A Xmas Message

January 2025 Forums General discussion A Xmas Message

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  • #82572

    Powerful stuff, Vin, yet there are still those who insist that the struggle for socialism has no moral dimension. If it doesn't then why include the heart-rending images in the video?


    Gnome, I am sure you know both sides of the argument. Moral indignation will not solve any of the problems I have highlighted and I am not sure that feelings of horror relates to moral indignation. But I do not have a closed mind on the matter, I am just not convinced. I wanted to add a positive side to the video but I haven't come up with any ideas.I was concerned to see the problems you are facing in Kent but I understand that the firemen have postponed their strike to aid other workers.  


    It was indeed an excellent propaganda video. I hope you go on to produce more of the same. Perhaps name-dropping the Party and its website , would be also useful. As for the positive side…images of the millions that tried in vain to stop the Iraq invasion could show the anti-war sentiment…images of the hundreds of thousands who took part in Make Poverty History, despite its inevitable failure…images of the world-wide Occupy Movement, Arab Spring, anti-austerity protests despite their short-comings demonstrate the potential for resistance and the possibility for a future socialist movement…the seeds are there waiting to sprout and grow. But my favourite John Lennon track is Working Class Hero…

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    Moral indignation will not solve any of the problems I have highlighted and I am not sure that feelings of horror relates to moral indignation.

    Of course moral indignation will not solve any of the problems but from my 40 years of experience around the SPGB I can earnestly say that outrage to what is happening in the world can often be a first step in helping workers to examine and understand the case for socialism.  It was so in my case.

    gnome wrote:
    …. outrage to what is happening in the world can often be a first step in helping workers to examine and understand the case for socialism. 

    I am in  agreement with that as I hope my video shows. I am disgusted at the effects of the market and the profit motive.    

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    ,,,I hope you go on to produce more of the same. 

     I have a few ideas and will post them on a blog I have just started at:  http://northern-leet.blogspot.co.uk/

    steve colborn

    As impressive an anti-Capitalst video as I have ever see.Keep up the excellent work. Stevie C.

    steve colborn wrote:
    As impressive an anti-Capitalst video as I have ever see.Keep up the excellent work.

    I second that; in fact the Party needs a competent film maker to produce an election video in time for the 2014 Euroelections in which it will be contesting the Wales and South East regions.

    gnome wrote:
     I second that; in fact the Party needs a competent film maker to produce an election video in time for the 2014 Euroelections in which it will be contesting the Wales and South East regions.

      I am up for it. Will need help with the script, tho  


    As been pointed out , most music and lyrics are copy-right. Don't be at all surprised when You Tube eventually pulls your video, it isn't political censorship, but them watching their legal back.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Imagine.oggSo i found a link to non-royalty music that anyone attempting to do a video should first explore for a suitable sound track. https://creativecommons.org/legalmusicforvideosLenono Music are the rights holder of Imagine. You could try requesting Yoko Ono for permission but she is highly protective of it and personally i think you haven't a piece of a chance getting it. 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    As been pointed out , most music and lyrics are copy-right. Don't be at all surprised when You Tube eventually pulls your video, it isn't political censorship, but them watching their legal back.

    They have already claimed copyright but have not pulled the video. All that happens is that they will claim any money made on the video. 

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    gnome wrote:
    I second that; in fact the Party needs a competent film maker to produce an election video in time for the 2014 Euroelections in which it will be contesting the Wales and South East regions.

    I am up for it. Will need help with the script, tho 

    The scripts are already available; see these relevant extracts from the December EC minutes:5(b) Report of the Election Committee on Euroelections 2014 (30 November):"Unfortunately, due to the withdrawal of two key members from the project, it is not going to be possible to produce a video for a Party Election Broadcast to use if we contest the Wales Region in these elections next May. We, therefore, recommend dropping contesting Wales.""The work done on preparing the video will not be in vain. The various scripts can be handed over to the Audio-Visual committee or branches to work on and produce a video."


    I will certainly have a look at the scripts but am not sure what is wanted!  I  could extend the video and write  a brief history of the party  dealing with its formation and opposition to reformism, opposition to the Soviet Union, the Labour Party, capitalism's wars  and the Left and how capitalism has not solved our problems, using images in a simalar  manner?

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Lenono Music are the rights holder of Imagine. You could try requesting Yoko Ono for permission but she is highly protective of it and personally i think you haven't a piece of a chance getting it. 

     I think the request should be made by, and couched in the language of someone who has respect for John Lennon.  Otherwise the request will certainly fail.You cannot expect to make a virulent attack on him (not that you have , Alan ) and then expect to receive the rights to his song .Having said that, the party has said some good things about 'Imagine' . I would contact Yoko with an outline of our case and suggest it was also a vision of John's and ask to use his song to present the case for the world he imagined. Worth a try 

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