North East Regional Branch

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement North East Regional Branch

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  • #100597
    ALB wrote:
    Was the meeting interrupted for the Newcastle Sunderland match?

     Well, of course By the way it was Newcastle 0 Sunderland 1


    Minutes of North East Regional Branch eMeeting held between 19th and 21st Dec 2014Present: VMaratty, JWhite,  SColborne, JDavison, EColborne,Visitors: 1.Election of chair. It was  agreed that VM take the chair Friday and SC Saturday and  Sunday.2.Amendment/adoption of previous minutesJ.D& SC ‘The minutes of the previous meeting be adopted’. Agreed3.Matters arising from previous minutes  (a)JD have we heard from party sympathisers. Secretary report no contact from sympathisers(b)JD RE 8aHave we been contacted by any more " lost " N.E. Branch members? VM Yes.   Longstanding member TM. For personal reasons he cannot take part on the internet but would like to meet members in January.SC As it's been a while since we met "face to face" I would like to suggest Wed 14th or Thurs 15th of Jan at the Marlborough Pub in Seaham Harbour. We could meet about 7! It's nice and central, easy to get to from the Train Station and the 60 from Sunderland stops just yards away.Let me know what you all think!VM Tim gave me some dates but cant remember so I will contact him  – if you leave it with me I keep in touch with all and organise a mtg to suit as many members as poss and then inform all members(c) Yahoo list. As members were experiencing problems accessing and posting there was a discussion re the suitability of Yahoo for branch meetings.The Internet Committee be asked if it would be possible to set aside part of the Party’s main forum for Branch eMeetings as Yahoo lists are not user friendly and frustrating.MotionVM& SC "The Internet Committee be asked if it would be possible to set aside part of the Party’s main forum for Branch eMeetings as Yahoo lists are not user friendly and frustrating."AGREED4.Forms A and FSecretary said he had a Form A for LMaratty ex-member active in 70s and 80sMotion (JD&SC)  ‘that the Form a for LM be accepted’  carried 4-05.EC minutes (no business)6. Annual ConferenceDiscussion – no one able to attend7.Correspondence and business arising there from (a)Transfer of EColborn to NERB.   I have been in correspondence with Central Branch re Eileen's transfer and various forms. Eileen has been transferred to NERB.8.Reports (propaganda, literature, finance etc) (a) Treasure. VM proposed Joe Davison as Treasurer and it was AGREEDJDVin, I will need a list of contact addresses of our members, so I can let them know where they can send donations,( if they choose) Sec agreed to supply treasurer with membership list.9.New notices of motion  (None)10.Any other business(a) Twitter Account @worldsocialismVM re the twitter account worldsocialism@worldsocialism ‘ the official twitter feed of the Socialist Party of Great Britain.’ It was set up 2009 and not used apart from 1 tweet. It must have been set up by a member without Internet Committee knowledge. It maybe that the member who set it up has forgotten about it or left the party. I think it should be recovered and used for our benefit. It has a unique address. Most members underestimate twitter, including the internet committeeSC In the spirit of comradeship, if we were to do this, I think it would also be best, to let the EC know of our intentions. Would the Secretary prepare emails to both the IC and the EC, if the Branch gives the go ahead? Motion “The Internet Committee be asked to ascertain who owns the twitter account @worldsocialism ‘the official twitter feed of the Socialist Party of Great Britain’ as it is an official party publication not under the control of the membership. A copy of this resolution be sent to the EC”  AGREED(b)Paris 2015 In December 2015, a full year from now, crucial talks on climate change will take place in Paris.Motion (S.Col& VM) 'The EC be informed that NERB is in favour of having a party presence at Paris 2015'  AGREED(c)Party VideoVMThere seems to be agreement that the last election video should be used for the next election but my own opinion is that it is insipid and lacks punch for a revolutionary organisation. It appears Utopian and ignores the real reason for socialism: the despicable horrors of the existing systemJDThe Party video was a success, but we can not rest on our laurels. It was just a beginning. With that in mind, I second the motion Motion(VM, JD)“The branch congratulates members involved in the last party video but is in favour of the party producing a new video depicting the unequal distribution of wealth and property, homeless and hungry children and war. Produced by professional film makers and as hard hitting as possible”  AGREED(d)Paedophilia.  Discussion re its compatibility with Party membership and socialism See discussion at    the branch’s Yahoo list Motion “That NERB charge comrade BB with action detrimental and bringing the party into disrepute. That his prosecution and conviction on charges of being a Paedophile, reflect badly on a Party who value so highly, the right of "all" individuals to live lives free of coercion, including sexual coercion. That Mr B’s continued membership, will constrain and restrain Socialist activity and growth in the North East, as current members have made it abundantly clear, that they do not wish to be associated with this current  member and if he were to attend meetings other members would vacate the same. In view of this, the Branch feel it necessary to expel the aforementioned member.Carried  3-0-2 11. Meeting Adjourned at 18.20 Sunday


