1: That Cox be made chair. AGREED 3,0,0.
    2. Apologies for absence.
    Richard Harris and Jacqueline Shodeke, due to lack of internet connection during
    self isolation.
    3. Confirmation of agenda items.
    Confirmed-deferred discussion items 1 and 2.
    4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting.
    Motion 2: Bruce/Cox, that the amended minutes be adopted. AGREED 3,0,0.
    5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting.
    a) Website suggestions for the EC – Regarding the “proposed landing page
    containing the party video and using the heading style to match the fascia sign
    at H.O. and other media”: Reports on actions to secure “further suggestions
    and ideas” for content (Fabian/Bruce).
    Fabian agrees to draft a message appealing for further key points for the landing
    page and to forward the message to Bruce for Facebook submission.
    b) Gazebo – Motion 3 of the September meeting “that EC acquires a second,
    easy to assemble gazebo for use in future propaganda activities”: “Bruce to
    research types and prices for 3m square with pop up assembly and side panels
    with see through sections [The EC has authorised KSRB to purchase with a
    budget of £100.”
    Cox reads out item from EC minutes stating approval of the extra £60 budget. Bruce
    checks prices online. It is agreed that Bruce will order the gazebo in grey from the Gorilla
    Gazebo website.
    c) Printed flags/banners (‘sail flag’ proposal) – Further to investigations
    regarding “what fabrics were available, a double-sided option and whether a
    discount for an order of up to three flags could be obtained”
    Page 2 of 4
    i. Following report from Cde Bruce regarding base types available and
    availability of smaller products on the market more suitable for a pavement
    location, further report awaited on “difference in durability between the
    various types/styles/suppliers and to see if any quantity discounts are
    Bruce has not checked prices or durability as it was felt that the teardrop type flags
    available where too large for pavement use in Canterbury. Cox suggests collating
    the designs and info into a pdf for submission to the EC for possible use on the
    pavement at H.O. Bruce agrees to create a pdf for this purpose.
    ii. Proposal for a flag fixed within the structure of the stall table. Emails from
    Cde Bruce (15-20/02/20) regarding “Golf Flags”. Further to discussion on use
    of printed ‘golf flags’, report from Cde Bruce awaited on the diameter of the
    display stand pole to see if it will fit the golf flag.
    iii. Investigation into “whether the manufacturer of the Party banner at
    H.O. could produce a flag” (Kennedy). Deferred item.
    d) Party Programme/Buddy System – Initial Consideration – Cde Cox had
    yet to action decisions of the October meeting regarding “To engage with
    Student Unions” and the “Party newsletter.”
    e) Proposed UK publication of WSP(US) pamphlet: Motion 3 (of
    November) – “KSRB requests that the EC produces a printed version of
    Jordan Levi’s “Revolution not Reform” essay for sale in UK at head office
    and literature stalls. Making use of the pdf file at wpcontent/
    Bruce has been in contact with Cde. Levi who has supplied his essay in word
    format, which has been forwarded to Cde. McCullough. Cde. Levi has also
    agreed with Cde. Buick’s idea to replace the reference section with a link to the
    online version.
    f) EC minutes: November 2019 [“It is agreed to refer to General secretary
    that KSRB has not received… the report on fundraising from Cde. Foster.”]
    Cde Cox to again follow up on the non-receipt of the report on fundraising
    of Cde. Foster.
    Cox has not had a response from Gen. Sec. to his enquiry and suggests
    contacting Cde Foster directly. It is agreed the Cox will ask Cde. Foster to supply
    his report directly to KSRB.
    g) Stalls – Regarding the proposed Canterbury stall on Saturday 23rd of
    May, “Bruce will enquire as to Cde. Martin’s availability on that date.”
    Item deferred till May meeting, pending lock down progress.
    6. Correspondence
    a) Covid-19 Crisis – regarding Conference 2020 and Head Office;
    EC has postponed conference until ADM, if COV-19 restrictions are lifted. Cox
    reads out email from EC regarding decision to postpone.
    b) SPGB Executive Committee special report on the current crisis 06/04/20
    Cox has forwarded the message to members and posted to comrades who are not
    online. Bruce agrees to call Cde. Shodeke and enquire as to whether she would
    be willing to try a smartphone.
    Page 3 of 4
    c) EC Calls for nominations: Officer Vacancies – Trustee and Auditor; EC
    Vacancies (2); EC appointed committees (various vacancies).
    Cox reports that the trustee vacancy has been filled, along with membership
    applications and blog. KSRB agrees to nominate Cde. McCullough and Cde. Dee
    to Advertising and Enquiries committee, Cde. Finch to Education, Cdes.
    Cuthbert, Johnstone and Stafford to Blog, and Cde. Edwards to Central Branch
    d) Cox shares an email from Cde. Adcock and agrees to respond with details of
    the Spintcom Coronavirus support group.
