Trump as president again?

February 2025 Forums General discussion Trump as president again?

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  • #256383

    More on ‘fascism’ and Trump. Skip to 4 minutes for him to get to the meat.


    Right wings capitalists do not need fascism anymore when they have a lot of support from the world working class, and they can use the electoral process to win elections, they do not have a large opposition from the working class, right now, Donald Trump does not have a large opposition like during 2016 which started with his presidential inauguration, he is free to do whatever he wants, and the so called opposition party is already collaborating with him, and there are blacks, white, Arabs, asian and latinos supporting him, basically, it is not a problem of the color of the skin

    In Chile the leftwing coalition made a big deal about fascism, they raise a lot of dust flapping their wings about the so called post fascism ( a new form of fascism ) in order to scare the workers and to win the election, and after they took the control of the state they started to collaborate with the so called fascists, and the right wingers had total control of the congress. and they were elected by the workers, and thousands of workers did not vote for anyone of them, as a sign of protest their votes was blank despite that fact that voting is mandatory

    After 3 months the popularity of the president fell down to 30% and workers made a plebiscite against him, and the medication has been worse than the disease, they called themselves pro feminism and a protest of women was attacked by the police force, and a woman and a leader of the leftwing coalition became head of the army and the police, the same army that overthrew Salvador Allende, and they called it the popular army before he was overthrown, the same army used to repress the mining workers which were called anti patriotic, the same nationalist rhetoric used by the right wingers

    Capitalists do not need fascism in order to manage the state apparatus which was the form adopted by capitalism in France and Germany to manage their economic/political affairs, when they can use the state infrastructure in order to manage the capitalist economy, even more, the workers are asking them to dismantle all the state agencies and they are approving dictatorial measures

    There have been places where the right wings populists have wiped out completely all the opposition political parties and they have been eliminated by the massive votes of the working class, those opposition parties were eliminated because they did not carried out the promises that they made which prove that capitalism can not be reformed to satisfy the needs of the vast majority of the workers, and the right wingers used those mistakes to win the sympathy of the workers. Next time the left-wingers are going to win again, in the USA the next partial election is going to be won by the other side, workers are oscillating from side into another side

    Racism, xenophobia, wars and international conflicts is produced by capitalism it is not exclusively produced by fascism, the so called anti fascist were racists, xenophobic, homophobic, and they promoted wars before the emerge of fascism. and they are as violent as the so called fascists.

    The real problem is capitalism, and nobody wants to face that reality Democrats abandoned their promises and workers punished them They are collaborating and supporting the new government.


    An Anglican/Episcopal priest asked Donald Trump to have mercy with the poor, the workers and emigrants. It has created a great controversy within the so called Christian and Evangelical community that are supporting Trump. It is something new for the US workers, but the episcopal church in other countries is working with the peasants, and some of their priests have been taken to jail

    There are many Quakers working in South America and Central America with the peasants and the natives, and the coop movement of Bolivia, they did not support the US slavery and they opposed the inhuman treatment given to the Indians ( Natives Americans ) and the separation from their families


    It looks like Trump wants to add to the job description of workers in employment LOL.

    Then there´s this

    Trump is already beginning to trip over his own ideological shoelaces a few days into his “administration”

    Also this

    So he is deporting all those cheap illegal workers, thus driving up labour costs, and then expecting businesses to invest in the US. From a capitalist point of view, how does this make sense? It’s like his sidekick; Elon Musk, fretting about population collapse due to declining birth rates and then supporting Trump´s anti-immigrant rhetoric. Surely, if he was worried about population decline, he would welcome more immigrants with open arms to …er… “Make Murica Great Again!

    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 3 days ago by robbo203.
    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 3 days ago by robbo203.

    They are bringing Jim Crow back again, those are part of the reforms that were enacted during 1960, and a during the time of the Civil right movement, and the struggles that several groups of the working class pushed the capitalist state to implement certain reforms for employment, it does show that reforms can be implemented by any leader, and they can also be removed by any leader, they are not permanent, and several of them were implemented thru presidential executive orders.

    It is just part of the attacks against the working class, and sadly many members of the working class are supporting those anti working class measures.

    Many workers with family are going to lose their jobs and pensions, and it also show that pensions is just deferred salary and they are the continuation of the class struggle, most workers do not understand that those so called benefits impose a heavy tax burden on the capitalist class, and the capitalist state is for the capitalists, but many workers in the US believe that the state and the leaders are their benefactors.

    Those anti working measures did not start today, they have been carried over since 1970- 1980, and they are part of the elimination of all reforms pushed by the working class during the 1930 and during the New Deal, including housing, education, medical benefits, pensions, employments, social security, retirement, unemployment and disability benefits, and the elimination of the working class unions or syndicates .

    When will the working class learn that the capitalist class is their class enemy ? When are they going to stop being massochists ? It is really pathetic to see many workers supporting the elimination of their own reforms, but it also show the futility of the capitalist reforms. Only a post capitalist society will implement real benefits for the vast majority of the human beings

    The Futility of Reform Advocacy

    The Futility of Reformism

    The Failure of Reforms


    The latest democratic presidents have deported more workers than Donald Trump. Barrack Obama used to be called the Deporter in Chief.

    Some of the immigration policies implemented by them are being applied by Donald Trump.

    Ronald Reagan was a republican president that approved an amnesty for millions of foreign workers.

