Brand and Paxman

September 2024 Forums General discussion Brand and Paxman

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    No, it's not too late as we don't send the December Socialist Standard to the printers till more than half-way through November. In the meantime too  (of course) someone is writing an article on the interview.

    J Surman
    Ozymandias wrote:
     (I know I shouldn't say "we" and "ours" when I'm no longer even a member but you get me right?).

    I'm very glad that you do! Let's embrace all those who speak with a similar voice. It's not membership that matters but principles.


    Thank you Janet! Remember we met two years ago at Summer School? I'm Raymond from Glasgow.


    Hi OzyJanet is spot on.We might be ex members but we are still 100% socialist. I think that once you have your eyes forced open, there's no closing them. A bit like in the film, The Matrix.I still think the party is under utilizing the power of the internet. Imagine if the party became a shining example of the democratic possibilities of instant global democracy. I bet that would create a buzz.Some of the criticisms of the party and it's companions is that they are old fossils, out of touch with the modern world. The party has the potential to ram that right down the throats of the doubters, yet I can't even get anyone from the party to discuss it.      


    Mate I think you have to take into consideration maybe the mature age of most members and the attendant unfamiliarity with Internet technology as well as the small membership of the WSM which I imagine must be only about 500 worldwide. I hope it's more. Ironic that I should bemoan this when both of us are ex members. I should really get my finger out and rejoin. 

    J Surman

    Ozymandias said:'Ironic that I should bemoan this when both of us are ex members. I should really get my finger out and rejoin.'Yes, of course I remember you, we had some good conversation. Re the statement above – yes, you could 'get your finger out'  and rejoin, or you could keep on doing your bit to promote both the party and socialism – or you could do both!?Any chance of seeing you again at the 2014 summer school?

    J Surman
    SocialistPunk wrote:
    We might be ex members but we are still 100% socialist. I think that once you have your eyes forced open, there's no closing them.I still think the party is under utilizing the power of the internet.Some of the criticisms of the party and it's companions is that they are old fossils, out of touch with the modern world. The party has the potential to ram that right down the throats of the doubters, yet I can't even get anyone from the party to discuss it.      

    Excuse me for shortening what you wrote, but these, for me , are the salient points. I read recently your call for discussion of how to increase the use of the internet. That isn't really something I know much about (except for using the blog site). However, I wonder if you have any ideas in mind, however simple or complicated – things that may spark other ideas from other contributors? Sometimes it's just a matter of getting the ball rolling for a brainstorming session.I can't comment on the average age of party members but I can state that I have been very pleased to see a growing number of younger attendees each year I've attended summer school and how that seems to have invigorated proceedings.


    And to think I've always regarded Russell Brand as a bit of a prat without two political ideas to rub together. With a bit of tweaking he could be a perfect spokesman for socialism but I rather suspect he is rather too diffused for that. But we won't know if we don't try.

    J Surman wrote:
    Any chance of seeing you again at the 2014 summer school?

    Off-topic but the delegates at this weekend's ADM unanimously passed a resolution recommending the EC substantially increase the subsidy to the 2014 Summer School to enable more people to attend.   Precise details will doubtlessly be available after the EC meets this coming Saturday.

    J Surman
    gnome wrote:
    J Surman wrote:
    Any chance of seeing you again at the 2014 summer school?

    Off-topic but the delegates at this weekend's ADM unanimously passed a resolution recommending the EC substantially increase the subsidy to the 2014 Summer School to enable more people to attend.   Precise details will doubtlessly be available after the EC meets this coming Saturday.

    Great news! Look forward to seeing more socialism seekers – both old and new.


    Hi Janet. Yes I may very well attend Summer School next year. I try to bum up the party at every opportunity. I even tried to introduce the SPGB/WSM on the old TZM global forum and ended up getting a long reply from Peter Joseph himself. He missed my point completely I might add. As far as I'm concerned the party is the only standard bearer of real Socialism in the whole world. It is the only Socialist Party on earth. As an edifice it is without blemish. It's just the ego's of individual members that have got me down in the past. I guess that happens everywhere though!


    E-mail received at Head Office from a sympathetic member of the public:I write in relation to Russell Brand's interview with Jeremy Paxman and its surprising spin-off.As you almost certainly know, Russell Brand said in that interview, we need a revolution to rid ourselves of a political system well past its sell-by date and the corruption it had brought. He also said that pure socialism is the only way out of our troubles.What you may not know however, is that this was the subject of last night's phone-in on LBC radio.I listened in between 11 pm and midnight during which I listened to about a dozen callers. To my surprise, every single one was in favour of Russell Brand's beliefs.The LBC anchor man said in summary after about fifty minutes of angry — but also often highly intelligent phone calls, "this confirms my feelings which is that there is a tide of anger and demand for real change growing in Britain".Sir/Madam, having read the review of the Brand — Paxman interview in the "Independent" newspaper, I think it really possible that Russell Brand hit a nerve. He said what is in the hearts and minds of millions of British people: that they have had enough of this crypto-fascism that it bringing so much misery to many millions, young and old.It is said there is nothing so irresistible as an idea whose time has come. So far,the SPGB has been little more than a protest party. Surely the time has now come for you to blossom forth as a powerful political party with a full Marxist/Leninist manifesto and, with the aid of the internet etc, take it to the people?Also, I suggest you ask Brand to be your spokesman. He has what it takes to get the Socialist message across especially with the younger generation who are riddled with depression and hopelessness.


    Wow, not bad, apart from the Leninist bit.But is this one person or two? Halfway down it says 'Sir/Madam', as if another letter is starting. And presumably we are going to contact them?


    The sender is a single person. The email was signed and has been posted exactly as we received it with the exception of the name. He knows us and has emailed before.

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