Answers to correspondents

W. G. Cox.—In our May issue, page 67, “Fritz” wrote with reference to the Salvation Army that “the crowd of hungry, desperate wretches, without even a penny in their pouch, demanding food and shelter—unless they can furnish the needful coin of the realm, are met with a closed door.”
You say this “out of sketching,” and adduce by way of proof certain instances within your own knowledge where Salvation Army officials have provided the starving with meals, given them money, etc. “Fritz” distinctly stated in one of his earlier articles, that we were in no sense to be understood as attacking the Army officers or rank and file, but the fraud of the system itself.

The Army’s advertisements in the Press read thus : “6,000 Poor sleep in the Homes nightly.” This was characterised as misleading. Don’t you agree that it is so ? What does it matter whether General Booth spends 2s. or £20 a day on his personal expenses, or the fact (if it is a fact) that he “takes no rest” ? Some of us would be glad of a rest (or a ride in a motor car).

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