    NERB branch eMeeting being held here, now 


     Change of plan. Meeting held on this forum 


    Minutes of Branch eMeeting 23rd – 25t Jan 2015Present: S.Colborn, J Davison, V.Maratty, E. Colborn, Geisepi- Joe(unable to access website)Visitors: Steve Davison1.Election of chair.Agreed that S.C take the Chair2.Amendment/adoption of previous minutesThe Motion to adopt December minutes   was Carried 4-03.Matters arising from previous minutesItem 3(b) SCrequested an update on Meeting in Seaham at the Marlborough PubVM Yeswe have agreed on the mtg for 3rd Feb and I am writing to the members that I have no email address for. Hope we have good turn outItems 10(a)(b) and (c)I sent the resolutions to the EC and I was asked to send voting figures. I sent them to Gen Sec and Ass Gen Sec but received an email explaining there was a mixup and the EC delayed dealing with the resolution as they believed there were no voting figures.VMIn fact it reminds me that decisions made at our eMeetings need to have voting figures and members present. The Form C will be rejected unless we vote on it and supply the EC with the figures.Item 10(d)VMI have received no reply from BB. It was  Agreed to discuss this at the mtg  on Feb 3rd4.Forms A and F Form A from an ex-member Harley Wears. Following a discussion the Motion that “The Form A for Harley Wears be accepted” was Carried 4-0.5. Form CIt was Agreed to discuss and audit the branch’s Form C. After a lengthy discussion and examination of the figures -with some help from Cde AB – it was agreed that the treasure bring the Form C to the Mtg Feb 3rd to be signed off and the Form C was adopted by 4-07.Correspondence and business arising there from(a)Email from Campaigns Committee asking if branch was organising anything for May Day and from Cde Chesham with info on a Mayday mtg in Hebburn.JDWe have no contact with the majority of our members (not for the want of trying), and those of us who have made ourselves available to the rest of the membership, have not had a face to face meeting, yet. So how can we organise anything.It's early days, but I think we need to meet first.It was agreed to discuss at Seaham mtg on Feb 3rd10.Any other business(a) Elections 2015. SC said the campaign was already underway as he had two letters published in the Sunderland Echo. Members appreciated his efforts.(b)  Rule 2  Discussion on now that the Branch is starting to function and now we have a treasurer again, can we not write to all Branch members and suggest that that they remit such funds as they deem appropriate, to the Branch Treasurer, who will in turn, remit the relevant percentage of monies to HO? It would appear, that monies sent to HO up until now, the 20% to be retained/remitted to the Branch, has been lost.Motion"That in future members of NERB should send their voluntary contributions to their branch treasure and any  contributions received at HO from a branch member should be forwarded to the NERB treasurer.  We would further propose that regarding any monies paid by NERB members to HO in respect of voluntary contributions, we ask the EC, as a sign of good faith, to remit the 20% to NERB of these Voluntary contributions, paid during this period, as it will assist the Branch in its present and future activity and propaganda!"                Carried 4-0Meeting Adjourned Sun 4.30pm


    Meeting of North East Regional Branch will be held tomorrow evening (Tuesday) around 7pm at the Marlborough Pub in Seaham.,-1.338492,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x3b5a796d4edec840Hope we have a good turnout and give the branch a bit of a kickstart.All members have been informed.Vin Maratty, branch secretary 07833194410 if you get lost    


    Four members turned up at last nights meeting in Seaham and a couple of apologies. We were hoping for a better turn out but It was good to meet up with old comrades again. As someone once said "all great movements start small"   


    Special Meeting of the branch to be held at The Alexander Pub, Grangetown, Sunderland on Tuesday, March 24. Just to confirm that this meeting is still on –  as I have informed all members by 'snailmail' – but the meeting will no longer deal with RULE 29 as the member has resigned. We can decide agenda on the night . Hope we have a good Turn out. vin maratty, Br Sec


