American election

February 2025 Forums General discussion American election

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  • #212520

    This is a good talk given by Richard Wolf about the US election and the event of 1/6 in Washington. His conclusion is not going to acceptable to many of us because he thinks that workers can reform capitalism


    Ozy, can you assure me that members of the party never ever used similar against fellow members? 😛

    Well, I have seen worst term than that used against other members

    L.B. Neill

    MS, Thank you.
    Some terms should be allowed to fall away. This is one term with so much flux and ambiguity- and used as a tool that seems to divide workers (and those who are unemployed).
    Those who are not conscious of the oppressive nature of class domination would be further polarised within their status with such degrading terms.
    It reminds me of the term ‘trailer trash’ for white Americans living on the margins. Others who are in alienated positions can hurl that term- and for a moment of perceived dominant status. Fleeting and intoxicating. Do more of it to sustain a fake high.
    I will own the terms of oppressive labelling so that I can put them in their rightful place- together, united, and with no shame.
    I hear a song coming on “It is a Working Man I am”! But that song needs new lyrics- to include the unemployed (or unemployable).
    Not sure if America and the election narratives have included the unemployable- not even the unions have a robust argument for that.


    I have not heard the term to be applied to peasants, but the Marxists Humanists are saying that the lumpenproletariat is going to be part of the socialist revolution which contradicts the analysis of some groups within the left

    L.B. Neill

    “I have not heard the term to be applied to peasants, but the Marxists Humanists are saying that the lumpenproletariat is going to be part of the socialist revolution which contradicts the analysis of some groups within the left”

    MS, what is the story with leftism- In social science humanism is a little okay (person centred theories). When it comes to Marxism- it seems every individual for themselves- but according to a politburo say so.
    I could imagine driving my tractor. Some humanist glorifies my hard work, then says the new regulations are for my humanity: as authorised by the vanguard.
    I will continue to chew on straw, it seems what we do to some, and continue getting what needs to be done… and under the tyranny of state capitalism.


    They can predict all they want- but they predict a different kind of leather. Do I look good in this? Not sure- take your boot from my face and then I can tell you.
    I hope this is not off topic- but the same operation applies to American elections: different leader and different boot.

    I will keep chewing straw.


    Ozy, can you assure me that members of the party never ever used similar against fellow members? 😛

    Well, I have seen worst term than that used against other members

    I don’t think anecdotes about what comrades, may have uttered in personal frustration, when having had a ‘wee swally’, a fair bit to drink in a hard mean city, such as Glasgow was and still can be, detracts in any way from the fact of their continuing to propagate the socialist case on outdoor platforms, in their workplaces and anywhere else those workers congregated.

    Comrades wwere subject to considerable harrassment by some of those elements. They had to vacate a pub they had used for ages when targetted by Orange Royalist bully boys and I was present when Green republican IRA supporting thugs attempted to disrupt our outdoor meeting in Paisley, burning the feet of our young student speaker (Ken Young) with matches to intimidate him and chanting “this is a no go area” in approval of and emulation of, such areas being then set up by the IRA in Belfast and Derry during the ‘Troubles’ there.

    There was and still is, although it is getting better, a bitter sectarian divide between catholic and protestant workers there.

    We protected the platform long enough for our experienced speaker in attendance Vic Vanni, to take over and truthfully and frankly, inform the ‘moronic’ dusrupters that, “The only no go area pal is between your ears.

    We ended with that last word.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by PartisanZ.

    Yup. You beat me to it Keymaster. I was going to mention to Movimiento that I don’t need definitions of what the Deutsch term Lumpenproletariat means. You don’t get any better quality lumpen proles like you do up here!
    Plus to the question of how Glasgow members spoke to each other all I can say is that my old man ended up hating mostly all of them. “Stey away fae they Bastards” my Aunt exclaimed after she heard Jim Fleming talk at my Da’s funeral…”They ruined eez life!”
    She had a point but failed to understand the hold the party can have on you. Not individuals. The cause itself. The dream. The hope. That’s why I’m still on this fuckin forum haha.


    Billionaires backed Republicans who sought to reverse US election results:


    Now, the Capital of the USA looks like Iraq Green Zone protected against terrorist attacks by USA right wings extremists, instead of Islamists who are boy scouts.

    Like Malcolm X said: Chickens had come home to roost, in this case to the new USA banana republic, the same ones created by the USA capitalists class in other countries, especially in Latin America.

    The congressional capitol surrounded by barb wires, fences, and armed militaries, it looks like La Moneda Palace of Santiago de Chile in 1973 or the Mexico USA fence or wall built by several USA presidents to detain the so-called foreign invasion,

    Reagan said that the Communists Sandinistas army was entering thru Texas and it was the opposite way, the Contras were invading Nicaragua financed by the CIA


    Billionaires backed Republicans who sought to reverse US election results:

    That is a petty cash box compared with the billions given to Joe Biden, he is the favorite one of the USA capitalist class


    Hasn’t sunk in yet…busy. Just leave this here.

    James Murdoch says US media ‘lies’ unleashed ‘insidious forces’
    Son of Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch issues excoriating rebuke following storming of the Capitol


    Hasn’t sunk in yet
busy. Just leave this here.

    James Murdoch says US media ‘lies’ unleashed ‘insidious forces’
    Son of Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch issues excoriating rebuke following storming of the Capitol

    How adult peoples can be so easily brainwashed? How can they be so easily manipulated? I do not let anything take my brain and I know how to make my own decisions. Everything started before 1776 when a bunch of thieves landed on the east coast


    James has been somewhat estranged from his pater and siblings for several months, i believe, divesting himself of any responsibility of the climate change denial conspiracists the Australian Murdoch media have been pushing.


    Should we change, or reconsider our view regarding Fascism/Nazism?

    Could Fascism/Nazism be established in the USA?

    Peoples who stormed the USA capitol can be called fascists or Neo-Nazis?

    Was fascism/nazism a particular situation that only can take place in Italy and Germany?

    This is the SLP stands on Fascism


    As i said before, i fear that the back-lash against the Capitol riot may result in a more authoritarian State.

    Being leftist website this article concentrates on Republican controlled states but i’m confident the Democrats will also follow the lead.

    Republicans Are Using Capitol Breach as Excuse to Promote Anti-Protest Bills

    Censorship of the media has always been opposed, even by Marx. So if the internet gives expression to ideas we detest, so be it. By criminalising dissent, it merely drives it underground.

    We just have to live with the reality that our own voice is a very small one. And when laws and rules are imposed to suppress free speech, ours will be curtailed whenever the ruling class see fit.

    As for equating the Capitol riot with a sign of the rise of nazism or fascism in America, i’m not so sure we can compare them. Under Obama we had the tea-party movement. That was the birth of Trumpism, perhaps. I’m not sure. I arrived at politics when anti-vietnam war protesters were being attacked by working class construction workers and Chicago mayor Daly could less loose his police thugs.

    What did Marx say…history first tragedy then repeats itself as farce… I think when we see the Capitol protester garbed in a wolf-skins and buffalo horns suggests the latter.

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