Stickers and propaganda

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Stickers and propaganda

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  • #83771
    Darren redstar

    I Have just received, and admired, a ballot paper sticker with my conference voting form. I remember how striking the stickers produced for the same purpose during the Scottish independence campaign.

     Would it not be worthwhile producing a series of propaganda stickers for members and supporters to deface and adorn their local communities.

     The wonderful artwork of socialist standard covers could be utilised, as well as cartoons and slogans/ brief expositions of our positions alongside a contact email, Facebook and website information.

     Cost would be minimal, cheaper maybe than a ad in a magazine. comrades with the access to work/ home printers could download the templates from the party website to print at their, or their employers, leisure, or order from head office for a nominal cost.


    A very good suggestion….a collection of stickers , all with a different theme or message…I recall the IWW had several in a variety of designs…(albeit a bit dated looking) but they were useful.And as you say, they are cheap to produce and easy to affix in all manner of prominent places where they would be noticed…and some stay up for a surprising long time.Again this should be on the agenda for the post-mortem review of our election activity…Or the campaigns committee should note the idea 


    My big problem with stickering public spaces is that it is untargeted and therefore a bad way of campaigning.


    I recall the best public place for placing stickers are …toilets…You stand at a urinal, making sure your gaze doesn't stray sideways, staring at the wall, reading the VD hospital contact info and the hygene advice to wash hands afterwards….A sticker is always guaranteed to be read in such locations…every single word of it to the last drip and final shake. 

    Darren redstar

    This suggests a very targett(ing) audience

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