    Minutes of North East Regional Branch held  7pm 24th March 2015 at to Alexander Pub SunderlandPresent :  T.Gilgallon, V. Maratty, J.Davison, S.ColbornVisitors:Steve Davison. 1.      Secretary informed Branch that he had received a letter of resignation for personal reasons from Cde  Brian Barry, informing the branch that he would continue to receive the Socialist Standard. Motion  T.Gilgallan, S.Colborn “That the Form F for Brian Barry be accepted and sent to the EC”Carried 4-0 2.      V.Maratty (Election Agent) informed meeting that he had received the £500 cheque from HO for Election Deposit 3.      Secretary reported contact from Cdes Alf Fulcher, Eddy Collins and Patricia Gilgallon 4.      General informal discussion followed re coming General Election, Party Forums etc. Meeting adjourned 9.10pm                                                                                                 


    Agenda for North East Regional Branch eMeeting to be held between 17th and 19th July 2015Present:Visitors: 1.Election of chair.  2.Amendment/adoption of previous minutes   3.Matters arising from previous minutes 4.Forms A and F 5.EC minutes 7.Correspondence and business arising there from 8.Reports (propaganda, literature, finance etc) 9.New notices of motion 10.Any other business 11. Meeting Adjournment  


    Minutes of  North East Regional Branch eMeeting held between 17th and 19th July 2015Present:  V.Maratty, J.Davison, E. Colborn, S.Colborn1.Election of chair.       Motion (SC,EC ) “JD take the chair”  AGREED  2.Amendment/adoption of previous minutes.MOTION (SC,VM) “They are a correct record of the meeting at The Alexander in March”  CARRIED 3-0-1 (E.Colborn  was not present at previous meeting).3.Matters arising from previous minutesItem 1: BB’s Form F was discussed briefly and it was note that it was accepted by the Executive Committee 4. No Forms F or Forms A 5. EC minutes Chair noted that The last full branch meeting was held in February, so Item 5 covers four E.C. Meetings. (VM) Comrade Barry's Form F has been accepted, A few problems with the Form F but eventually dealt with after EC were fully informed of the situation 6. 2015 Elections. Discussion on election strategy(JD)Regarding an election strategy, without active members, our efforts would seem to be limited(SC)If the Party is to repeat the election project in 5 years, then we must start "Now". Letters to the local press may seem dated, but I can assure members, over time, they do have an impact!Branches should have a "Press Officer", who serves as a conduit for Party Press releases, or views on specific topics, or to put over the Party case, as an official of the Branch, in this capacity.Motion (JD, EC)    ” I move that we appoint Steve as our Press Officer and Vin as our Social media officer”  CARRIED 4-07.  Annual Conference‘Hostility Clause’(JD)Branch has the opportunity of an informal discussion with the green party. How Does the conference ruling on ‘hostility clause’ affect this?(VM )  It doesn't. We should go ahead with the meeting, as long as we don't join or support them – not that I would want to.(SC)  I'm not a Moonie, Scientologist or Roman Catholic. I have no intention whatsoever, of being hostile to other members of "My Class" for hostility sake. I'm only hostile across the board, to any and "All", pro-Capitalists Political Party's, not the individuals, per se!!!Apologies from VM as he was going on a prearranged camping trip for a couple of days. It was agreed  to adjourn and recommence Wednesday  at 3pmMeeting recommenced Wed 22nd 5.10pm8.(a) JD TreasureReceived a message from our Party Treasurer, asking about the branch contributions we requested be returned, to help us with our election campaignIt was agreed the treasure inform HO Treasurer that money requested for the election is no longer required.(b) (JD)Just one little reminder. QUOTE; "all members are urged to pay what they can afford as a voluntary contribution." As branch treasurer, I am feeling somewhat underused. We have 20 members and very little coming in the way of contributions. I must stress, I am not pointing fingers at any member, we do what we can.9. (a) SC wished to discuss again item 7 above.(SC)I am in no way comfortable with the way in which it "appears" that the "Hostility Clause" is being pushed! Are we trying to "talk" to our fellow workers, (wheresoever they may be) or push them away!It is one thing to be hostile to a pro-Capitalist political Party, and no one is more hostile than me, but appears there are moves afoot to broaden this "hostility" to include individuals! I have many friends, some are members of Labour, but they are not "screaming" pro-Capitalist bigots and I will not be bound by any decisions that may be taken to try and force me to be hostile to them, even in a political sense. That would do one thing, alienate them, and prevent any possibility of future agreements or discussion.(VM)I'm not sure it is necessary, steve. There has been a bit of confusion about a floor resolution which we can ignore. We are hostile to capitalist parties not workers(JD)I am in agreement withSteve’s statementMOTION  (SC JD)  “NERB considers any move towards stretching the "hostility Clause" to include individual members of 'our class', to be a retrograde step. We wish to make it known, that we are in favour of "inclusivity" with dealings which we have with 'our class', in order to further the case/cause of Socialism, our ultimate goal. Any "gesture" politics aimed at "hostility" for hostilities sake, weakens our position, making us "appear" as a sect, not a "movement for revolutionary change".CARRIED 4-010.(a) (VM)I would like to discuss NERB attendance and the branch's future.  There are members active on the internet and I don't know why they don't attend here. Is there a reason for this? I just don't get it.(JD)So we could, on that count, have nine of our members on-line, if everyone turned up I make a passionate request, that ALL nerb members make an effort to attend the next on-line meeting, to ensure the survival of our branch.  As you say steve, how do we encourage participation and I certainly don't want the branch to fold (b) (VM)  I think we should revert to the last weekend of the month, then they all know when we are here.  This was AGREEDNext Meeting August 28th on-line at Adjourned


