What have the royals done for us?

October 2024 Forums General discussion What have the royals done for us?

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  • #243072

    As Monday is a bank holiday, I was thinking about what we actually get as workers from having the parasites?
    I think Government workers get the Queens official birthday off…
    What have the royals done for us?


    The same thing that the capitalists, leaders and capitalism have done for mankind: Nothing at all


    The same thing that the capitalists, leaders and capitalism have done for mankind: Nothing at all

    Which simply goes to show how little you know.

    Karl Marx, for example, acknowledged that capitalism was a historically necessary stage of development that had brought about remarkable scientific and technological changes — changes that greatly increased aggregate wealth by extending humankind’s power over nature.


    The same thing that the capitalists, leaders and capitalism have done for mankind: Nothing at all

    Which simply goes to show how little you know.

    Karl Marx, for example, acknowledged that capitalism was a historically necessary stage of development that had brought about remarkable scientific and technological changes — changes that greatly increased aggregate wealth by extending humankind’s power over nature.


    Of course, I know so little that I have been reading Marx and Engels since I was 18 year old, and have read most of their works including the 3 volumes of capital, and Kausty vol 4 theory of the surplus value. Marx always indicated that all societal development has been made by the working class, and they also indicated that socialism/communism is a product of the working class, and capitalist development was needed to create the foundation for socialism, but they never indicated that it was a society created to benefit the working class, they also indicated that the liberation of the working class would be obtained by the themselves, therefore, they eliminated the need for leaders and leadership. You are the one who has shown that do not know anything about marxism, if you knew about Marxism you would not love capitalism, capitalists, and capitalists leaders, and would not be grateful to the small crumbs of bread that capitalist give to the working class when they take the big chunk of the bread. Without Wikipedia you would not be citing Marx, I know about Marx before wikipedia, before the internet, and before the emerge of discussion forum, besides that I have read the works of Lenin, Mao, Stalin, and Enver Hoxha, Dunayeskaya, and the MH. Lenin who read Marx, Engels and Plekhanov ( I do not think you have read anything about him ) said that state capitalism was beneficial for the working class, and he was wrong, and before that Engels had indicated that state capitalism was

    another form adopted by capitalism, even more, most Leninists do not know that Lenin supported state capitalism


    I know about Marx before wikipedia, before the internet, and before the emerge of discussion forum, besides that I have read the works of Lenin, Mao, Stalin, and Enver Hoxha, Dunayeskaya, and the MH. Lenin who read Marx, Engels and Plekhanov

    Well well, bully for you!


    I read a book once. Green it was.


    Wilde took a yellow one to his club.


    ” Well well, bully for you!”

    VERY profound! Well thought out, Lizzie.

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