Hostility Clause

January 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Hostility Clause

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  • #118074
    steve colborn

    YMS, think you are being a bit disingenuous there. NERB were "all but forced" to hold meetings and other business on this Forum, because the yahoo site is/was totally shite.Members one would think, would show a modicum of decorum and coimmon sense when dealing with the NERB part of this site because of this.No member would go to another branches meeting and just open up, they would wait for the "Chair" to permit it. As everyone knows, or should, the idea of a Branch conducting itself "online" is new and if it is to succeed, then non NERB members need to show some restraint and moreover, respect. I understand this is difficult for certain members, their usual modus operandi seems to be, "stir up a shit storm" where non exists but we are all supposedly "Comrades", so self restraint should not, in theory, be that hard to come by. After all, we are all also supposed to be self aware Socialists, as opposed to the normal run of the mill blindfolded workers!!!Get the drift, YMS?

    steve colborn

    Totally agree with Alan Johnstone,s post, says it all.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    YMS, i would have sympathy for your view if only the Party did issue statements and announcements in sufficient  numbers about current affairs and world events but sadly, we fail to do so to justfy an account.I often call for an EC/media committee to release a press release. If i am not amiss, i think when you served as gen sec you too issued open letters on some issues in the name of the Party. I think that should be part of the office duties. But to say an official twitter should restrict itself to official statements is to condemn that twitter account to atrophy. As part of the blog committee, i'd like to know how different you see the roles of Twitter and the blogs? Arguments and re-posts are part of the blog's content and i'm pretty sure as a blogger i place my own personal slant on many posts, hoping that it reflects the party positions, but not guaranteeing that it always is. Infallibility upon all matters is not a requirement for membership.Can there be a thing as peer review of social media messages…a vetting system…Or do we rely upon good sense of the posters and accept that there may be occasional lapses but because of the nature of the internet, these can be remedied by deleting or amending text with the minimum of fuss or damage. I'm sure all members recognise that personal individual  opinion can 'self-censor' to present the prevailing party position and not their own.  



    Your are of course right CDE Colborn.All this crap has just started because we 'defied' the  the Internet Committee and set up our own Twitter Account. Now they will try to shut this one down. Their behaviour is inexplicable if not weird

    steve colborn

    Perverse would be more applicable Vin. Cruel and unusual as apt. Try and spread the Socialist message and you need a cricket box and a boxers headguard. Strange, truly strange!!!


    Reminder: 1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts.

    steve colborn

    Well Vin, I,m off this thread. As usual, the usual has happened. Before I go Vin, have you seen any "reminder" for post 12? Thought I may be missing something!Well, may see you on the Branch meeting thread.All the best to you and your's.Steve.


    No I haven't, Steve but as you know Mod1 is also a member of the Internet Committee. ControlSteps in at any criticism 

    steve colborn

    See you on the flip side mate : )

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    Anyone can write to a branch, NERB chose to host their branch meeting place on a party site where anyone, member or not, could post, as opposed to a closed invitation only list.  We have to accept that different meeting formats have different rules, in a physical meeting, you'd have to wait for the chair.

    I was under the impression that a non NERB member had to introduce themselves and be welcomed by the members before posting?Once welcomed onto the meeting by NERB members, the guest is free to contribute.An important reason to be welcomed into the meeting, is to prevent unwanted bullshit plaguing the branch meetings. It was agreed early on that if needed the NERB would request the forum moderator/s assistance in dealing with disrupters.This is how I understood the NERB system to operate. Of course, I could be wrong.

    steve colborn

    Not only Branch Meetings Stevie but any thread on the NERB portion of the Forum.Think of it this way, if we got together for a chat in a local hostelry, to for instance, discuss an item of interest to us, and someone shoved their fizzog into the chat uninvited, it would'nt be well recieved. This is how I supposed our little space of the Forum would operate!It's not NERB's fault we were forced on here because of the shite way the Yahoo site worked.

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    Anyone can write to a branch, NERB chose to host their branch meeting place on a party site where anyone, member or not, could post, as opposed to a closed invitation only list.  We have to accept that different meeting formats have different rules, in a physical meeting, you'd have to wait for the chair.

    I was under the impression that a non NERB member had to introduce themselves and be welcomed by the members before posting?Once welcomed onto the meeting by NERB members, the guest is free to contribute.An important reason to be welcomed into the meeting, is to prevent unwanted bullshit plaguing the branch meetings. It was agreed early on that if needed the NERB would request the forum moderator/s assistance in dealing with disrupters.This is how I understood the NERB system to operate. Of course, I could be wrong.

     I can confirm that, comrade SP. We received reassurance from the Internet Committee and some members reluctantly accepted their reassurances NERB Sec

    steve colborn

    Well, the crap on this thread has left me feeling a mite unclean, so gonna have a shower to wash off the ill-will.Be on later. Welcome aboard the Cannonball express Casey.

    steve colborn wrote:
    Well Vin, I,m off this thread. As usual, the usual has happened. Before I go Vin, have you seen any "reminder" for post 12? Thought I may be missing something!Well, may see you on the Branch meeting thread.All the best to you and your's.Steve.

    Reminder are not posted for any particular post or user, but for all posts and users.

    steve colborn
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