Gaza War leaflet

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Gaza War leaflet

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  • #250721

    Leaflets were distributed yesterday at this event outside Twickenham Rugby Ground where merchants of death, selling military helicopters, were holding an arms fair:

    Most of the up to 100 present received a leaflet. Also present were SPEW.

    There was a lone counter-protester on the other side of the road holding up a hand-written placard saying “Hamas is a Terrorist Organisation”. Which is not untrue.

    The next big event is another national demonstration in London on Saturday 9 March.


    There was a lone counter-protester on the other side of the road holding up a hand-written placard saying “Hamas is a Terrorist Organisation”. Which is not untrue.

    You and the ‘lone counter-protester’ are simply parroting the Western media’s description of Hamas. As Chris Williamson (one of the Workers Party’s deputy leaders) is reported to have said:

    You can’t expect to live in a situation where people have been oppressed for 75 years and not expect a reaction.


    Williamson is right. You can’t expect that but the reaction doesn’t have to take the form of an Islamist group which deliberately targets other workers as they did on 7 October and in other random killings in Israel since as at bus stops and cars in a traffic queue.

    Anyway, how can socialists support an organisation that wants to establish an Islamic State?

    Of course it goes without saying that Israel is a terrorist state.


    Of course it goes without saying that Israel is a terrorist state.

    And inveterate liars.

    A BBC article checking the veracity of Israeli claims to have killed 10,000 Hamas fighters.


    Another 100 distributed at the outdoor meeting on the steps of the civic centre in Lewisham yesterday evening where George Galloway addressed a group of 100 or so in support of his party’s candidate for mayor there.


    Due to two of the regular leafletters being unavailable, only about 300 leaflets were distributed today around the national demonstration in London.

    Despite the extremist claim of the extremism tsar that London was today a no go area for Jews no SA or Black Hundreds or for that matter Ukrainian Banderites were observed roaming the streets. Where did the government find this ignoramus?


    I got along to the wee rally in Camden Town, at the Cobden Statue, today. I got there ahead of the march, and there were pro-Israeli demonstrators there, I leafletted them, they weren’t very receptive, one said ‘I am a capitalist, darling’ as she refused the leaflet, one guy read it and politely returned it.

    Their main chant was ‘rape is not resistance’ which is very true, and they were for peace via Hamas surrendering (which would be welcome, but seems to be unlikely).

    The march itself was small, but outnumbered the counter demo by three to one.

    I cleared about 20 leaflets, which was about all the crowd I cold reach (the pro-Palestine crowd were more receptive to taking leaflets.


    Report from Medway (Kent):

    40 people at a protest meeting this morning outside the factory gates of the arms manufacturer BAE Systems in Chatham who supply guidance systems for the Israeli planes bombing Gaza and its population. Green Party flag and local Trades Council banner evident and chants of “Stop arming Israel”. No other leafletting except us.


    The last 300 or 400 at Head Office of the Gaza War leaflets were handed out at the national demonstration in London today. They are now less than a hundred left. In all, over 7500 will have been distributed up and down the country and in various different parts of London since October.

    As we walked to the starting point in Russell Square we passed the SWP bookshop Bookmarx on the way. Outside they were displaying a copy of “Socialist Worker” with the front cover banner headline “SMASH ISRAEL”. What’s wrong with these people? Is there nothing they will stop at to try to win the support of radical Islamists? And how are they proposing to do that? And then what?

    Russell Square is in Camden and so in one of the constituencies we are contesting in the Greater London Council elections. Someone handing out a “Just Stop Starmer” leaflet was given our election leaflet, appropriately enough as Starmer is the MP for this part of Camden — the first of many to be distributed over the coming month.


    If, as unfortunately seems to be the case, the demonstrations continue because the killing and destruction doesn’t stop we will need a new leaflet. This would have to take into account that the demonstrations have become more and more anti-Israel and less and less simply anti-war, ie against the killing of our fellow workers in a conflict which doesn’t concern them.

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