    7. Folkestone Newsletter Report any further developments on production of
    second (Spring 2020) edition (target copy deadline 31st March). Reminder
    email sent to Kent by Cde Cox 09/03/20
    Cox has received no response to his email appeal for content. It is decided to
    defer further action until next meeting as delivery during COVID-19 lock down
    would be impossible.
    8. Bookshop Sales (deferred from previous meeting)
    a) Baggins bookshop – Cde Bruce;
    b) Catalogue to send to radical and other suitable bookshops in K&S region
    Report from Cde Bruce: To “forward the catalogue to the publications
    committee and Mark Hutton”; “to send the catalogue to the EC and seek
    clarification of commercial pricing arrangements”
    Bruce reads a response from Cde. Hutton stating that a 33% discount is generally
    offered to trade outlets, but has not received a reply from Publications
    Committee. Bruce agrees to resend the enquiry and cc the Asst. Gen. Sec.
    9. Forms ‘A’ & ‘F’, the ‘Buddy System’ and Branch membership transfers
    Letter of welcome sent to Cde Lockyer 16/03/20 and ‘buddy’ to be
    Cox suggests asking Cde. Pruden to be a buddy for Cde. Lockyer and agrees to
    contact him to enquire if he would be willing.
    10. Notice of Business (Shodeke): ‘End time for Branch meetings’
    It is agreed to cease the second part of the agenda “Discussion Items” as most
    members leave the meeting after the business meeting has concluded. It is agreed
    that the outstanding discussion items will be included respectively in the May &
    June main agenda. It is agreed to set an end time for branch meetings at 17.30.
    11. EC minutes: March 2020 (as circulated)
    Bruce agrees to look into suitable trades people in London regarding the crack
    above the library door in response to item 3,b,ii. Bruce to email Central
    Organiser in response to item 5,s,i.
    12. Future propaganda activities
    a) The Party Programme
    b) Other
    Bruce agrees to collate info. on upcoming Discord activities and send to Cox for
    distribution to KSRB members.
    Page 4 of 4
    13. Any other business
    14. Collection
    Collection £8.50
    Standard x2-£3.00 plus P&P
    Adjournment 18.48


    <p class=”western”><b>Minutes of </b><b>10</b><b>2</b><sup><b>nd</b></sup><b> meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch</b></p>
    <p class=”western”><b>Sunday, </b><b>1</b><b>0</b><sup><b>th</b></sup><b> </b><b>May</b><b>, 20</b><b>20</b><b>.</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>The meeting commenced at 2.20pm on SPGB server, Discord.</p>
    <p class=”western”>Present: Mandy Bruce, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Shannon Kennedy, Anton Pruden.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>01. Election of Chair</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Motion 1: Pruden/Fabian, that Bruce be made chair. AGREED 5,0,0</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>02. Apologies for absence</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>None.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>03. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting (as circulated)</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Adopted by agreement.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>04. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>a) Website suggestions for the EC – Deferred Item 5a Regarding the “proposed landing page containing the party video and using the heading style to match the fascia sign at H.O. and other media”: Reports on actions to secure “further suggestions and ideas” for content (“Fabian agrees to draft a message appealing for further key points for the landing page and to forward the message to Bruce for Facebook submission”[April Meeting]). </b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Fabian has forwarded his template to Matt Culbert to check compatibility and has received a wordpress file with added content, which is screen shared with the meeting. Fabian agrees to send landing page layout to Cde. Culbert to post to web.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>b) Gazebo – Item 5b Motion 3 of the September meeting “that EC acquires a second, easy to assemble gazebo for use in future propaganda activities” [The EC has authorised KSRB to purchase – increased budget of £160]; “Bruce will order the gazebo in grey from the Gorilla Gazebo website.” </b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Bruce reports that the gazebo has been purchased and delivery taken. It has been erected to check and seemed to be reasonably sturdy and easy to assemble/take down with 2 people. Heavy duty pegs and a hammer have been purchased and added to the kit. Bruce suggests some sort of party branding to fix to the front of the gazebo. After discussion, it is agreed that Bruce will seek info on this and submit designs and costings.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>c) Printed flags/banners (‘sail flag’ proposal) – Item 5c Further to investigations regarding “what fabrics were available, a double-sided option and whether a discount for an order of up to three flags could be obtained”:</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>i. Printed flags/banners (‘sail flag’ proposal): “Cox suggests collating the designs and info into a pdf for submission to the EC for possible use on the pavement at H.O. Bruce agrees to create a pdf for this purpose [April Meeting]”.</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Deferred.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>ii. Proposal for a flag fixed within the structure of the stall table. Further to discussion on use of printed ‘golf flags’, report from Cde Bruce awaited on the diameter of the display stand pole to see if it will fit the golf flag. Deferred item.</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Deferred.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>iii. Investigation into “whether the manufacturer of the Party banner at H.O. could produce a flag” (Kennedy). Deferred item.</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Cde. Kennedy reports that the manufacturer of the banner at H.O. is no longer available and agrees to drop the proposal.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>d) Party Programme/Buddy System – Initial Consideration – Item 5d Cde Cox had yet to action decisions of the October meeting regarding “To engage with Student Unions” and the “Party newsletter.” Deferred item.</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Deferred.