Party Notes

On June 12th the Party will open its tenth year of Socialist propaganda in a condition of revolutionary enthusiasm and thoroughly disci­plined organisation that will fully justify the heroic men and women who on June 12th, 1904 raised the flag of Socialism in this country. The founders of the Party were then told that they were “impossibilists” ; that their party “would not survive six months” ; and that you could not organise the workers except for “reforms.” But nine years of steady, solid work, accompa­nied by a steady growth of the Party, has given the lie to those croakers. To-day our Party is THE SOCIALIST PARTY, while the I.L.P is in the Liberal party and the B.S.P. is in chaos.

Strengthened and cheered by our victorious nine years struggle with a ‘cute and cruel capi­talist class aided and abbetted by the all too apathetic working class, the S.P.G.B., proud of its record and its standing, reasserts its hostility to all other political parties, whether alleged labour or avowedly capitalist, and calls upon all Socialists to do their duty. He that is not with us is against us !


A very successful debate was held on 18th May, at Forest Gate, the subject being “The I.L.P. v. Socialism.” Our comrade Bays had an easy task to settle the I.L.P.’er, but he did it well.

It is pleasing to note increased propaganda activity. Bedford, Nottingham, High Wycombe, Southend, and Gravesend are going strong, while several london branches are running five meetings a week.


At High Wycombe an attempt was made to frighten us, but our meetings are now attracting intelligent attention. At Gravesend a more seri­ous difficulty arose in the shape ot police interferance engineered by the local city fathers, who object to free speech for Socialists. However, it would appear that our firm attitude and the very orderly meetings have somewhat shamed the enemy into silence.


In a recent issue we referred to the fact that the SOCIALIST STANDARD “has attained a steady circulation and is paying its way.” This infor­mation was not pleasant reading to everybody, however, and the officials of a trade union called The London Society of Compositors have made an attack upon us. They have black-listed our paper as being printed in a “rat shop”—i.e., by non-union labour. (What a terrible crime, even if true !) After blacklisting us they ar­ranged for questions to be put simultaneously to our speakers at many of our public meetings—just as a constable might ask the speaker at a Suffragette meeting where their bombs were made, and were they produced under T.U. conditions. They then sent one of their highly paid brethren to our Executive Committee to learn that they were wrong, and that they ought to have made the enquiries first. We have asked the “Typographical Journal” to publish a cor­rection, and will now “wait and see.”

Meantime, however, push the sale of the SOCIALIST STANDARD.


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