Hostility Clause

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Hostility Clause

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  • #118104

    How long does it take to check a link and admit your wrongPerhaps apologise for past behaviour and prejudices? I have been grown up enough to do it in the pastTakes balls tho


    Who runs Is the Internet Committee  in control of it? It clearly retweets non socialist organisations and in conflict with our 'hostility clause'. Perhaps a comment from Matt, Mod1 or DJP is anticipated

    Vin wrote:
    So am I right?

    Yes you are right.  Thanks for the info.  Will check out why this is occurring.


    Shit I retweeted the strike of fellow worker doctors and you retweeted David Ike ffs where are your prioritiesYou can expect a resolution to the EC from my branch

    jondwhite wrote:
    moderator1 wrote:
    Vin wrote:
    So Matt (member of the internet committee ) – as you told me –  get this sorted!

    The twitter account you are reffering to @worldsocialism has not yet been activated.  The David Ike promo must be on a similar named account.  Would appreciate a link.

    The particular status update is here

    Your contributions are always welcome comradeDemocracy requires vigilance. Pacifism or turning a blind eye will not result in democratic organisation. Instead you will end up with minority control and manipulation. Be wary, and defend those who are being suppressed or silenced because next time it could be you. VM 

    moderator1 wrote:
    Vin wrote:
    So am I right?

    Yes you are right.  Thanks for the info.  Will check out why this is occurring.

    Thanks cdeand you could check out why the Internet Committee is not monitoring it as close as it monitors the NERB account.and why it has taken a NERB member to point it out? After all it is your account cdeShould spend more time on that than ours 


    The twitter account @worldsocialism also promotes left winger Chris Hedges. 


    The relevent rule is:

    18. The Executive Committee, on receipt of a written detailed complaint by a Branch against a speaker, shall immediately send copies to the speaker referred to and the Propaganda Committee and shall require from them, within one month, a written reply and a report respectively. The EC then may call upon such speaker to undergo an examination by a committee appointed by the EC. Such speaker shall not be allowed to speak for the Party until examined. Should the EC be dissatisfied with such speaker they shall not be allowed to speak on behalf of the Party until they can satisfy examiners at a subsequent date. A rejected member shall have the right of appeal to a Delegate Meeting or Conference.

    so if anyone has a problem with the operation of any social media accounts, take it to your branch, and pass a rule 18 complaint to the EC.What we certainly need is a register of official social media accounts, and who controls them (at the moment it's not clear); and, as I said, investigate softaware like Hootsuite so that the accounts definitively and easily belong to the party.Yes, I would expect the twitter account of the party to be relatively inactive, simply announcing events, there's nothing to stop embers using twitter in their own name, and maybe 'signing their ork with the name of the party, so @JoeBlogsSPGB, etc.I am certainly not the leader, but as a member I am free to criticise what the work currently being done with the twitter account.  We need more co-ordination.


    Under Rule 18,  are all expenses, travel, food and lodgings, paid for by the Party?…Oh, and do we possess a "Propaganda Committee" as cited in Rule 18,. If so, where has it been in recent years. 

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    What we certainly need is a register of official social media accounts, and who controls them (at the moment it's not clear); and, as I said, investigate softaware like Hootsuite so that the accounts definitively and easily belong to the party.

    There is so much wrong with your post I don't know where to start.But here are a few  points:Why has this opinion emerged contemoraneously  with NERB opening a twitter account.?The twitter account @world_socialism. is owned by NERB. So it is under the control of the party. Probably the ony account that is.Your suggestion that we tweet once evry six months or so is ludircrous I repeat, the twitter account I opened is the only one 'owned' by the party and is a beacon for future democratic control of online SPGB. I am under the instruction of my branch. Wh do you think should own NERB's twitter account other than NERB? 

    steve colborn

    It would be an irrelevancy to have a "Twitter" account that operates solely and only to make announcements re Party activity! Just goes to show some folk are, or would appear to be, clueless as to the uses of some social media. What is a Tweet? Short, sharp and to the point, is what it is and short, sharp and to the point about the shit in Capitalism and "OUR" alternative, Socialism.Compare and contrast in a Tweet!!!


    Tweets need not be short Pictures like this are tweeted. 

    steve colborn

    The above, post 57 is, to my mind, short sharp and to the point.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Oh, and do we possess a "Propaganda Committee" as cited in Rule 18,. If so, where has it been in recent years. 

    No, it was superseded by the Campaigns Committee…



    Rule 10 wrote:
    All Branch monies are Party funds.

    I'd argue by extension all branch property is party property.Anyway, just to get towards a motion to put to conference in 2017, what I think we need is something like this:

    For future use wrote:
    This conference instructs the EC to create a register of authorised Party social media accounts.  The register should include: the platform, login name, named holders of the accounts, and the passwords of the account.  Also, the EC shall produce a Social Media code of conduct

    Something like that.The important thing is to be able to hold social media activity to account, and to be able to authoritatively disown rogue tweets.

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