    To deport more than 12 millions of workers requires a lot of manpower and financial resources,

    The scare tactic was used during 1930 and many workers self deported themselves

    Making sense of the deportation debate. by Dr Aviva Chomsky, she has done a lot of research on the history of the US immigration, and Latin America wars in Central America


    An relevant article in the FT today about Trump’s “Drill baby drill!”. It’s unlikely there will be an increase in oil and gas production under his term, the current dictates of the market mean it would be unprofitable to do so.


    He won’t able to follow that election promise. During Joe Biden administration the US pump more oil than anybody else, The USA has a large reserve of oil accumulated despite the fact the Biden was promoting the electrical car and climate change policy, During Joe Biden administration oil company produced a lot of profits, and also chevron and other US company obtained license to continue pumping oil in Venezuela by the meantime both countries are attacking each other but they continue making profits with oil

    The sanctions imposed on Russia did not work either, they continue pumping oil and selling them to members of the BRICS coalition, and also Indonesia became a member of BRICS and Russia is exporting oil to Indonesia. Only fools can be believe in the capitalist class

    if they pump more oil the price of oil will drop and they would not make any profit, and the US is already an oil and gas exporter country. Peoples have been fooled again, and Trump will not be able to control the prices of foods and other commodities either.

    The only thing that he will be able to do is to reduce the tax rates for the rich peoples. He only wanted to be president in order to avoid jail time. The US oligarchy is behind Joe Biden and Donald Trump, both have their own bosses

    Biden-Harris vs. Trump: Who Boosted U.S. Oil and Gas Exports More?


    So he is deporting all those cheap illegal workers, thus driving up labour costs, and then expecting businesses to invest in the US. From a capitalist point of view, how does this make sense? It’s like his sidekick; Elon Musk, fretting about population collapse due to declining birth rates and then supporting Trump´s anti-immigrant rhetoric. Surely, if he was worried about population decline, he would welcome more immigrants with open arms to …er… “Make Murica Great Again!


    When the shit hits the fan, it spreads all over.

    US farmers are  already complaining that they are losing money, they are losing buyers and  national and  international market and the competition is taking their customers, capitalism comport itself like the law of the jungle

    There is a shortage of construction workers ( they need about 1.5  millions workers  ) and most of the workers in that industry are from Mexico, and they are the ones who have that type of skills, the old population of construction workers are retired, or are elderly people. The construction industry might affect several contractors, real estate business, insurance companies  and banks 

    That industry needs ‘new blood” or young workers, able to do hard labor and work extensive hours,  and most white young Americans do not have that training on carpentry, masonry, electrical works, and tractors operation, and they are not willing to work on low pay jobs and long hours under the heat or cold weather

    Many workers from Florida have moved to other states trying to avoid legal apprehension, and they are young trained workers

    The USA working class  population is getting old, and that impose a heavy tax burden on the capitalist class

    Many farmers who  voted for trump ( Farmers for Trump ) are scare now because they have lost many workers,( 75% )  and they have a shortage of workers, and the products are getting spoiled, they can not find workers within the white population, they are in the brinks of financial bankruptcy and their situation is getting worse.

    The restaurant and hotel industry has been affected, some restaurants  business are closing their operation because they can not find any workers, Trump became president three days ago and an economic crisis is already showing up, the medication is going to be worse than the disease

    Cow, chickens, milk and meat packers business is in crisis already if they lose their workers their situation is going to be far worse. Most of the workers in that industry are foreign workers–


    Except the Law of the Jungle, in Kipling, is one of mutual assistance and cohesion, as are all nonhuman animal societies – the very opposite of capitalism!

    ” Now this is the Law of the Jungle — as old and as true as the sky;
    And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that shall break it must die.
    As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk the Law runneth forward and back —
    For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.”

    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 2 days ago by Thomas_More.

    Out of topic to answer message 256430

    Most animal comport much better than the logic of capitalism, and much better than some human beings, they do not destroy nature, they conserve nature. During the pandemic many species that were in the process of extinction show up again, many plants in the forest grew up again, and animal fertilized with their waste great extension of lands, the air and river were cleaner. The Americas natives were the same, they only took from nature what they needed, and they loved the earth, nature, and the animals. When the colonizers arrived they destroyed the forest, they contaminated the rivers, the oceans, they killed thousands of animals. I know that you love animals, and I love animals and nature too


    I don’t view it as off topic, because Trump is also a major menace to wildlife.


    I was just answering your message. I might say capitalism in general is destroying the planet, nature, and cultural artifacts and classical cities. The Amazon is also being destroyed by capitalism. The wall built between Mexico and the USA is creating ecological alteration and altering the movements of animals, tourist industry is destroying the ecologic of several islands, mining is destroying and contaminating rivers, fishing industry is also creating ecological problems etc etc


    All sadly true.
    Trump’s policies, though, will openly accelerate this destruction. But yes, it is capitalism itself, and capitalism cannot resolve any of it, not even those politicians who like to appear to care, let alone those who openly don’t give a toss.


    Reports of Navajo people being detained in immigration sweeps sparks concern from tribal leaders

    Reports of Navajo people being detained in immigration sweeps sparks concern from tribal leaders
    The DOJ argued in court that Indigenous people don’t have birthright citizenship under the 14th Amendment, so neither should children of noncitizens born in the US


    Where are they going to be deported to ? Back to the Natives reservations ? It should be the opposite way , the Navajos has been in the America continent ( turtle island ) for more 35,000 years. This is a retrogression back to 1492 and before the civil rights movement. Probably, they are going to deport the Puerto Rican

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