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  • #101317
    Père Duchêne wrote:
    'A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of Communism' is sheer hyperbole for early 1848,

    Like I tried to point out in #11 the  "sheer hyperbole"  or deliberate exaggeration was on the part of the capitalists and not Marx.  For him it was "a nursery tale" that all the opposition parties were 'communists'.


    Still we have 'Nursery tales", for many peoples everything is communism, and they do not know what their real enemy is. In the US many workers believe that Barack Obama is a communist, and the  Democratic Party is a communist party, and the New York Time is a communist newspaper. It is like saying that there is a communist super-structure, and a capitalist structure, and there is not a prevailing bourgeois ideology. It is a real mess in the minds of thousands of workers


    150 Years of The Communist Manifesto

    We should continue reading, studying and discussing the works of Marx and Engels


    Our article on the 100 and 150 year of the Communist Manifesto we said that the expression was an exaggeration and was borrowed from a French writer

    The famous opening declaration, “A spectre is haunting Europe-the spectre of Communism”, was something of an exaggeration. Marx borrowed this already well-known imagery from Lorenz von Stein’s book on communism in France,
    published in 1842.

    150 Years of The Communist Manifesto

    Inactive Who wrote the communist manifesto of 1847. The accusation made by anarchists that Marx never wrote the manifesto and it was copied from somebody failed completely, a draft made Engels proved that It is a lie

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