Brand and Paxman

February 2025 Forums General discussion Brand and Paxman

Viewing 6 posts - 241 through 246 (of 246 total)
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  • #97391
    Vin wrote:
    but it would be decided by the Internet Committee.

    No it wouldn't. Twitter is managed by a co-opted member not on the committee, we let him get on with it…


    Is the Party Twitter account actually being used?

    DJP wrote:
    Vin wrote:
    but it would be decided by the Internet Committee.

    No it wouldn't. Twitter is managed by a co-opted member not on the committee, we let him get on with it…

    Surely it is within the remit of the IC as an appointed committee to give some guidance to the member(s) running a party internet account? It maybe that the member has been told/informed/assumes  not to 'follow' reformists on twitter? If that is the case, which seems logical to assume then the IC ought to  – In the absence of any instructions/advice from the party via EC, conference etc – give the go-a-head to the member(s) concerned to use the account to the advantage of the SPGB and follow ar many twitter accounts as is possible.Twitter could be used to great advantage, especially during the UK elections

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    Is the Party Twitter account actually being used?

    Yes, here it is:

    Vin wrote:
    Surely it is within the remit of the IC as an appointed committee to give some guidance to the member(s) running a party internet account?

    If you have any suggestions about how we should be using twittter you'd be better of making them directly to the person who operates the account rather than posting them here…


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Viewing 6 posts - 241 through 246 (of 246 total)
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