American election

October 2024 Forums General discussion American election

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    I do remember when several countries in Latin America had only one press controlled and financed by the state and they were sponsored by the USA ( like Granma in Cuba and Pravda in the Soviet Union, Peking Review in China, and Albania today in Albania ) and shortwave radios were not allowed and the progressive press became underground

    The most affected ones in this bill are going to be the press of the left, and their protests are not going to be allowed, authoritarianism is going to be imposed, and probably leftist organization would be forced to operate underground like many socialist/communist did in many countries including the Bolsheviks


    AJJ Ozy, can you assure me that members of the party never ever used similar (e.g. lumpen) against fellow members?

    MS Well, I have seen worst term than that used against other members.

    Indeed, I know an ex-member who can certainly vouch for that… 🙁


    My point wasn’t in reference to the definition of lumpenproletariat.

    Regards to members personal attitude towards some fellow-workers, I was once very rightly pulled up by other branch members for using the derogatory word, “schemies”.

    In response to Ozy, i was trying to merely indicate that members are neither saints nor angels but fallible individuals with character flaws and faults.

    We are political comrades with a common aim and shared strategies to achieve it. Beyond that, personality-wise, we are very diverse individuals – and that is a bonus.

    We need not “love” one another but we do require to respect eachother, (and i will be the first to hold my hands up as guilty in the past). And we all need to be civil to other members, particularly on the internet that from experience is not the best medium for irony, sarcasm or other communication that is qualified by accompanying body-language or verbal tone in conversation. Misunderstandings happen as every moderator will tell you.

    L.B. Neill

    We are political comrades with a common aim and shared strategies to achieve it. Beyond that, personality-wise, we are very diverse individuals – and that is a bonus.
    I think this Lumpen thing has gone on for too long. We are diverse people- and yes a bonus.
    You may know my flaws too- we must sound like a band of noisy advocates rubbing hurts into one another.
    When is the last time anyone spoke positives about one another?
    Arguments aside, now and then we might speak good words to each other (I am not offering a group therapy session- would need a team).


    I am very pissed off by it.

    My dear comrades came from all sorts of ‘rough and ready’, as well as more laid back ‘polite’ backgrounds and precisely because of that, were still vernacularly part of those,in differently articulately expressed ways, when at times in exasperation at each other, we would let fly.

    This thread is American election Keep it on it.


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    Measured opinion of Patrick Cockburn in the events in Washington in 6 January;

    “The Democrats and the largely Trump-hating media want to portray the alt-right rioters as “domestic terrorists” who had staged an abortive “insurrection” in order to stop Biden taking office. Clearly, some members of the mob would have liked to do just that, but, despite the impression given by all those blood-curdling video films, this was not a “coup” in the sense of an organised attempt to seize power.”


    The USA congress suffers from historical amnesia. They are going to start a trial against Donald Trump for the same criminal acts that have been done by other USA presidents in other countries like Chile, Venezuela, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Africa, just to mention of few of them. The chickens came home to roost


    The USA politicians and congress members are just a bunch of vagabonds and outlaws


    Don’t want to start a new topic thread so i thought this the best to post this link.

    Paul Mattick Jnr on the coup, the Trump support and offering some reality to the American mind-set


    And the so-called legacy of Donald Trump has been reversed in a few days by the stroke of a pen.

    The new prophecy is that on March 4, the chosen by God known as Donald Trump is going to take power again because since 1871 all the presidents of the USA are not legitimate presidents. Myth replacing reality


    The government of joe Biden is following the same reactionary policy implemented in Haiti by Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama and Donald Trump and supporting the right wing government of Haiti which is only a continuation of Duvalier Is this the president that is going to be moved to the left ?


    Another article by Patrick Cockburn exposing the idea that the 6 January riots were an insurrection:



    I wonder how Cockburn would have reacted if a mob had invaded and occupied the Houses of Parliament looking for elected representatives to lynch?


    I think you have missed his point which was that there was no evidence that this was the intention of the demonstrators turned mob. He is not defending them or Trump but criticising the way it has been presented by the dominant media which, for various reasons (some partisan), wanted it to be seen as a planned insurrection rather than as a demonstration getting out of hand.

    An insurrection is normally defined as an armed uprising against the establishment government. Maybe it means something lesser in the US since they have an Insurrection Act (dating from 1807) governing the use of the armed forces to deal with civil unrest, with what over here would be regarded as a riot (“a wild disturbance by a crowd of people”). In fact that seems a more apt description of what happened on the Capitol on 6 January.

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