American election

October 2024 Forums General discussion American election

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  • #214188

    Duplicated post.


    Is this a case of passing the buck? Denying the implication of any complicity in the chaos.

    I have already considered the possibility in a previous post of deliberate sabotage of security provisions. In Message #214162 i said

    “If there was a conspiracy, it was pro-Trumpers in law-enforcement who were intent upon facilitating a headline-seeking incident to embarrass the Democratic Party by purposefully employing less security than they had for last year’s BLM protests in Washington DC and a long delay in mobilising the National Guard when events got out of hand. Possibly a publicity stunt gone wrong and not the insurrection it was portrayed as by the very Biden-bias media.”

    Inactive This is good research made by the Journalist Juan Gonzalez

    Only a few Latinos voted for Donald Trump, the statistics have been distorted, the big turnout was in Florida in the Cuban and Venezuelan communities. In some states, Joe Biden victory was given by the Natives Americans which are not mentioned by the statistic either. Due to these ethnic facts, it is why the Republicans have created all kinds of mechanisms to implement voter suppressions including against Afro Americans. Another expert in voting technique and voter suppression is the journalist Greg Palast


    MS, You are correct in pointing out that the Latino community is not a homogenous one but has very differing cultures. It is a warning against stereotyping.

    In Texas some decline to call themselves Hispanic or Latino but self-identify as Tejano. It is they who Trump got support from.
    Along the Rio Grande Republicans ran up their numbers in the counties along the border.

    Trump became the first Republican presidential candidate to win Zapata County’s vote in a hundred years. 95-percent Hispanic Webb County, Republicans doubled their turnout. To the south, Starr County, which is more than 96-percent Hispanic, experienced the single biggest tilt right of any place in the country; Republicans gained by 55 percentage points compared with 2016.

    “I’m too white to be Mexican, and I’m too Mexican to be white,” Villarreal says with a laugh. “No soy Mexicana, ni gringa. Soy Tejana.”


    Probably, she doesn’t know the history of Texas or what used to be called the Nation of Aztlan. During the 60 they had a different type of political consciousness they were part of the Chicano Movement ( and the Chicano Moratorium, viewed at the same level as the American blacks, or Afro Americans ) and they advocated for the unity of all the members of the working class, and they recognized their Aztec/Maya roots, but social pressure, discrimination, and disinformation have alienated them, probably, it is what Fraz Fannon called Black skin and white mask. Some of them became members of the Minutemen and they were patrolling the Mexican borders along with the white supremacists, they have been influenced by the nonsense that the Mexicans have taken their job when they also have Mexican and Aztec ancestors

    The Texas counter-revolution of 1836


    “I’m too white to be Mexican, and I’m too Mexican to be white,” Villarreal says with a laugh. “No soy Mexicana, ni gringa. Soy Tejana.”

    I do not think that she knows what she is talking about


    Does it never ever end?

    The contractor hired by Arizona’s state Senate to oversee the recount of 2.1 million ballots in the county that includes the metro Phoenix has no election experience and is run by Doug Logan, who shares conspiracy theories claiming the official 2020 presidential election results are illegitimate.

    Now the contractor is insisting in total confidentiality to protect trade secrets. The company won’t reveal its methods and also wants the hearing closed to the media and the public.


    Is it a democracy?

    An Afro-American in Texas who waited seven hours in line to vote in last year’s presidential primary has been arrested and charged with voting illegally.

    Texas attorney general bringing charges that allege Rogers voted while on parole for a 1995 conviction for burglary and intent to commit theft.

    In Texas, it is illegal for anyone convicted of a felony to vote until they complete their sentence, including probation and parole. Rogers’ parole began in 2004 and was set to expire in June 2020. The Texas primaries were held in March.

    Rogers cannot afford $100,000 bail and is being held in jail. Rogers’ two felony convictions meant he could face a more severe prison sentence on the illegal voting charges – potentially 25 years to life on each count.

    Andre Segura, the legal director of the Texas ACLU, in a statement. “He faces potentially decades in jail. Our laws should not intimidate people from voting by increasing the risk of prosecution for, at worst, innocent mistakes.”

    5.2 million people cannot vote in the US because of felony convictions,


    A small country like Costa Rica has a more democratic voting system than the USA and most of the presidents elected are right-wingers, and Senators, judges can not stay for a long period of time in the government. Presidents are elected by the majority of voters, and the election is handled by a central independent institution. In other countries, the militaries can not vote, but people in jails are allowed to vote.

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