INCEL culture and the Far Right

October 2024 Forums General discussion INCEL culture and the Far Right

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  • #251892
    Bijou Drains

    TM “if I ever hoped for a girlfriend, i should start watching football and drinking beer.”

    Worked for me mate.

    In my late teens, I tried the tactic of staring off into space trying to look windswept and interesting, which was not particularly helpful.

    Although to be fair I was interested in football and beer long before I was interested in women and as I get older the football and beer thing seems to be gaining quickly on the interest in women. However, like a lot of men in their 60s, I have developed an increasing interest in sheds and staring into space.


    “Incel” is what the internet misogynists call themselves, isn’t it?
    But it doesn’t follow, does it, that most involuntary celibate men (or women) are to be despised, or that most are misogynists or misanthropes who harm people?

    Similarly, should marriage and family automatically be seen as a virtue?

    Bijou Drains

    Couldn’t agree more, TM. It’s the violent and aggressive incel communities on the internet that worry me.


    Isn’t the word “nerd” applied to anyone who is interested in anything other than pop culture and sport?
    So, in order to avoid being called a nerd, one must limit oneself to pop culture and sports and not associate with anyone whose mind aspires to more than that.


    Isn’t the word “nerd” applied to anyone who is interested in anything other than pop culture and sport?
    So, in order to avoid being called a nerd, one must limit oneself to pop culture and sports and not associate with anyone whose mind aspires to more than that.

    No it’s not that. You can definitely be a ‘sports nerd’, as in someone who has an obsessive knowledge about some aspect of sports.

    But in recent years this word has definitely been reclaimed, you can find many people proudly proclaiming themselves to be nerds about one thing or another, and have social circles built around this.

    A counsellor on the NHS told me that if i ever hoped for a girlfriend, i should start watching football and drinking beer.

    I think they were indirectly suggesting that you need to get out, develop social skills, and meet people – rather than telling you to get drunk. But to be fair, this kind of advice is about as useful as telling an overweight person they need to eat less. I.e Not very useful at all.


    I would personally rather stand through a 24 hour church service in Greek than sit in a room with “lads” watching football!


    Christina of Sweden echoes my view:

    “Better a life alone than ten minutes with you.”

    This is what i want to say to small-talkers, football obsessives and “lads.”

    (…And also to the aforementioned counsellor).


    When i was in a drama group, they went, with me along, to a pub after rehearsals. Unfortunately the place was full of football fans, and the noise was excruciating. Unable to tell anyone it was making me ill (speech being impossible), i had to write a note saying “I don’t feel well” to the young man sitting next to me, who kindly gave me a lift home.

    Bijou Drains

    Thinking about the Incels, the Jihadis go on about getting 72 virgins when they die, I was wondering if in fact it actually stipulates that the virgins will also be young, attractive or even female!

    It would be karma (I know I’m mixing religions) if the jihadis had to service 72 sweaty incels for the rest of eternity!


    I really respect the marquis de Sade, but one of his ideas for the future (which I do not support) would not be so popular.

    He suggested, as part of his total freedom plans, that those who were the objects of another’s desire would be statutorially obliged to go to bed with the one who desired them. They too, of c hiourse, would have the same right to demand whomever they desired. Both sexes, as free citizens, were equal in this, and so were sexual minorities.
    All, however, would be legally obliged equally to give themselves to whomever asked for them, no matter how physically repugnant the lover might be.

    So, there would be no need for incel frustration to exist.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by Thomas_More.
    • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by Thomas_More.

    Yeah sounds great. I mean I can’t see any problems arising from a society that has a legally enforceable right to rape. Which is what is being described above.

    The problem with incels is mostly with themselves, they have developed a strange and toxic mix of both self-entitlement and self-loathing.


    I really respect the marquis de Sade

    Oh, not again! I thought we’d disposed of your favourite pervert last May when you first obsessed about him on this forum.

    You need to like, get a grip, take yourself in hand matey 🙂

    Bijou Drains

    “get a grip, take yourself in hand” phnarr, phnarr, you been reading the Viz Lizzie?



    • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by Thomas_More.
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