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>e) Proposed UK publication of WSP(US) pamphlet: Motion 3 (of November) – “KSRB requests that the EC produces a printed version of Jordan Levi’s “Revolution not Reform” essay for sale in UK at head Page 2 </b>of <b>3 office and literature stalls. Making use of the pdf file at wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Jordan-Levi-Revolution-Not-Reform.pdf” – Item 5e Further report awaited in due course from Cde McCullough. </b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>No info. received from Cde. McCullough.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>f) EC minutes: November 2019 [Regarding… the report on fundraising from Cde. Foster;”It is agreed the Cox will ask Cde. Foster to supply his report directly to KSRB(sic)” –April Meeting.] -Item 5f Report received from Cde Foster (as circulated). </b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Cox has received the report and circulated amongst branch. Members go through the points. Cox agrees to summarise branch’s response to the points raised and circulate to members prior to submission to EC.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>g) Stalls – Item 5g Regarding the proposed Canterbury stall on Saturday 23rd of May, “Bruce will enquire as to Cde. Martin’s availability on that date.” Item deferred till May meeting, pending lock down progress. </b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>May stall is cancelled. Further stalls will be discussed upon lifting of lockdown.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>h) New Member – Item 9 “Cox suggests asking Cde. Pruden to be a buddy for Cde. Lockyer and agrees to contact him to enquire if he would be willing.” Report on correspondence with Cde Pruden. </b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Cde. Pruden agrees to buddy Cde. Lockyer.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>i) EC Minutes March 2020 – Item 11 Head Office “roof exit hatch and cracks in the library wall”: “The EC asks the premises committee to arrange a surveyor to assess the cracks and suggest any necessary work. Kent and Sussex Branch to look into which surveyor to contact.” Report from Cde Bruce [“Bruce agrees to look into suitable trades people in London regarding the crack above the library door”].</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Cox agrees to contact the H.O. party wall surveyor to get a quote to survey the cracks and Bruce agrees to seek a second surveyor and get an alternative survey quote.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>j) Nominations for Vacancies on EC appointed committees (report on acceptances) – Item 6c </b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Cox reports that all nominations have been accepted except Cde. Dee who will consider the nomination.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>05. Correspondence from The General Secretary (see below)</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>a) Discussion: Party Programme item “To emphasise Direct Democracy in projecting our message”</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Deferred, due to lack of time.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>b) Party General Meeting (Discord) </b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Cox to contact Gen Sec. To get a time for the meeting and discuss plans to invite members to discord.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>06. Folkestone Newsletter Second (Spring 2020) edition (target copy deadline 31st March). “It is decided to defer further action until next meeting as delivery during COVID-19 lock down would be impossible [April Meeting]”.</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>With concerns about delivery during lock down restrictions, it is agreed to defer till July meeting.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>07. Bookshop Sales</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>a) Baggins bookshop – Cde Bruce – deferred; </b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Deferred, pending response from EC to item 7b.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>b) Catalogue to send to radical and other suitable bookshops in K&S region • “Bruce reads a response from Cde. Hutton stating that a 33% discount is generally offered to trade outlets, but has not received a reply from Publications Committee. Bruce agrees to resend the enquiry and cc the Asst. Gen. Sec. [April Meeting].” • “Bruce to email Central Organiser in response to item 5,s,i. (re: EC Minutes, March 2020)” </b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>C No response received from Publications Committee. Cox forwards enquiry to Cde. Bond. It is agreed to wait for May EC minutes to see if catalogue layout has been approved.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>08. Forms ‘A’ & ‘F’, the ‘Buddy System’ and Branch membership transfers</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>None.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>09. Notice of Business (Bruce): ‘the venue for future branch meetings’.</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>It is agreed that branch will organise a social in Maidstone when pubs reopen to see if a suitable alternative venue can be found.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>10. EC minutes: April 2020 (as circulated)</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Noted.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>11. Future propaganda activities</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>a) The Party Programme </b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>None.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>b) Other </b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>None.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>12. Any other business</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>a) Branch bank account – replacement of signatory </b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Cox points out that with the resignation of D Chesham, there are only 2 signatories for the branch bank account. It is agreed that Bruce will become an additional signatory and Cox will send out the relevant forms.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>b) Other </b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>None.</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”><b>13. Collection</b></p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>2xStandards – £3.00</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Collection £5.00 (via bacs)</p>
    <p class=”western” align=”justify”>Adjournment 19.11</p>

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