    Minutes of  North East Regional Branch eMeeting held between 28th and 30th Aug 2015Present:S.Colborn, E.Colborne, V.Maratty, Joe Davison, Gesuppie WhiteVisitors:Stephen Davison1.Election of chair. It was Agreed JD take the chair.GW: I will be attending the TUC demo in Manchester(in my capacity of branch secretary of my union branch) in October against the Trade Union Bill. I'm willing to write a report for the branch .Members thanked GW and look forward to his reportGWWhat is the Party’s official position/ attitude to the BillSCI would think we are against it2.Amendment/adoption of previous minutes  Motion (JD&VM)“The minutes of July meeting be adopted”3.Matters arising from previous minutes  None5.EC minutesMotion 5 was raised by SCJDI agree that the membership should be better informed as to why members feel the need to terminate their membership.JD:Raised Reports, 5d (1)Report of the Membership Applications Committee.During the first six months 1st. Jan — 30th June 2015, there were (centrally) 37 membership applicants, 14 of which were accepted. During the same time period of 2013, there were 43 applicants, 14 of which were accepted. What does the SPGB do about those who fail their membership application. Do we keep in touch? Do we try and inform them where and why their application failed?Do we make a record of what questions they are getting wrong?Can we have a break-down of membership applications, say, over a 10 year period? People who have taken the time and trouble to attempt to join the SPGB should not be dismissed lightly. If we can not convert people who , actively want to change society, who can we convert?IE why people have been refused membership, do we keep in contact with failed applicants ETCMotion (SC&EC) I suggest, “we as a Branch, request the last ten years figures.”Re reasons for membership refusal.GW Im in favour.MOTION Carried  4-0-18.Reports (propaganda, literature, finance etc)JDCan Head Office provide us with ANY literature for giving away at meetings, or leaving at libraries, etc.VMYes, we just have to request10.Any other businessLong Discussion re front cover of September SS and Party communication with the working class.11. Meeting Adjourned Apologies for delay, branch secretary  


    Branch eMeeting will be held here at the end of the month: All Branch members will be informed Agenda for NERB eMeeting to be held between 29th 31st  Jan 2016Present:Visitors:1.Election of chair.2.Amendment/adoption of previous minutes  3.Matters arising from previous minutes4.Forms A and F5.EC minutes6. Annual Conference7.Correspondence and business arising there from8.Reports (propaganda, literature, finance etc)(a)Internet and Social Media Officer      (1) witter account @worldsocialism        (2) Party Intro Video 9.New notices of motion10.Any other business11. Meeting Adjournment


    February online meetingVery pleased with turnout 0f 8 members. Thought it was going to be difficult to get qourum to sort Form  C out but members ralliedNew member, tooI will be posting minutes in due course Branch Secretary

    Vin wrote:
    February online meetingVery pleased with turnout 0f 8 members. Thought it was going to be difficult to get qourum to sort Form  C out but members rallied

    Very encouraging news, Vin.  Good to hear too that Stephen has rejoined and that Tim will join you (EC willing) on the A/V Committee… 

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