Hostility Clause

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Hostility Clause

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  • #84655

    Does quoting or posting Labour Party leaflets or press statements on this forum breach our hostility clause?

    Because a member of the Internet committee  has given his opinion on this matter on NERB's forum – uninvited and without the branch's permission contrary to RULE 5

    I quote

    "that posting Labour party press handouts in your Twitter feed, is in breach of our hostility clause and they should be deleted.I am sure this an inadvertent breach on your part."

    Matt, member of the IC

    who does he think he is. Instructing a branch.


    Obviously the IC had another secret meeting. We wont be able to view the minutes


    Are we allowed to read and pass on non socialist literature? (I feel moronic asking such a question, so I wonder how the Intenet Committee feels)


    Wrong place for this thead, comrade…move it to the appropriate one before you fall foul again of  the referee…"World Socialist Movement – Discussion directly related to the business of the SPGB…" But as a quick answer…the blog takes quotes from non-socialist sources, and sometimes add a caveat to explain we are not endorsing other elements of the person or organisation. Sometimes it is not really necessary to do so.Repeating a press hand-out in totality, particularly a party we are openly hostile too without comment is a dubious tactic for us, it provides a link to and extends their audience and perhaps that is the issue here…it aids and abets our enemy …but quoting just relevant sections of the press release to stand alone isn't, but ideally we should add our own comment…But don't reply to me here…move this thread first…


    I would have thought it is quite simple. People operating social media accounts in the name of the party or a branch of the party should not be promoting rival parties.Republishing tweets from the Labour Party, Left Unity etc., without any critical comment, is promotion.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Repeating a press hand-out in totality, particularly a party we are openly hostile too without comment is a dubious tactic for us, it provides a link to and extends their audience and perhaps that is the issue here…it aids and abets our enemy …but quoting just relevant sections of the press release to stand alone isn't, but ideally we should add our own comment…But don't reply to me here…move this thread first…

    Have you see this 'press hand-out in totality'  thingyAdmin will have to move the thread. I do not have the facility

    DJP wrote:
    I would have thought it is quite simple. People operating social media accounts in the name of the party or a branch of the party should not be promoting rival parties.Republishing tweets from the Labour Party, Left Unity etc., without any critical comment, is promotion.

    I would have thought that republishing with critical comment also promotes the Labour Party.retweeting a quote we agree with is positive and draws attention and followers. We can't pretend to oppose an idea just because our opponents hold the same idea..Perhaps we need to be specific because I have never published other  propaganda fro opponents. My twitter account is explicit for anyone who looks at it. WORLD SOCIALISM There are  NO NATIONAL SOLUTIONS. Which cannot be said of a twitter account named Scialist Party of GREAT BRITAIN which may attract  attention from the extreme rightSureley we are not that sectarian that we cannot show our agreement with anyone on any subject It is accepted that retweets do not mean you support some person/ group or movement. Many reformists agree with a lot of my tweets. And I am afraid this is typical of the IC. Other Party members and accounts have often retweeted other organisation.And it is obvious that you have been monitoring my account closely. Anything positive to say about it? 


    Sorry Matt but that's the way I am treated by the IC. I would love to move on from past prejudices and pettiness. I think I have just about had enough and will be out of here too 


    The problem seems to have been a retweet about the state of the NHS which was from the Labour Party and which triggered others, I have undone it.


    Is it OK to retweet the Guardian or is that promoting the capitalist media? 

    northern light

    That is a very good Twitter account Vin, well done. I would have followed the example of Matt over on the North East Branch site and published the link to it, here. Unfortunately I seem unable to paste and copy. Perhaps it's my Norton security.

    steve colborn

    Have read the comment on the NERB site, which was unsolicited. As a site moderator, I certainly have not given Matt permission to post, so I think an apology from Matt is in order!Or does Matt think IC membership status gives "him" and "them" carte blanche to do as they like?


    Anyone can write to a branch, NERB chose to host their branch meeting place on a party site where anyone, member or not, could post, as opposed to a closed invitation only list.  We have to accept that different meeting formats have different rules, in a physical meeting, you'd have to wait for the chair.As to twitter, I think we really need to look at our policy.  I reckon official party twitter feeds should be restricted to announcements about the party, and links to statements by the party: personal accounts should be used for arguments/reposts, etc.


    YMS, i would have sympathy for your view if only the Party did issue statements and announcements in sufficient  numbers about current affairs and world events but sadly, we fail to do so to justfy an account.I often call for an EC/media committee to release a press release. If i am not amiss, i think when you served as gen sec you too issued open letters on some issues in the name of the Party. I think that should be part of the office duties. But to say an official twitter should restrict itself to official statements is to condemn that twitter account to atrophy. As part of the blog committee, i'd like to know how different you see the roles of Twitter and the blogs? Arguments and re-posts are part of the blog's content and i'm pretty sure as a blogger i place my own personal slant on many posts, hoping that it reflects the party positions, but not guaranteeing that it always is. Infallibility upon all matters is not a requirement for membership.Can there be a thing as peer review of social media messages…a vetting system…Or do we rely upon good sense of the posters and accept that there may be occasional lapses but because of the nature of the internet, these can be remedied by deleting or amending text with the minimum of fuss or damage. I'm sure all members recognise that personal individual  opinion can 'self-censor' to present the prevailing party position and not their own.  

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    As to twitter, I think we really need to look at our policy.  I reckon official party twitter feeds should be restricted to announcements about the party, and links to statements by the party: personal accounts should be used for arguments/reposts, etc.

    Good job you are not our leader, thenDo you think our election candidates should have gaffa tape on their mouths

    northern light wrote:
    That is a very good Twitter account Vin, well done. I would have followed the example of Matt over on the North East Branch site and published the link to it, here. Unfortunately I seem unable to paste and copy. Perhaps it's my Norton security.

    Thanks Joe,I am debating with workers on a daily basis and giving links to this site on many issues. The World Socialist Movement is visible, a few teething problems but upt the branch to keep me in line. Tho I believe I have passed my speakers test 30years ago, lol seems to mind me promoting the anti socialist charity organisation 'Oxfam' but then every member I know has used it but I will remove it on instruction from the branch. The account states that they are tweets from NERB in the UK

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