A special commemorative number of the “Socialist Standard”
September, 1904, the first number of the “Socialist Standard” came out. This September we are bringing out a special number to commemorate fifty years of its existence.
The special number will have a colour-designed cover and will contain articles relating to our attitude to war in 1914 and 1939; Russia in 1917; the General Strike in 1926; The Woman Question, Ireland, etc, in the early years. There will also be articles on the Declaration of Principles; Style and Invective over the years; changes in theory, internally and externally; the Birth of the Party and the circumstances of the time; our attitude in the various elections from the early days; the world situation in 1904 and to-day; Propaganda in war time; some Reminiscences of members and events; and a number of other subjects.
This special number will contain 32 pages against the present 16 pages, and it is proposed to print 10,000 copies.
We want to make this a production worthy of the occasion and to do the job properly the estimated cost will be in the region of £300, and as the price of each copy will remain as at present the loss will run into over £200. We therefore appeal to members and sympathisers to send along as large donations as they can to enable us to fulfil our proposals. If we cannot raise enough money to carry out the proposals we will have to cut down our ideas.
Will members and sympathisers send along to the Party Treasurer, E. Lake, as much as they can immediately so that we will be in a position to know how much we can do to make the special number really worth while.